Lubartów, April 2018
Relax, it's only a few pennies

In 2016 , we checked how much money is transferred from Lubartów offices to the State Fund for the Rehabilitation of the Disabled. Nothing wrong with topping up this fund.
The thing is that the offices pay money for this purpose because they do not employ people with disabilities.
And so we wonder what is the purposefulness of spending money on co-financing courses or studies for these people, if they are ultimately doomed to sit at home anyway.
In the same 2016, the Poviat Family Assistance Center in Lubartów, under the "Active Self-Government" program, paid PLN 57,028.50 of tuition fees and PLN 50,525.00 of an allowance to cover the costs of education.
But what if it's not a lot of money?
It probably depends on who is counting and whether we are talking about the rationality of spending every zloty or only from a million upwards.
With what effect was the money spent? We do not know. In September 2017, PCPR claimed that it was in the process of evaluating this program. Maybe April 2018 has already finished. We ask again.
We hope they have made it through the evaluation.
Why offices?
Because someone should lead by example, especially if they implement projects that are "targeted" at people
with a disability.
We have reached further than locally, not only geographically but also in time.
In the years 2013-2014 (until April 30, 2014), the Lublin City Hall paid for PFRON
the following amounts:
- 2013: PLN 246,501.00,
- 2014: PLN 43,545.00.
From May 1, 2014 to March 31, 2018, the Lublin City Hall did not make payments to PFRON, because it reached a 6% employment rate for people with disabilities (97 people out of 1501 employees in 2018).
So you can.
The Municipal Office in Parczewo from 2013 to April 2018 did not pay a single zloty to PFRON, employing seven people with disabilities out of 61 employees (2018).
Coming back to Lubartów ...
In 2018, the Lubartów Commune Office employs 48 employees, including one person with a disability in an auxiliary position. Important and symptomatic.
How much did the Municipal Office spend on it?
- 2013: - PLN 12,199.00
- 2014: - PLN 9,090.00
- 2015: - PLN 14,229.00
- 2016: - PLN 10,943.00
- 2017: - PLN 30,413.00
- 2018: - PLN 2,963.00 (January-March).
Our local City Hall employs a total of 85 people, including 6 with disabilities. One in a support position and five in clerical positions. And PFRON does not pay. And before that?
- 2013: - PLN 0.00
- 2014: - PLN 0.00
- 2015: - PLN 2,197.00
- 2016: - PLN 697.00
- 2017: - PLN 0.00
- 2018: - PLN 0.00
Rich in the Poviat Starosty, which it employed in 2013-2018 one person in a clerical position for 99 positions. How much have we spent?
- 2013: - PLN 91,852.00
- 2014: - PLN 94,562.00
- 2015: - PLN 96,784.00
- 2016: - PLN 100,148.00
- 2017: - PLN 106,335.00
- 2018: - PLN 26,110.00 (January - March)
At that time, Dziennik Wschodni entitled the article "They prefer not to employ the disabled and pay."
The problem is that where we pay, we all pay.
Both the disabled and those who are not interested in it at all.
Oh good, no problem at all.
We reported the demand for a nationwide government-self-government audit on this issue at the meeting
with the Ombudsman in Lubartów.
For while the Ombudsman himself does not pay for the fund, unfortunately the ministries do. Including the one that deals with social policy.
We do not count on the fact that our list will be taken care of by non-governmental organizations that provide aid, inter alia, people with disabilities, just like they did not do it in 2016. Often collecting money for this purpose is easier than applying for a change in the law, i.e. institutional changes. It is not a spectacular action. Resulting in a reduction in the raison d'être.