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(2018) Ombudsman in Lubartów


(2018) A Memento for Every Election

  How many politicians do you know who either themselves or their family members found employment in offices or municipal-commune-poviat companies? What happens then? Usually nothing. Simply put - a husband, wife, daughter will buy a job for voting. Seriously, anybody thinks that these are "transactions" due to their own value? Surely we are not jealous of "deals"? We don't choose closer friends who "predict" our future? Today someone thinks that does not apply to him. And if a member of your family is omitted from the recruitment to make room for someone else, it will not apply to you either? Will you have expectations that someone will be outraged on your behalf and for you? Maybe he should still protest?


(2018) Cooperative vs PEC

We are not cooperatives, so here comes the above-mentioned question: What will I get out of it?

Or a similar one, present among non-cooperatives: What do I care about the Cooperative-PEC conflict?

Przedsiębiorstwo Energetyki Cieplnej in Lubartów is a municipal company. It employs about 50 people, and its largest client is the Housing Cooperative.


(2018) Labor Code and other disasters in non-governmental organizations

Much has been said recently about changes to the Labor Code, but it is silent about the situation of NGOs in the context of these changes.

For many people, NGOs are such an unnecessary growth on the healthy tissue of society.

While these people do not simply act as propaganda, most often they do not realize that non-governmental organizations are primarily there (and therefore in order to) to deal with matters and people that the state or local government does not want to deal with. In the sense that they prefer to organize competitions and subsidize organizations that actually take over their responsibilities at this point.

Do you think it would be cheaper if they did it themselves?


(2017) Court protest

Understand that I cannot, for very important reasons, and the Polish issue

As members of the Watchdog Polska Civic Network, we act as co-organizers of a protest action in Warsaw. We are from Lubartów, we are not going to the capital city, it does not mean that we will not do anything.

And once again


(2017) Meeting with Szymon Osowski - President of the Management Board of the Watchdog Polska Civic Network Association

The absent employees of the Office did not find out why, however, they had to provide us with documents for analysis, while working on the possible establishment of the Shared Services Center.

Candidates for councilors - now and in the future - have not found out what information we have the right to require from them.

Residents who asked us for support apparently decided that someone would do something for someone again.

Councilors Piotr Skubiszewski and Grzegorz Jaworski decided that it was worth it.


(2017) Act on the transparency of public life.

More openly or not necessarily?


  (2017) About local watchdogs

Local guards are often citizen journalists. Why? Nothing easier. They are often affected by the depreciation of the actions taken or of themselves. Publicly, at sessions of municipal and city councils.


(2016) Days of Lubartów

Peas with cabbage, soap and jam


(2016) Promotion of the city unilaterally. Lubartów Community


(2016) Summary of 2016

Movement is creative. It is the opposite of stagnation and that is why I am glad that in 2015 it was Law and Justice who won the elections. Too much simplification? I suspect that from the perspective of a small town in the Lublin region, things look different than from the windows of Warsaw associations.


(2016) Who needs this spokesman for?

Who and specifically for what? - We do not know.

But we probably know when people ask for the Ombudsman's help.


(2016) The profession of watchdog

A few words from the Watchdog Polska Civic Network


(2016) Politics Don't Touch Me

But are you sure? Whether we like it or not, it has a huge impact on our lives.


(2016) Super Self-Government 2015



(2016) MamPrawoWiekno training


(2016) Intensive media behavior training for a group of advocates and advocates for transparency

Watchdog on TV.


(2016) Radio TOK FM Award Anna Laszuk for 2015 went into the hands of Adam Bodnar. The jury decided that he and the Coalition of NGOs (we in it) had the greatest impact on reality by organizing the "Our Spokesman" campaign.

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