June 7, 2016
500+ in Lubarts
Family 500 plus program from at the beginning it evokes extreme emotions.
This system support for Polish families recommended by the government. Tax-free benefit on second and another child, a using the income criterion - also on first.
Recent media reports were not comforting. At least in regarding, inter alia, to the Lubelskie Voivodeship, where securing funds for The 500+ program was signaled as insufficient. It cannot be concealed that the amount of PLN 500 may be a significant item in the budget of many Polish families.
How the implementation of this Program looks like in The Lubarts?
We asked how many applications had been received by City Hall in Lubarts.
How many decisions have been issued to June 3, a also Fr. how many disbursements have already been made and in how many cases is this first payout, a in how many - another.
What responses did we get?
From at the beginning of April, the Town Hall of The Lubartów was accepted 1,365 applications.
Down June 3 released 613 decisions.
How many payouts have already been made?
IN case 250 it was first payment.
Whereas in case 461 they were payouts next.