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Lubartów, October 2016

Can we speak of discrimination against people with disabilities?

    The problem of disability and access of people with disabilities to work in public administration offices and municipal companies does not exist. It does not exist for employers who hire - because they do not pay penalties for it. From the work we did when submitting requests for public information, the result of which is the publication - does not exist for those who pay fines.

   The worst situation is in the Poviat Starosty in Lubartów. And yet the tasks of the poviat include:  social rehabilitation, vocational rehabilitation and employment, respecting the rights of people with disabilities. Why are we sending back so much money? There are no people in our area who meet the conditions of employment? The example of the City Hall in Lubartów shows that they are there. Therefore, we repeat the question: Why do offices and companies not employ?  

   Pursuant to the Act on Vocational and Social Rehabilitation and Employment of Disabled People, employers employing at least 25 full-time employees, whose employment rate for disabled people is less than 6%, are required to make contributions to PFRON.


We asked how it is with us:

Specifically, we were interested in whether or not people with disabilities are employed in municipal institutions. And how much does it cost. What positions are disabled people employed in?

Much is said about supporting people with disabilities. There are bodies and institutions that systematically deal with the problems of these people. Due to various projects, employment promotion or even the payment of funds allocated for their support.

We decided to check what it is like in the non-verbal sphere.

Starting from the seats of local government units located in Lubartów.

In the Lubartów Commune Office, we employ two people with disabilities, out of 44 people. Of course, it is not 6% and in July the Office paid PLN 705 for it. As we understand in other months of this year, this figure is comparable.

The number of jobs in the Poviat Starosty in Lubartów is 98.25. Including the disabled - 1. From January to August this year it cost PLN 66,854.00. In August, the County Office paid PLN 8,601 a fee to PFRON for not achieving the 6% rate, i.e. for not employing people with disabilities.

As we know, the City Hall in Lubartów employs 93 people in 91 jobs. This number includes six people with disabilities. These people work both in clerical and service positions. The contribution to PFRON for the month of July was PLN 34.00. It's good.

And what does it look like in companies and municipal units?

In Przedsiębiorstwo Gospodarki Komunalnej Sp. z o. o. as of August 31, there were 89 people. Including - any person with a disability. From the beginning of this year to August, we paid PLN 59,712.00 for it. In August, we sent PLN 9,077 from the city.

Przedsiębiorstwo Energetyki Cieplnej in Lubartów does not employ people with disabilities.

Therefore, from the beginning of this year to August, contributions to PFRON amounted to PLN 37,551.

The Municipal Sports and Recreation Center employs one person with a disability. There is no obligation to make payments to PFRON.

The Lubartów Cultural Center is also not obliged to make payments, as it employs less than 25 people. Among them, there is not a single person with a disability. Significant.

We also asked PCPR

The Poviat Family Assistance Center is not obliged to make payments to PFRON, because the employment does not exceed 25 people. You might think that due to the tasks performed, despite the lack of obligation ...? PCPR does not currently employ a single person with a disability. People employed at the Poviat Family Assistance Center know the problems of people with disabilities they care for only from the theory.

And finally, the Association of Local Initiatives "SIL". They don't pay.

The Association of Local Initiatives "SIL" in Lubartów employs three people with disabilities (special diseases) in the following positions: HR specialist (moderate), technical / office worker (moderate) and cleaning (considerable).

It also helps other entities to obtain reimbursement of the employment of people with disabilities in accordance with the Act on Social and Vocational Rehabilitation and Employment of Disabled People (in 2015 through them, 16 ON entered or returned to the open labor market), we train employers and help to submit applications to PFRON.

Another thing is access to information. Are the pages of Public Information Bulletins friendly? Please judge for yourself.

The media about this case

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