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Lubartów, June 2019

We consult the Regulations  maintaining order and cleanliness in the City of Lubartów

Konsultacje w BIP Lubartów

On June 5, a consultation meeting was held on the draft Regulations for maintaining order and cleanliness in the City of Lubartów.

By the way, we would like to remind you that information about consultations can be found on the website of the Public Information Bulletin in the tab: "Social Consultations".  Of course, it would not be wrong to publish this information also on the city's website. 

During the consultations, we heard, on the one hand, that the residents were not informed, and on the other hand, that the councilors consulted with the residents. Can we assume that the councilors informed their voters about the consultations? At least the ones they consulted? If this was the case, the voters probably did not feel invited by their councilors, since they did not come. 

We regret it because it is an important document.

Coming back to the discussion on the draft Regulations for maintaining order and cleanliness in the City of Lubartów. It took most of the time to discuss the writing  §13 point  5, which reads: "For a multi-unit property and for a complex of single-family housing buildings, it is allowed to locate and equip with containers one collective waste collection point, common for several properties."


What exactly would this mean for residents of single-family houses?

And this is where famous actors - rats - appear on the stage. During the previous battle to change the location of the Waste Management Plant, we were accused of ratophobia. It makes no sense to quote all our fears, but we actually recognized that the operation of a large plant within the city limits poses a threat of rodent colonization of the city. And in fact - it is difficult to control order in the ZZO. Locally, things are different. Dumpster shelters next to blocks of flats do not raise any doubts and we have not heard that the residents have such problems in Lubartów. In this particular case, we come across as ratophiles, because we like the idea of creating shelters for the inhabitants of single-family houses.

What did the officials persuade us to do?

The city could find some land where there would be a place for a garbage arbor. Who could this solution be attractive to?

Certainly for people who do not have a large plot of land and for whom storing waste on the property until collection is a problem. It would not be necessary to collect some types of waste for 2-3 months. Which means that the need for bags would also be lower. We go out with our waste net - we come back with our waste net. 

What can you have  comments on this solution? Distance from houses - too large for some people to remove waste, and too small in terms of the distance from the garbage gazebo and the associated nuisance. 

We believe that this proposed solution should be an optional option for residents where they agree that it is possible. It would also be good to establish a formal framework right away: minimum distances, surveillance issues and the like. 

We hope that the discussion on the Regulations will continue, because in connection with our exit from the Union it will be the most important document regulating waste management in the city.

We invite you to watch and listen to a few fragments of the discussion. We are waiting for your votes.

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