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Urząd Miasta Lubartów

Local government of Lubartów

The website that is primarily devoted to monitoring the work of the City Council is

You will find there, among others draft resolutions, session minutes, property declarations, councilors' activity and news.

And here? Polls, rankings, interpellations.

Executive authority, i.e. the Mayor of the City of Lubartów.

Local fees. Employment.

(2018) The elections are behind us. Emotions drop.

You can still visit our website Lubartów.MamPrawoKiedzia where we will continue to monitor the work of the City Council.

As you know, we are not only active in the elections.

Here you can read where we've been and what we've been doing.


(2018) During the campaign, politicians make various election promises. Both the real and the idealistic say more about ourselves than about the people who preach them. Remember that this is a tailor-made outfit. Polls for councilors

We invited you to the meeting with the Civic City of Lubartów on October 19, 2018.

We asked for election flyers. The initiative was supported by the Civic Fund managed by the Foundation for Poland.


(2018) Half-truths, quarter-truths and glass beads

Prime Minister Mateusz Morawiecki in Lubartów

(2018) Ranking of Councilors of the City Council of Lubartów for the 2014-2018 term

The City Council of Lubartów consists of twenty-one councilors. Our Ranking contains information on politicians who have served in this function for 4 full years. We did not include Councilor Piotr Skubiszewski or Councilor Tomasz Krówczyński in the list.


(2018) During the campaign, politicians make various election promises.

Both the real and the idealistic say more about ourselves than about the people who preach them. Remember that this is a tailor-made outfit. Poll for councilors version I.


(2018) Voter's Essentials

We are drumming about the City Council in the center.

We present the candidates for the Mayor.


(2018) Where was I, what I did, what I declared ...

During the "Drumming about the City Council" we asked the inhabitants.

What would you like to change in the city?

We decided to "match" the residents 'demands to the councilors who spoke on these matters at the point of the City Council Session: Interpellations and councilors' inquiries.


(2018) Who is the source of public finances for? From our taxes, we pay salaries to the budget, fund subsidies, pay for city events and many other things. The administrators of our money in the local government are the legislative authorities - the City Council and executive authorities - the Mayor.

Can we talk about mutual dependencies? Yes of course!


(2018) We drummed about the City Council

Anyone interested could take home a brief summary of the councilor's activities, or simply find out who the councilor is in his / her ward.


He could have signed a petition to reduce the number of signatures required for a resolution initiative.

And write a few words of answer to the question: What would you like to change in Lubartów?


(2018) Does the Mayor have the right to award prizes and medals? Has.

It's just that… First, but not the most important thing. The production of these medals costs "X" zlotys, which, as we understand it, should be included in the budget for 2018. Where?

"Promotion of local government units" (the state, that's me) and "Other tasks in the field of culture" (in the end, not entirely culturally turned out).


(2018) Complaint against the Mayor x 3

Such a structure of our law that the Mayor is the executive body and at the same time the manager of the City Hall, hence it happens that the object is both.

The submitted complaints are of course specific to us by their scope, but not exclusively.

So why do we complain, why? Why - is obvious because something is not working or is malfunctioning.

Scopes of activities

Vol. II


(2018) On contacts with councilors. Especially with the councilor Tracz.


(2018) A short history of waste in Lubartów from the perspective of the City Council (again in the links at ZKGZL)

(2018) Before the elections, during election campaigns, but not only - it is said about how many people (more) were hired by the next team in subordinate units after the election.

Or she found jobs to secure against the next elections.

We check.


(2018) A Memento for Every Election

  How many politicians do you know who either themselves or their family members found employment in offices or municipal-commune-poviat companies? What happens then? Usually nothing. Simply put - a husband, wife, daughter will buy a job for voting. Seriously, anybody thinks that these are "transactions" due to their own value? Surely we are not jealous of "deals"? We don't choose closer friends who "predict" our future? Today someone thinks that does not apply to him. And if a member of your family is omitted from the recruitment to make room for someone else, it will not apply to you either? Will you have expectations that someone will be outraged on your behalf and for you? Maybe he should still protest?


(2018) City kindergarten No. 4 A definite Toddler minus the parents.


(2018) Electoral Code and other changes in the self-government of the 2018-2023 term of office


(2018) Complaint against official selective treatment of NGOs


(2017) Shared Services Center

Will it not be? Who was counting, what savings?


(2017) Mystery - the common good

Ranges of officials' activities. Explicit, secret? Unavailable?

I complaint


(2017) By-election in District 7

Tomasz Krówczyński is the new councilor at

  (2016) Video filming of the City Council session

On what basis?


(2016) Employment structure at the Lubartów City Hall


(2016) Tour de absolutoria


(2016) Sewage and water charges


(2016) What District?

Who is the councilor in your district?

Halfway through his term of office.


(2016) Interpellations in statistics

How many interpellations were made by individual councilors? How many times have they spoken at this point?


(2016) Councilor Piotr Skubiszewski for MOL


(2016) Ranking of the Lubartów City Council Councilors at the halfway point of their term of office


(2016) Awards of the Mayor of Lubartów. We ask for a free interpretation of the regulations. We complain  


(2015) Lubartów City Hall in statistics, i.e. who is below us, who is above us

We present the first of our lists.

What are our taxes going to? Recently, the City Council passed the city's tax rates.

How much does Kowalski and Nowak spend on the functioning of public administration in Lubartów?


(2016) Petition - Tax Decisions


(2015) The petition, that is, unemployed, does not guarantee. Tax decisions

Why is the government selectively treating the inhabitants of Lubartów?

The mayor was to decide whether the unemployed would be able to distribute decisions about the amount of property tax. He wrote back that the decision would be dictated by the provision of high-quality services, care for the welfare of all residents, in accordance with the provisions of the Tax Code and based on cost calculation.

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