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Lubartów, February 2020

Anyone seen the Association for the Development of the Lubartów County?

Rada Miasta Lubartów głosowanie Stowarzyszenie na Rzecz Rozwoju Powiatu Lubartowskiego

Jacek Bednarski, Robert Szczepan Błaszczak, Teodor Czubacki, Ewa Grabek, Grzegorz Benedykt Gregorowicz, Grzegorz Piotr Jaworski, Maria Kozak, Tomasz Krówczyński, Piotr Kusyk, Anna Kuszner, Renata Urszula Mazur, Elżbieta Monika Mizio, Beata Pasikowska, Marek Adam Polichańczuk, Grzegorz Piotr Siwek, Jan Stanisław Ściseł, Jacek Tomasz Tchórz, Andrzej Wojciech Zieliński, Krzysztof Adam Żyśko.

These are the councilors who supported the accession of Lubartów to the Association for the Development of the Lubartów County, and its representative in this is the Mayor of the City, Krzysztof Paśnik.

The Association itself was not established yesterday, as it would seem, in October 2001.

What is it supposed to (do)? It aims to support the socio-economic development of the Lubartów Poviat, disseminating the idea of self-government and defending the common interests of local self-government units of the Lubartów Region. At least this is what it results from § 1 of the Statute, adopted with the membership by the City Council.

As they write on Participation in the association will facilitate and strengthen the cooperation of the city with the Lubartów poviat and the communes of our poviat in various areas of social and economic life - said Artur Kuśmierzak, Head of the Promotion Department of the City Hall during the session.

Mayor Krzysztof Paśnik sees the greatest benefits of participation in the organization in the joint, wider acquisition of external funds and the organization of cultural, patriotic or sports events and events .

We do not know what documents were handed over to the councilors before the session, prompting them to support this membership. Are there any? Well, I guess it wasn't just the "beautiful eyes" that we joined, but only some evidence of these positive advantages. In the sense that not only is there a low membership fee, but maybe there are some successes in this 18-year-old business. In the report from the session, we heard an example in which a city cannot compete on its own. Did the Association obtain such funds in the previous years of the year - there were no examples. Probably this competition of the Ministry of National Defense foresees the possibility of joining by other entities in partnership with the city, but it is a trifle, true.

We asked our City Hall for reports from 2014, i.e. since the Association has been removed from the register of entrepreneurs. Do they have or if it is known where they are published.

The mayor did not write back if there is any website. He wrote back that the Office did not have any such, we were not members then, and that the documents did not concern the Office at all.

At that time, when we submitted the application - the City of Lubartów Commune - is already a member.

Then, when the Mayor answered us, that is on February 17 - he is the representative of the City of Lubartów Commune in the Association.

And we read that earlier, because: on Tuesday, February 11, 2020, the first in a series of meetings on cooperation of local governments in the joint promotion of the areas of the Lubartów Poviat took place at the City Hall. Representatives of the towns and communes of the Lubartów Region discussed the subject of joint activities aimed at increasing the tourist attractiveness of our region .

Is it possible for the Association to have a website in the scope of joint promotion, or some previous activities ... since 2001.

Because apparently, these are normal questions that if the entity is not new, you can inform yourself and somehow evaluate its effectiveness. In addition to the riserczu of the manager of the promotion on the websites of other associations, which he informed during the session that the website did not exist.

Someone something?

Wniosek o sprawozdania Stowarzyszenia na Rzecz Rozwoju Powiatu Lubartowskiego
Odp._Sprawozdania Stowarzyszenia na rzecz Rozwoju Powiatu Lubartowskiego

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