Lubartów, May 2020
Grzegorz Gregorowicz returns to the Union of Communal Communes of the Lubartów Region

The City Council resolves the following: dismisses an additional representative of the Lubartów City Commune in the Assembly of the Municipal Union of Lubartów Municipalities in the person of: Wojciech Osiecki - by resolution of October 29, 2019 No.XIII / 100/2019, Jacek Mikołaj Tomasiak, Resolution No. XIII / 101/2019. And appoints Piotr Kusyk and Marek Polichańczuk by Resolution No. XIII / 102/2019.
At the last session, the Chairman of the City Council, Grzegorz Gregorowicz, was appointed in place of the resigning councilor Piotr Kusyk, but this is not the point.
As you know, in 2019 Lubartów did a bit of a walk. In March, we left the Union of Communes of the Lubartów Region, and in September we were returning in our footsteps.
Soon after, two representatives of Lubartów were dismissed, but that is not the point.
After the selection of new representatives, as well as the selection of the offer for the collection and management of waste from Lubartów, we wrote that we are waiting for a more audible voice of our representatives.
We also encouraged you to visit to visit the pages of the Public Information Bulletin, because strategic documents are published there not only from the point of view of companies or authorities, but also, and perhaps above all, for us - residents.
This is what it is all about. We also visited.
If we want to know when a meeting of the Association's Board is planned, we can find out on June 11, 2019.

And if we wanted to find out what the Management Board will be working on, then by checking the tab: draft resolutions, then ... we do not see the projects from April 2019.

The Board of the Association is an executive body. Such our Mayor. What are the competences of the Association's Management Board? His tasks include:
1) preparation of draft resolutions of the Meeting,
2) implementing the resolutions of the Meeting,
3) managing the property of the Association,
4) supervision over organizational units and plants. Companies, the Association,
5) hiring and dismissing managers of organizational units, establishments of the Association,
6) implementing the Association's budget,
7) preparing a draft budget,
8) submitting to the Meeting reports on the activities and assets of the union,
9) concluding contracts and agreements,
10) appointing and dismissing the Director of the Association's Office,
11) broadcasting the regulations of the Association's Office.
We can learn about the functioning of the Association, apart from "tangible" achievements in the form of adopted resolutions, from the protocols. The last protocol of the management board of the union published on the website of the Public Information Bulletin is from December 2019. Since then, we have had resolutions of:
- January 28, 2020,
- February 14, 2020,
- March 2, 2020,
- March 11, 2020.
So the Board met four times, but we don't know what it was debating about and how.
In the tabs devoted to the Association's Assembly, we will learn that due to the situation and in connection with the actions taken to limit the spread of the coronavirus, the 11th session of the ZKGZL Assembly, scheduled for March 17, 2020, was canceled.
Draft resolutions for this session can be found in the Public Information Bulletin (BIP), therefore we know that Mr. Antoni Kamiński resigns from the position of the Chairman of the Assembly of the Municipal Association of Municipalities of the Lubartów Region.
Canceled XI session. However, if we want to find out how the Congregation's debates were proceeding, and do not want to watch the video report, the last minutes published on the website in November 2019 concern the meeting of May 30, 2019.
Somehow the protocols were not published from the 4th to the 9th session. And who does it bother?