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Lubartów, September 2019

Report on the state of the Lubartów City Commune

Raport o stanie gminy miasto.jpg

By submitting this document to you, I hope that it will provide a good basis

starting point for the discussion about the development of Lubartów and the future of our city. The upcoming new perspective of the EU budget, in which we are actively involved in programming, opens up opportunities for us to continue using external funds to facilitate the implementation of tasks needed by our city. In order to effectively use these opportunities, in the near future, I will invite you to discuss the key areas important for the future of Lubartów, which will result in the creation of a development strategy for the coming years. I wish you fruitful reading!

Mayor of the City of Lubartów


Employment in the Lubartów City Hall at the end of the year was 87 people. This is two more than at the beginning of the year, selected in competition procedures, ie the Head of the Office for Cooperation and Social Communication and the inspector in the Finance Department.

In 2018, the Lubartów City Hall received 2 complaints about the actions of the Mayor of Lubartów. The Lubartów City Council considered the complaints in question as unfounded.

We made one of the complaints ourselves. You can read what's going on in the material "3 x S

Complaints against the Mayor in three versions "

The mayor of the city responded to 68 requests in the form of access to public information. If you ask - no, not all of them were ours.


The first part of the Report presents the general characteristics of the Lubartów City Commune.

Taking into account the dynamic development of enterprises already operating in Lubartów, the city grows into a local leader in economic development, clearly distinguishing itself on the map of the poviat and voivodeship.

Enterprises operating on investment areas at ul. Strefowa. Tourist values are emphasized.


We humans

Similarly to the poviat, also the City of Lubartów has a negative birth rate and there are fewer of us in general.

In the period from the beginning to the end of 2018, the number of residents decreased by 171 people, which means that as at December 31, 2018, it amounted to 21,626 people, including 11,469 women and 10,157 men.

In 2018, 184 births were recorded, including 97 girls and 87 boys, while 204 people died, including 107 women and 97 men .



Someone somewhere heard about it, but what is it? - about it in the Report.

The City of Lubartów Commune together with 14 neighboring communes and the city of Lublin constitute the Lublin Functional Area. The cooperation is implemented on the basis of the concluded agreement. The Agreement of the Municipalities of the Lublin Functional Area was signed on March 30, 2015 and concerns cooperation in the implementation of Integrated Territorial Investments in the 2014-2020 financial perspective .


Programs and strategies

Local Lubartów Revitalization Program for 2017-2023

Main revitalization projects included in the program and their implementers:

1. "I DON'T WANT TO BE PASSIVE - I'M GROWING ACTIVELY". Activation and integration program for long-term unemployed Lubartów inhabitants

- Municipal Social Welfare Center in Lubartów,

- Project under evaluation - an application for funding was submitted in December 2018.

2. Revitalization of the areas at the Cmentarna-Szaniawskie estate

- Housing Cooperative in Lubartów,

- Partners: MAJECZKA Jacek Bednarski, Lubartów City Commune, Poviat Labor Office

in Lubartów,

- Action implemented under the project entitled "Revitalization of the area of the Housing Cooperative in Lubartów - a way of social activation of residents",

- In 2018, the project was in progress.

3. Changing the way of use and revitalization of areas at Zielona Street

- Housing Cooperative in Lubartów,

- Partners: MAJECZKA Jacek Bednarski, City of Lubartów Commune, Poviat Labor Office in Lubartów,

- Action implemented under the project entitled "Revitalization of the areas of the Housing Cooperative in Lubartów - a way to social activation of residents".

4. Revitalization of the areas at the Garbarskie estate

- Housing Cooperative in Lubartów,

- Partners: MAJECZKA Jacek Bednarski, City of Lubartów Commune, Poviat Labor Office in Lubartów,

- Action implemented under the project entitled "Revitalization of the areas of the Housing Cooperative in Lubartów - a way to social activation of residents".

5. Revitalization of the area at Osiedle Chopina

- Housing Cooperative in Lubartów,

- Partners: MAJECZKA Jacek Bednarski, City of Lubartów Commune, Poviat Labor Office in Lubartów,

- Action implemented under the project entitled "Revitalization of the areas of the Housing Cooperative in Lubartów - a way to social activation of residents".

6. Reconstruction of degraded buildings at ul. Kościuszko in order to give them a new economic function

- Lubartów City Commune / Entrepreneur,

- In 2018, the project was not implemented.

7. Development of land at Lipowa Street and along the railway tracks and drainage of the 3 Maja estate

- Lubartów City Commune,

- In 2018, the project was not implemented.

8. Revitalization of areas at Słowackiego Street

- Housing Cooperative "Wspólny Dom" in Lubartów,

- Project completed.

9. Revitalization of areas at Nowodworska Street

- Housing Cooperative "Wspólny Dom" in Lubartów,

- Project completed.

10. Renovation of degraded urban spaces in the Independent Public

Healthcare Institution in Lubartów

- Independent Public Healthcare Center in Lubartów,

- In 2018, the project was not implemented.

11. Improvement of the aesthetics and development of the space around the Sanctuary of St. Anna

- Roman Catholic Parish St. Anna in Lubartów,

- In 2018, the project was not implemented.

12. Creation of a multimedia fiber optic network

- Housing Cooperative in Lubartów,

- Partners: MAJECZKA Jacek Bednarski, City of Lubartów Commune, Poviat Labor Office in Lubartów,

- Action implemented under the project entitled "Revitalization of the areas of the Housing Cooperative in Lubartów - a way to social activation of residents".

13. Happy Home

- Foundation "Stella" them. Agata Orłowska,

- In 2018, the project was not implemented.

14. Azimuth for employment

- NS Konsulting limited liability company,

- In 2018, the project was not implemented.

Plus 7 soft projects, i.e. training, cultural events, activation of members of the local community.


In numbers: The revitalization area in 2018 was inhabited by 6,332 people, which constituted 29.75% of all inhabitants of Lubartów.


Low-emission economy plan for the City of Lubartów

Plan adopted in 2015, modified in 2016.

The Report includes the assumptions adopted for 2020 and 2022.

And what activities were carried out by the city in 2018?

- Thermomodernization improvement of buildings - project entitled: "Thermomodernization of public utility buildings in Lubartów",

- Support for the use of renewable energy sources in the housing sector - project entitled: "Clean energy for Lubartów",

- Modernization towards modern and intelligent street lighting - project entitled: "Modernization of street lighting in Lubartów",

- Reduction of low emissions - replacement of heat sources in residential buildings. Support for residents in the replacement of obsolete heat sources.

- Project entitled: "Mobile LOF"


Low Emission Reduction Program for the City of Lubartów

The 2017 resolution sets out the rules for granting subsidies for the change of heat sources.

In total, 78 subsidy agreements were signed in 2018 to change the heating method.

Finally, 73 tasks were completed, of which: 61 tasks related to the transition to gas heating and 12 tasks related to connection to the municipal heating network.

A total of PLN 347,569.78 was awarded.


Assumptions for the heat, electricity and gas fuel supply plan 4. for the City of Lubartów. A study for 2015-2030

Are. Ie. the assumptions are. Resolution No.X / 52/2015 of the Lubartów City Council of September 18, 2015.


The local spatial development plan for the City of Lubartów

In 2018, the procedure of changing the current Study of the conditions and directions of spatial development of the City of Lubartów and local spatial development plans of the city of Lubartów was continued.

What these changes are not written.  


A long-term plan for the development and modernization of water supply and sewage systems

A long-term plan for the development and modernization of water supply and sewage systems prepared by PGK Sp. z o. o. in Lubartów for the years 2016 - 2020 was adopted by the Resolution of the City Council of Lubartów No. XV / 83/2016 of March 22, 2016.

We know that in 2018 the modernization of the sewage treatment plant was completed.

The investment expenditure plan for the following years is:

- 2019 - PLN 2,070,000,

- 2020 - PLN 3,350,000.

In the assumptions for the plan it was assumed that it would be not only PGK's own funds, but also external funds.


The Housing Resource Management Program of the City of Lubartów in 2018-2022

Resolution No. XXXI / 196/2017 of the Lubartów City Council of December 21, 2017.

The planned amount of expenses in 2018, broken down into:

- management of residential real estate, operation and maintenance in the amount of PLN 170,000,

- renovation of buildings and residential premises in the amount of PLN 120,000,

- investments in the amount of PLN 250,000,

- share in the costs of management and maintenance of common parts of real estate owned by Housing Communities in the amount of PLN 220,000.


Strategy for Solving Social Problems of the City of Lubartów for 2016-2025

The mission of the Strategy is to ensure social security and equal development opportunities for the inhabitants of Lubartów by activating them, and the general goal is to improve the conditions and quality of life of the city's inhabitants by increasing their activity, integrating the local environment and an effective social welfare system.

The indicated tasks are carried out in accordance with the schedule and the designated indicators for the implementation of individual activities have been achieved.

All in all, you asked to put these indicators here and list the tasks.


Program of Counteracting Domestic Violence and Protection of Victims of Domestic Violence for the City of Lubartów Commune for 2018-2022

As above ... "the program was implemented in accordance with the assumptions specified in individual tasks ..."

What kind? How many people were assisted? Resolution from February 2018, so no need to consult the archives.


City Program for Prevention and Resolving Alcohol-related Problems and Counteracting Drug Addiction for 2018

Resolution No. XXXIII / 210/2018 of the Lubartów City Council of March 28, 2018.

The amount of PLN 500,000 has been planned for the implementation of this program, including PLN 426,000 for tasks related to counteracting alcoholism and PLN 74,000 for tasks related to counteracting drug addiction. In 2018, the total amount of PLN 327,932.56 was used, including PLN 281,922.70 for counteracting alcoholism and PLN 46,009.89 for counteracting drug addiction. A very disturbing phenomenon is the increase in the sale of alcoholic beverages in our city. In 2018, the value of alcohol sold in our city amounted to PLN 24,623,855. Therefore, the number of people addicted to alcohol is not decreasing . MKRPA members conducted preventive interviews with 46 people abusing alcoholic beverages, 38 of which were referred to the court for compulsory treatment. At the consultation points, 225 counseling was provided to people with an alcohol problem, 164 counseling to family members of a person with an alcohol problem, 96 counseling to persons experiencing domestic violence and 19 abusers.

Municipal educational institutions play a very important role in the prevention of alcoholism and drug addiction, and in the field of alcohol rehabilitation, non-governmental organizations operating in the city.

Efficiency? Sales are growing, and the number of addicts has not decreased.


The cooperation program of the City of Lubartów with non-governmental organizations and entities specified in art. 3 sec. 3 of the Act of April 24, 2003 on Public Benefit and Volunteer Work for 2018

Point 13 of the analytical part.


Family Support Program for the City of Lubartów Commune for 2017-2019

2017 resolution

The main goal of the Program is: to strengthen the family in its proper functioning.

In 2018, it was implemented under specific objectives through specific tasks, at three levels: the field of taking preventive and educational activities,

2.providing safety and assistance to families suffering from social problems,

3. integrating the activities of entities dealing with dysfunctional families.

In 2018, the program was implemented by local institutions and organizations that focused their actions, among others, on for tasks in the field of supporting families with children. These were: Municipal Social Welfare Center in Lubartów, Interdisciplinary Team for Counteracting Domestic Violence, Municipal Commission for Solving Alcohol Problems, City Hall of Lubartów, County Police Headquarters in Lubartów, District Court in Lubartów, County Family Support Center in Lubartów, non-governmental organizations, educational institutions.

What kind? How many people were assisted?


Lubartów Card of a Large Family 3+ and a Foster Family

2013 resolution, amended in October 2018.

In 2018, 114 families submitted applications for cards, including 21 new families. The other applications concerned extending the validity of cards. During this period, 562 cards were issued. In 2018, 130 families benefited from the program . 9 entities cooperated in Lubartów.


The homeless animal care and animal homelessness prevention program in the City of Lubartów for 2018


In 2018, PLN 77,100.00 was spent from the city budget for the implementation of tasks under the Program. In 2018, 211 interventions with the participation of animals were recorded, 61 dogs and cats were admitted to the shelter, 57 animal carcasses were collected, and 15 interventions in the case of animals injured in road accidents. 54 animals were given up for adoption.



As at December 31, 2018, the City's budget closed with a deficit of PLN 5,171,560.13. In the second half of the year, a long-term loan was taken in the amount of PLN 8,000,000.00. In 2018, the City repaid loans in the amount of PLN 2,675,459.79. At the end of the year, the City's debt due to long-term loans amounted to PLN 29,077,600.00, with the repayment date until 2032, which accounted for 31.6% of realized expenses .


Compared to the previous year, the debt of the City increased by PLN 5,324,540.21.


Out of the assumed total city revenues, 85.96% of the plan was implemented. Planned income from the sale of property - 11, 29% of the plan.

The lack of realization of property income was largely due to the postponement of some tasks for which the City obtained funds from the EU budget to the following years. Low realization of income from the sale of assets was caused by the lack of people willing to buy land for investments in the Economic Zone .

The expenditure was carried out in 83.39%.

The low performance of property expenses was caused by prolonged tender procedures, as a result of which the implementation of some large investment tasks was transferred to the following years (including: Green and Mobile LOF, Thermomodernization of public utility buildings) or it was not completed on time, i.e. Modernization and construction of street lighting .

Income per capita amounted to PLN 4,089.59, while expenses per capita amounted to PLN 4,328.68 .


It is also worth mentioning investments with the participation of external funds, obtained by the previous authorities, implemented in 2018 and continued in 2019:

- Green LOF - external funds were spent in the amount of: PLN 248,372.70, and the own contribution was PLN 60,215.14,

- Mobile LOF - external funds were spent in the amount of: PLN 213,490.17, and the own contribution was PLN 49,706.27,

- Thermomodernization of public utility buildings in Lubartów - external funds were spent in the amount of PLN 4,045,000.79, and the own contribution was PLN 3,048,537.84,

- Clean energy for Lubartów - external funds were spent in the amount of: PLN 4 316 822.91, and the own contribution made by project participants was PLN 929 969.71,

- Financing of the ZIT LOF office - external funds were spent in the amount of: PLN 10,737.97, and the own contribution was PLN 1,200.00,

- Erasmus +, external funds in the amount of PLN 35,060.63 were spent,

- Equal opportunities club - external funds in the amount of PLN 11,985.01 were spent,

- School for the development of key competences - external funds in the amount of PLN 188,878.51 were spent.


In 2018, funds in the amount of PLN 243,558.25 (including the civic budget of PLN 79,892.18) were spent on the promotion of the City , which were allocated to:

- subsidies for associations - PLN 59,200.00,

- purchases and services related to promotion, ie organization of events, stay of foreign delegations, promotional materials - PLN 184 358.25.


The fifth part of the Report on the condition of the City of Lubartów Commune covers investment activities:

- thermal modernization under the Regional Operational Program of the Lubelskie Voivodeship for 2014 - 2020, Measure 5.2 Energy efficiency of the public sector.

- " Modernization of street lighting in Lubartów " submitted under Measure 5.5 Low-emission promotion of ROP LV for the years 2014 - 2020 (contract signed in October 2018)

- Clean energy for Lubartów - The project included the assembly of 180 solar installations, 142 photovoltaic installations and the replacement of 40 biomass-fired boilers. Installations have been installed in private facilities .

- Green LOF In 2018, technical documentation was developed and permits were obtained for the implementation of all tasks provided for in the project (building permits / notifications for construction works not requiring a building permit) .

- Mobile LOF - As part of the project, it is planned to:

1. Construction of car parks to improve the functioning of transfer points located in the city. The task will include:

- 3 parking lots for "Park & Ride" cars, with 148 parking spaces, plus 8 for people with disabilities. The car parks will be located near the PKP and PKS stops,

- 9 Bike & Ride bicycle parking lots (90 parking spaces).

2. Construction of 10 km long bicycle paths located in the city.

3. Construction of 5 pieces of energy-saving lighting, which will be located at the Park & Ride parking lot at the railway station.

Project implementation time: 2014-2020

In 2018, technical documentation was prepared for some of the tasks provided for in the project and the consent of the relevant authorities for the implementation of the investment was obtained for them.


- Civic Budget

1. Construction of Intelligent Illuminated D-6 Kits with a solar power system for three pedestrian crossings in Lubartów - By the decision of the Mayor, this task was abandoned in 2018.

2. Construction of new parking spaces at the Popiełuszki estate - The task was not implemented. The lack of implementation resulted from a unilateral decision of the Mayor .

3. Construction of a playground on the axis. Szaniawski in Lubartów

The task has not been completed. The assumptions of the author of the project exceeded the amount specified by the Mayor in tender procedures .

4. Organization of the 25th Bicycle Festival - Implementation and delivery of promotional T-shirts for participants to the event site - completed.


Implementation of the resolutions of the City Council

In 2018, 12 meetings of the Lubartów City Council were held, including 9 in the previous 7th term and 3 in the current 8th term. The Lubartów City Council adopted 66 resolutions (45 in the previous term, 21 in the current term). No supervisory decision was applied to any of the resolutions .




In 2018, the surface of two streets was reconstructed and two sections of pavements along municipal roads were made. The total cost of the completed tasks amounted to PLN 1,246,647.25 .

Housing and communal economy

In total, the resources of the City of Lubartów as of January 1, 2018 - 216 apartments, and as of December 31, 2018 - 201 apartments. The decrease in the number of flats was related to the sale .

Municipal Companies

- Przedsiębiorstwo Gospodarki Komunalnej Spółka z oo - profit at the end of the year

- Przedsiębiorstwo Energetyki Cieplnej in Lubartów Spółka z oo - The loss for 2018 was PLN 215,000.50.

Economic activity - 2,320 entities at the end of 2018, including 1,766 natural persons running a business. Most of the entities employ from 0 to 9 people.

Environmental protection - we fight smog, we have rebuilt the sewage treatment plant, the waste is handled by ZKGZL. "Bring overdue drugs to the pharmacy" - residents collected over a ton in 11 pharmacies.


In addition to information on preventive vaccinations, we will learn here that as of December 31, 64 entities in the city have a permit to sell alcohol, which is 3 more than at the beginning of the year. A bit strange in relation to the information about the declining number of addicts and the increase in consumption .

  With the so-called the cork fund (funds obtained by the commune from the permits for the sale of alcohol), in 2018 the following expenses were financed:

- PLN 281,922.70 was spent on the implementation of the municipal program for the prevention and resolution of alcohol-related problems, including subsidies for non-governmental organizations for the implementation of tasks

The amount of PLN 75,000 resulting from the municipal program of prevention and solving alcohol-related problems was transferred

- PLN 46 009.89 was spent on the implementation of the municipal drug counteracting program, including subsidies for non-governmental organizations for the implementation of tasks under the municipal drug counteracting program, PLN 15,000 .

Education and education

The City of Lubartów Commune is the managing body for three primary schools and one general secondary school. In Primary School No. 4 there are integration classes for children with special educational needs. There are no non-public schools in the City of Lubartów.

Expenditure on schools amounted to PLN 24,905,304.85, of which PLN 16,889,783.67 (67.82%) was covered by the educational subsidy transferred from the state budget.


At the beginning of the year, 3 218 women and readers were registered, while at the end of the year the number was 3 149 people. Throughout 2018, a total of 66,135 books and journals were borrowed, including 63,758 books. A total of 9,246 books and periodicals (including 3,558 books) were made available on site (in the reading rooms). Employment in MBP and its branches in 2018 was 16 jobs. Over the last two years, the employment structure in the facility has not changed .

Lubartów Cultural Center

In 2018, LOK was the organizer or co-organizer of approx. 90 cultural, social and educational projects. Events and film screenings gathered a total of over 40,000 viewers.

In 2018, the LOK started the implementation of the "SENIOR +" project, under which older (i.e. aged 60+) residents of the city have the opportunity to participate in many activities, including plastic, floristic, computer .


In 2018, the Museum of the Lubartów Region was visited by a total of 860 people.


In addition to cultural institutions subordinate to the City of Lubartów, cultural activities in the city are also carried out by non-governmental organizations, the most important of which are:

- Lubartów Regional Society,

- Lubartów Music Society,

- Volunteer Fire Department Association - Brass Band .


MOSiR cooperates with sports clubs and associations, with educational institutions, institutions - in the organization of sports and recreational events and events for the city's residents. He is a co-organizer of, among others "Biegów Lewarta", the National Nordic Walking Competition, swimming events, chess competitions and the organizer of indoor football tournaments for various age groups.

Nearly 20 non-governmental organizations operating in the areas of sport, recreation and tourism operate in Lubartów .


Cooperation with non-governmental organizations - financial


Competition no.1:

Supporting and disseminating physical culture,

Activities for children and adolescents, including recreation for children and adolescents

Tourism and sightseeing

Activities for people in retirement age

Health protection and promotion

In the competition procedure, after the substantive evaluation, 41 offers received the recommendation of the competition committee for co-financing, one entity resigned from the implementation of its offer. In total, 40 tasks for the amount of PLN 504,840 were completed.

Competition no.2:

Culture, art, protection of cultural goods and national heritage

Science, higher education, education, education and upbringing

Activities for people of retirement age

In total, 17 tasks for the amount of PLN 71,295 were performed. The remaining amount was used in an out-of-competition procedure for the implementation of the so-called small grants.

Competition no.3

Promotion of the City of Lubartów in 2018 during cultural, sports and sports-recreational events.

25 offers were submitted in the competition procedure, of which 21 public tasks were carried out as part of the promotion of the city for the amount of PLN 59,200 .

Competition No. 4

Counteracting addictions and social pathologies under the Municipal Program for Prevention and Solving Alcohol-related Problems and Counteracting Drug Addiction for 2018

In the competition procedure, 6 offers were submitted, which were implemented for a total amount of PLN 84,930, including:

- for activities in the field of counteracting drug addiction - the amount of PLN 14,000,

- for activities in the field of counteracting alcoholism - the amount of PLN 72,000.

The remaining amount was allocated and used in non-competition mode .

Competition no.5:

Social assistance

In the competition procedure, a total of 5 bids were submitted, including 3 bids for task No. 1 and 2 bids for task No. 2. Number of recipients, participants in the action - 74.

Small order mode - procedure bypassing the open tender competition

In 2018, as part of this procedure, at the request of non-governmental organizations, 3 tasks were implemented for a total amount of PLN 8,345.


As you can see, social assistance tasks are the only ones, apart from sports and recreational events or teams and interest groups at LOK, from which we will find out how many people participate in them.  

Report on the state of the Lubartów City Commune.

What was the condition of the city in 2018?

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