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Lubartów, July 2019

Editorial, or returns

Narodowy Instytut Wolności
Program Rozwoju Organizacji Obywatelskich

The Civic Organizations Development Program run by the National Freedom Institute aims to directly support the development of Polish organizations. We applied for Priority 3: Institutional development of local watchdog organizations and civic media.
From among 223 applying organizations, experts qualified 32 applications for implementation, among them - our, so - we are back with the newspaper.


The previous edition of the paper editions of the Civic City of Lubartów, financed by a grant from the Fundacja im. Stefan Batory , we started with a short summary of our activities so far. We finished, in turn, at the opening conference at the Mayor Krzysztof Paśnik, i.e. right after the elections.

Those who follow our fanpage on Facebook or visit know that the ending concerned only the paper edition, and we did not hang our work on a peg until the next elections. 
It's like with a renovation - we choose a team and do not check the results of its work? 
It is very harmful when reversing the effects of bad solutions can be both time consuming and costly.  


Nine months of work of the new City Council are behind us. You can already try some partial summaries. The more that the first legislative initiative of the councilors is the resolution on increasing the allowances. 
We expressed our position on this matter in an open letter, where we refer to the justification of the resolution:
What did the residents receive for the opening of the new local government term of office? Information about the city's indebtedness and the need to take out a loan due to its bad financial situation. 
A drastic increase in fees for municipal waste collection from April this year, one of the effects of which was the decision of the City Council to withdraw Lubartów from the Union of Municipal Communes of the Lubartów Region.
Increase in water and sewage charges. Which will also increase in the following years, according to the information of the local Przedsiębiorstwo Gospodarki Komunalne, by a total of about 15% for water and 30% for sewage.
How does this situation relate to the draft resolution on increasing the allowances of councilors? What do we read in the justification of the resolution? Among other things, that it is a project "prepared in terms of rationalization of expenses necessary to be incurred, taking into account the responsibility of councilors, the principles of social justice and similar resolutions in local governments of a similar size and degree of organization".
Lubartów is a city with approx. 20 thousand. residents. Sessions are held once a month, committees - even less frequently. Yes, the responsibility of councilors is big for managing common property. But also responsibility for what they spend this property on. In a situation where it was necessary to take out a loan at the end of the year to cover all the necessary expenses, is increasing the allowances responsible ?
When it was necessary to postpone investments at the beginning of the term of office for the next year, or limit other projects - is increasing the diets responsible?
Is it socially fair to increase the diet itself at the level of approx. 50% for the councilor, not counting the participation in the committees? To whom? The more so that the diet is to be a reimbursement of the costs incurred by the councilor for involvement in the work of the organ. We remind you that the sessions of the City Council are held once a month. In a situation where councilors jointly demand a change in the basis for calculating the minimum wage, it would be socially fair to adjust to the level of inflation annually. Socially fair towards most of the people they represent.
When it comes to rationalizing expenses , such a decisive increase will certainly force a correction of expenses in other budget items. For example, we will rationalize road expenses so that they will be enough to pay for councilors. The more so that the resolution would enter into force in September this year, so its full effects will be felt in the budget for 2020.
Public reception, what led your councilors here? Power and money.
And here we agree, regardless of the club colors. According to the party leaders they represent in the local government, is such an attitude justified?
Working for the local community is not about trying to improve one's own situation. The effect of agreement across divisions brings a clear public perception that people go to politics for money.

In the meantime, we would like to remind you of "who is who" in the Lubartów City Council and what promises he made to his voters. 
We encourage you to keep your first number with all councilors. 
In the following issues, you will have something to relate to this information.  


District No. 1

streets: 3 Maja, Aleje Zwycięstwa, Bolesława Chrobrego, Bolesław Śmiałego, Fryderyka Chopin, Harcerska, Henryk Wieniawski, Ignacy Paderewski, Jan III Sobieski, Kazimierz Wielki, Klonowa, Królowej Jadwigi, Królów Polskich, Leśna, Lipowa, Mieszka I, Sienkiewicza (odd page and even page from No. 20 to the end), Spacerowo, Stefan Batory, Wiśniów, Władysław Jagiełło, Władysław Łokietek, Zygmunt I Stary, Zygmunt II August


Grzegorz Jaworski

Club: Wspólny Lubartów

Functions and Committees:

Technical Infrastructure and Environmental Protection Committee - Vice-chairman

Education, Culture, Sport and Recreation Committee - Vice-chairman

Number of votes: 203 (8.94%)

Place of work: County Roads Authority in Lubartów - Director


Election declarations:

As a councilor, I will take care of:

- construction of new and reconstruction of old roads,

- snow removal from streets in our housing estates,

- construction of bicycle paths,

- including our blocks in the revitalization plan, so that it is possible to obtain European funds.

He wants Lubartów to be an open city full of opportunities for young people.   


Piotr Kusyk

Club: Law and Justice

Functions and Committees:

Committee on Budget and Economic Initiatives

revision Committee

Number of votes: 230 (10.13%)

Place of work: sole proprietorship - accounting office


Election declarations:

Construction of a pedestrian and bicycle bridge over the railway line along ul. Victory Avenue.

Renovation of the surface of ul. May 3, along with the underground infrastructure along the entire length.

Construction of pavement on the streets of the housing estate “Królów Polskich”.

Construction of lighting in newly created streets in housing estates and modernization of the existing uneconomical lighting with energy-saving light sources, e.g. LED.

Construction of a sanitary sewage system along ul. Lipowa.

Construction of a pavement along ul. Lesna.

Improving safety in newly created housing estates - development of traffic organization projects and construction of speed bumps.

Construction of bus shelters.

S-19 - the ring road of the City of Lubartów, we will ensure the construction of collision-free intersections and service-local roads, connecting junctions along the entire length.

Acquisition and development of railway land for the Apartment +, roads and pedestrian and bicycle paths.


Renata Mazur

Club: Wspólny Lubartów

Functions and Committees:

Committee on Complaints, Applications and Petitions

Committee on Social Affairs and Public Order

revision Committee

Number of votes: 158 (6.96%)

Place of work: unemployed

Contact: tel. 516 330 994

Election declarations:

I decided to run for the City Council because Lubartów should develop based on the knowledge and desires of all its inhabitants, without dividing it into better and worse. Our city needs dialogue and understanding as well as an honest approach to the Civic Budget and the implementation of projects selected by citizens. It cannot be that you are wasting money on a secondary project when there are no new roads in the city and the old ones are like Swiss cheese. Not to mention the showpiece of Lubartów, i.e. the sanitary conditions in the city center.



Marek Polichańczuk

Club: Lubartów Community

Functions and Committees:

Committee on Budget and Economic Initiatives

Technical Infrastructure and Environmental Protection Committee - Chairman

Number of votes: 128 (5.64%)

Workplace: suspended business


Election declarations:

I am running for the Lubartów City Council for the third time. Together with Radek Szumec and the candidates of the Lubartów Community, we want to change Lubartów together. A lot has already been done, but a lot of work is still ahead of us. As a PE teacher, handball trainer and, above all, an entrepreneur, I have an idea for a sport in Lubartów. The first effects are already visible. I know how to make Lubartów develop quickly and dynamically. I am happy to share the recipe for success. I am asking for your support in the upcoming elections.


Andrzej Zieliński

Club: Platforma.Modern Civic Coalition

Functions and Committees:

Committee on Budget and Economic Initiatives

Education, Culture, Sport and Recreation Committee - Chairman

Number of votes: 196 (8.63%)

Place of work: Lublin Self-government Teacher Training Center


Election declarations:

I Economic development: I will take care of the qualitative development of the economic zone, I will take care of the effective economic promotion of the city.

II Urban infrastructure: I will strive to quickly build a storm sewer in ul. On May 3, the city park will regain its nice appearance and a friendly place for residents, I will take care of the revival of the Town Square, the improvement of the aesthetics of Lubartów, and the cleanliness of the air, so that the city is friendly to us and visitors.

III. Improvement of communication: construction of new roads (eastern and western roads), construction of bicycle paths, construction of a footbridge over the tracks on Al. Victory, free public transport for students and seniors with access to schools, hospitals, offices and municipal institutions.

IV Civic City: I will improve the functioning of the civic budget, I will strengthen local initiatives (e.g. regarding the social infrastructure at the Królów Estate), I will activate social councils, with their own budget (Seniors, Youth), so that they can fulfill their needs and take a wider participation in social life .

V Culture and education: I will activate the LOK, I will lead to better cooperation with the PMDK, to give all generations of residents the opportunity to take advantage of the good cultural offer, I will take care of good school equipment and raise the level of education in Lubartów schools, I will strive to build a nursery and create kindergarten units .



District No. 2

streets: 11 Listopada, Archbishop Ignacy Krasicki, Adam Mickiewicz, Akacjowa, Antoni Gojdan, the Home Army (even page), Astronautów, Błękitna, Bohaterów Monte Cassino, Bolesław Mucharski, Bukowa, Chmielna, Cisowa, Czeremchowa, Dębowa, Farna, Gagarina, gen Jan W. Kiwerski, General Orlicz-Dreszera, General Stanisław Maczek, General Władysław Anders, General Kleeberg, Gwiezdno, Heweliusz, Hubalczyk, John Paul II (No. 14), Jasna, Jaśminowa, Jesionowa, K. Ciołkowski, Kalinowa , Kasztanowa, Cavaliers, Kombatantów, Short, Nicolaus Copernicus, Kosmiczna, Kosmonautów, Kręta, Krzywe Koło (except no: 34, 34B, 34C), Fr. Aleksander Szulc, Fr. Walenty Ligaja, Lunar, Lotników, Lubelska (odd page from the beginning to No. 41), Ludwika Waryński, Magnoliowa, Nadrzeczna, Ogrodowa, Okopowa, Olchowa, Osikowa, Pałacowa, Parkowa, Partisanka, Piotr Firlej, Planetarna, Polarna, Polesie, Północna, Pradnik, Roman Jeziora, Rynek I (even page), Rynek II, Saperów, Słowacki (even page up to No. 18), Świerków, Tadeusz Kościuszko, Tęczów, Topolowa, Twardowski, Ułańska, Weteranów, Wierzbowa, Polish Army, Zielona, Żwirki and Wigury.


Ewa Grabek

Club: Platforma.Modern Civic Coalition

Functions and Committees:

Committee on Social Affairs and Public Order

Education, Culture, Sport and Recreation Committee

Number of votes: 111 (4.70%)

Place of work: Provincial Specialist Hospital for them. Stefan Kardynała Wyszyński, Technician of electroradiology


Election declarations:

Lubartów in a good atmosphere: improving air quality, supporting the expansion and modernization of heating networks and gas networks ensuring the connection of new users, protection of green areas, further thermal modernization of buildings and supporting energy-efficient construction; in housing and public utility buildings, further support for residents in obtaining subsidies for thermal modernization and replacement of heat sources with ecological ones, reconstruction of the city park in Lubartów, bicycle paths in the center of Lubartów, ecological public transport.

Education: construction of new nurseries and kindergartens, further modernization of school facilities.

Infrastructure: monitoring works related to the construction of bicycle paths in Lubartów, new parking lots in the center of Lubartów, modernization of the playground in the Kopernika estate at Primary School No. 4, and at ul. Chmielna, 24/7 city monitoring, preparation of land for housing construction on the estate Łąkowa and os. Polish kings.

Transport: introduction of evening and night bus connections with Lublin.


Tomasz Krówczyński

Club: Lubartów Community

Functions and Committees:

Committee on Complaints, Applications and Petitions

Commission for Spatial Planning and Construction

Education, Culture, Sport and Recreation Committee

Number of votes: 322 (13.62%)


Contact: 501479385

Election declarations:

Married. Councilor for the current term of 2014-2018. Currently an analyst, programmer. Previously, wholesale and retail trade, services, production of confectionery and confectionery machinery. Foreign experience gained. For 20 years I have been designing and creating IT systems related to security and monitoring  and management, supporting activities in many institutions and enterprises important for the functioning of the country. In less than a year of the Councilor's term of office, I successfully completed over 50 tasks and problems reported by the city's inhabitants. I was one of the few who kept constant telephone contact with the inhabitants and distributed "letters to the neighbors". I kept you informed about my activities and published a report at the end of my term of office.

I am faithful to the promise:

"I vow to perform my duties with dignity, integrity and fairness for the good of the city and its inhabitants"


Wojciech Osiecki

Club: Wspólny Lubartowska

Functions and Committees:

Complaints, Requests and Petitions Committee - Vice-chairman

Commission for Spatial Planning and Construction - Chairman

  Audit Committee - Vice-chairman

Number of votes: 101 (4.27%)

Place of work: Instal-Serwis Lubartów Wojciech Osiecki


Election declarations:

Together with his wife Katarzyna, they raise two sons: Aleksander and Nikodem. Chairman of the Spatial Planning and Construction Committee.

He submitted a number of projects related to the improvement of living on the estate Kopernika, including the renovation of the pavement along ul. Kopernika, drainage ul. Kopernika, or the construction of a new one at ul. Polesie, and supported, as part of the Civic Budget, the project of building another pavement to SP No. 4.

He opposed the increase in fees for garbage, water and sewage.

"Without the active participation of the residents of our estate, we will not be able to win such important projects for us, and our children will wade in the mud on their way to school."


Grzegorz Siwek

Club: Law and Justice

Functions and Committees:

Commission for Spatial Planning and Construction

Technical Infrastructure and Environmental Protection Committee

Number of votes: 223 (9.43%)

Place of work: Economic activity - the owner of the company

Contact: +48 604 093  676

Election declarations:

Supporting the concept of building the eastern road only as a local street.

Continuation of the construction of the sports complex on ul. Parkowa.

Creation of a Cultural Center by combining the LOK institutions, the Regional Museum and the Library as a center that initiates and supports the culture of our region.

Expansion of the Ogrody estate, continuation of construction and renovation of roads and pavements (including: Olchowa Street, Ogrodowa Street).

Hardening of "Aleja Lipowa", construction of a bicycle path over the Wieprz River.

Change of use of the property at ul. Kościuszko through the development of currently unused facilities.

Continuation of the low-carbon policy. The use of natural gas or heat from PEC to reduce air pollution in the Kopernika estate.

Increasing the number of rubbish bins.

Renovation of Polesie street and streets with slag and asphalt surface in the Kopernika estate.

Revitalization of the green belt between ul. Lotników, and ul. Copernicus for SP4.

Revitalization of sidewalks on ul. Copernicus.

Construction of the street between ul. Śliwiński, and ul. Willow.

Applying for the extension of day care for students in grades 4-6.


Krzysztof Żyśko

Club: Law and Justice

Functions and Committees:

Committee on Complaints, Applications and Petitions

Committee on Social Affairs and Public Order

- Vice-chairman

revision Committee

Number of votes: 162 (6.85%)

Place of work: County Office in Lubartów - Inspector


Election declarations:

Supporting the concept of building the eastern road only as a local street.

Continuation of the construction of the sports complex on ul. Parkowa.

Creation of a Cultural Center by combining the LOK institutions, the Regional Museum and the Library as a center that initiates and supports the culture of our region.

Expansion of the Ogrody estate, continuation of construction and renovation of roads and pavements (including: Olchowa Street, Ogrodowa Street).

Hardening of "Aleja Lipowa", construction of a bicycle path over the Wieprz River.

Change of use of the property at ul. Kościuszko through the development of currently unused facilities.

Continuation of the low-carbon policy. The use of natural gas or heat from PEC to reduce air pollution in the Kopernika estate.

Increasing the number of rubbish bins.

Renovation of Polesie street and streets with slag and asphalt surface in the Kopernika estate.

Revitalization of the green belt between ul. Lotników, and ul. Copernicus for SP4.

Revitalization of sidewalks on ul. Copernicus.

Construction of the street between ul. Śliwiński, and ul. Willow.

Applying for the extension of day care for students in grades 4-6.


District No. 3

streets: Aleje 1000-lecia, Annoborska, Armii Hallera, Armii Krajowej (odd side), Blessed Father Honorat Koźmiński, Bolesław Prusa, Cemetery, Czwartaków, John Paul II (No. 4 and 6), Józefa Bem, Klemens Junosza Szaniawski, Kolejowa , Kozłowiecka, Krańcowa, Krzysztof Kamil Baczyński, Księcia Józef Poniatowski, Kwiatowa, Legionów, Lubelska (even page), Mikołaja Reja, Mostowa, Nowodworska, Obywatelska, Piękna, Pocztowa, Powstańców Warszawy, Przechodnia, Przemysłowa, Różana, Rynek I (odd page) ), Component, Solar, St. Żeromski, Stanisław Moniuszko, Targowa, Wanda Śliwina, Wąska, Władysław Broniewski, Wrzosowa, Wspólna, Western, Żołnierska


Jacek Bednarski

Club: Wspólny Lubartów

Functions and Committees:

Committee on Complaints, Applications and Petitions

Committee on Budget and Economic Initiatives - Chairman

Commission for Spatial Planning and Construction - Vice-chairman

Number of votes: 54 (2.51%)

Place of work: Regional Center for Vocational Education in Lubartów, school educator

Contact: 665-021-425

Election declarations:

Married, father of two daughters, born in Lubartów. Here he grew up, went to school and started a family.

Educator, manager, an important part of his life is social activity, founder of the Neighbors Association, organizer of many events and activities.

The author of the project to build a car park on the estate Fr. J. Popiełuszko from the Civic Budget.

"For the last four years, despite the fact that I was not a councilor, I was involved in the life of Lubartów. The result was a huge victory with the project of building a car park (Ks. J. Popiełuszko from the Civic Budget - ed.) Unfortunately, the authorities of Lubartów do not listen residents, let's change the authorities and replace the composition of the City Council so that the real problems of Lubartów residents are heard. "



Maria Kozak

Club: Law and Justice

Functions and Committees:

Technical Infrastructure and Environmental Protection Committee

Committee on Social Affairs and Public Order

Number of votes: 158 (7.35%)

Place of work: pensioner


Election declarations:

Construction of a bicycle path along the railway tracks.

Adaptation of the building at ul. Mikołaja Rej to the Retirement Home.

Construction of lighting in newly created streets in housing estates and modernization of the existing uneconomical lighting with energy-saving light sources, e.g. LED.

Construction of a car park for passenger cars at the railway station.

Construction of a sports hall at Secondary School No. 2.

Construction of bus shelters.

S-19 - the ring road of the City of Lubartów, we will ensure the construction of collision-free intersections and service-local roads, connecting junctions along the entire length.

Acquisition and development of railway land for the Apartment +, roads and pedestrian and bicycle paths.



Elizabeth Mizio

Club: Law and Justice

Functions and Committees:

Committee on Complaints, Applications and Petitions

Committee on Social Affairs and Public Order - Chair

Education, Culture, Sport and Recreation Committee

Number of votes: 142 (6.60%)

Place of work: Secondary School No. 2 in Lubartów - teacher


Election declarations:

Construction of a bicycle path along the railway tracks.

Adaptation of the building at ul. Mikołaja Rej to the Retirement Home.

Construction of lighting in newly created streets in housing estates and modernization of the existing uneconomical lighting with energy-saving light sources, e.g. LED.

Construction of a car park for passenger cars at the railway station.

Construction of a sports hall at Secondary School No. 2.

Construction of bus shelters.

S-19 - the ring road of the City of Lubartów, we will ensure the construction of collision-free intersections and service-local roads, connecting junctions along the entire length.

Acquisition and development of railway land for the Apartment +, roads and pedestrian and bicycle paths.



Jan Ściseł

Club: Lubartów Community

Functions and Committees:

Committee on Budget and Economic Initiatives

Commission for Spatial Planning and Construction

Number of votes: 203 (9.44%)

Place of work: Secondary School Complex in Niemce - teacher


Election declarations:

Married, 2 sons. Councilor for the last four terms. Social activist, regionalist, lover of nature and clean environment. Propagator of sport and active recreation. For 26 years a teacher at ZSP in Niemce. Co-organizer of forms of integration for disabled children. Co-initiator of the referendum on the future of the square after the monument. I performed the function of the Councilor responsibly, reliably,  honestly and with commitment. In voting, I was guided by the common good and my own conscience. I had the courage to say "NO" when the interests of voters were at stake. Social work is an honor and distinction for me. Contact with you allows me to see the problems that surround us. I undertake to solve them. I am able to bear the burden of duties and responsibility for public affairs.



Jacek Tomasiak

Club: Wspólny Lubartów

Functions and Committees:

Committee on Budget and Economic Initiatives - Vice-chairman

Commission for Spatial Planning and Construction

Number of votes: 382 (17.77%)

Place of work: Spółdzielnia Mieszkaniowa in Lubartów, President of the Management Board

Contact: 81-85-44-615

Duty of the councilor: City Hall of Lubartów Mondays 15: 30-16: 30 room. 105

Election declarations:

41 years old, a graduate of the University of Warsaw and the Maria Curie-Skłodowska University "Law and Administration"

President of the Housing Cooperative since 2006. He worked in the Sejm. Chairman of the City Council. Chairman of the Council of the Union of Cooperatives of the Republic of Poland. Active councilor.

He revitalized the cooperative estates, but also took care of the renovation of those managed by the city. At his request, the car park at the former steelworks office building was renovated. Thanks to his involvement, it was possible to renovate ul. Krańcowa, and together with the inhabitants of this street, he fought to build a sewage system. Together with the Wspólny Lubartów club, he pushed for the idea of paying additional fees (lowering fees) to rubbish. Unfortunately, most councilors were against.

"Our club warned against many wrong decisions. Nobody listened to us. Today, the residents of the houses pay PLN 12 for rubbish, the sewage will become more expensive by as much as 36%, and a significant part of the residents cannot revitalize plots under their block or house under the Civic Budget. Besides, it is not implemented by the authorities. Meanwhile, there is money (the cost estimate is PLN 500,000) for the renovation of the fountain or planting bushes in the park. Together, we can change this, so I am asking you for your vote. "



District No. 4

streets: 1 Maja, Ametystowa, Bursztynowa, Chabrowa, Cicha, Hutnicza, Krzywe Koło (no: 34, 34B, 34C), Księdza Jerzy Popiełuszko, Lawendowa, Lubelska (odd side from no 45 to the end), Ludwika Stanisław Liciński, Łąkowa, Makowa, Sand, Polna, Ruby, Camomile, Sapphire, School, Turquoise, Eastern, Zielna


Robert Błaszczak

Club: Lubartów Community

Functions and Committees:

Technical Infrastructure and Environmental Protection Committee

Committee on Social Affairs and Public Order

Number of votes: 169 (5.73%)

Place of work: Bank Spółdzielczy in Lubartów, Security and Administration Inspector


Election declarations:

Age: 45 | Education: higher | Work: Cooperative Bank in Lubartów

Member of the three terms of office of the City Council of Lubartów:

5th term 2006-2010

Committee on Social Affairs and Public Order

Budgets Committee

6th term 2010-2014

Education, Culture, Sport and Recreation Committee.

Technical Infrastructure and Environmental Protection Committee

7th term 2014-2018

Technical Infrastructure and Environmental Protection Committee.

Commission of Public Order and Social Affairs


Teodor Czubacki

Club: Wspólny Lubartów

Functions and Committees:

Committee on Social Affairs and Public Order

Audit Committee - Chairman

Number of votes: 203 (6.89%)

Place of work: SP ZOZ in Lubartów, SP ZOZ WPR in Lublin - Senior certified nurse

Contact: 502220531

Election declarations:

43 years old, son Dawid, wife Iwona, higher education.

Works - SP ZOZ Lubartów and SP ZOZ WPR Lublin. Member of the Supervisory Board of SM in Lubartów. Chairman of the Social Committee for the construction of the "eastern road" as a local road.

Member of the Court at OIPiP in Lublin in 2011-1015. He fought for the construction of a pavement at Łąkowa Street, submitting an appropriate application to the Civic Budget.

In the City Council, I would like to continue work on the Eastern Road, where, as the Chairman of the Social Committee, we managed to introduce, together with the residents, many legislative regulations aimed at changing the category of the road from the "Ring Road" to the "Local" road, as well as prohibiting the entry of trucks through our housing estate.

I was also the applicant in the civic budget, construction of the pavement at ul. Łąkowa, which in cooperation with residents has received a positive recommendation from the City Hall and is already implemented under the mobile LOF operational program, along with a bicycle path connecting ul. Łąkowa and ul. Piaskowa with the city.

We should also thank the residents of ul. Szafirowa, who took an active part in the work on the proposal to buy the branch of Szafirowa Street, which in my opinion is a must.

I was also a representative of the inhabitants of ul. Bursztynowa, Ametystowa and Rubinowa, where we submitted applications for hardening these streets and the possibility of installing street lamps. Part of the requests have been met.

I also actively participated in the work on changing the decision of the City Hall regarding the liquidation of the Kindergarten No. 4 at ul. Mickiewicza, and the creation of a real nursery at ul. Yard

I declare my commitment to work for the construction of playgrounds in the Jacek i Łąkowa housing estate.

As a member of the Supervisory Board of SM in Lubartów, together with the Management Board, we decided to fully modernize the Ks. Jerzy Popiełuszko. There were also introduced reductions in rent and contributions to the renovation fund in already renovated blocks.



Grzegorz Gregorowicz

Club: Wspólny Lubartów

Functions and Committees:

Committee on Budget and Economic Initiatives

Technical Infrastructure and Environmental Protection Committee

Number of votes: 302 (10.25%)

Place of work: Przedsiębiorstwo Robót Drogowych SA Lubartów, Międzyrzec Podlaski Branch, Branch Director

Contact: Fb: Grzegorz Gregorowicz

Election declarations:

A native of Lubartów - residing in ul. Fr. J. Popiełuszko - married, four children. Higher education, polytechnic. Lublin University of Technology and postgraduate UMCS. economic law.


Technologist, kk of the technical section, deputy director Unitra Lubartów,

President of the Management Board of PPUH Parster Parczew, 1997-2004.

Przedsiębiorstwo Robót Drogowych Lubartów SA, deputy director, then president of the subsidiary and branch director, 2004-present.

Public and local government activities:

Activity in the Movement for the Defense of Human and Civic Rights, 1977-1980 (the status of a person repressed for political reasons within the meaning of, inter alia, the Act on the Institute of National Remembrance).

Mayor of Ostrów Lubelski, 1990-1997.

Chairman of the Lubartów Poviat Council, 2006-2010.

Member of the Lubartów City Council, 2014-present.

Election program for district No. 4 in Lubartów:

Renovation and modernization of street routes in district No. 4.

Construction of parking lots and improvement of local safety.

Actions to stabilize the prices of utilities and waste management through consolidation and merger of municipal companies, which will increase their capital capacity, reduce fixed costs and improve operational efficiency.

Developing a new spatial, economic and social policy in cooperation with the rural commune of Lubartów, which will ensure economic and spatial development for the city of Lubartów.



Anna Kuszner

Club: Platforma.Modern Civic Coalition

Functions and Committees:

Committee on Complaints, Applications and Petitions - Chair

Commission for Spatial Planning and Construction

revision Committee

Number of votes: 114 (3.87%)

Place of work: Director in the Environmental House of Self-help in Lubartów


Election declarations:

Change is an integral part of our lives. People and their behavior are changing, but so are the city and the needs of its inhabitants. The atmosphere of change depends on all of us.

For me, the ability to actively listen and recognize needs is important, which is why I focus on social dialogue and I will support the creation of the Youth City Council and the activities of the existing Council of Seniors. The fast pace of life drowns out the dialogue as well as shortening and shallowing contacts, especially those related to generations. Persistent stereotypes and the lack of a "positive" space for meetings create barriers that I intend to overcome.

I am also committed to the well-being of the sick and the disabled. It is a social group that needs specialist and systematic support. My goal will be to create conditions for raising labor standards for organizations working for the benefit of excluded people or people at risk of social exclusion.

I will take care of the youngest inhabitants of Lubartów by supporting initiatives aimed at, inter alia, co-financing kindergartens and creating nurseries that will support the development of our youngest citizens. Young mothers will be able to return to work without fear.

Lubartów needs changes. Young, open-minded and determined people who will implement projects that the residents have been waiting for so long.


Beata Pasikowska

Club: Law and Justice

Functions and Committees:

Education, Culture, Sport and Recreation Committee

revision Committee

Number of votes: 249 (8.45%)

Place of work: TEAM International Poland, Sp. z o. o. Position: HR / Recruitmen Manager


Election declarations:

Supporting the concept of the eastern road only as a local street.

Renovation of sidewalks on ul. Cicha, Hutnicza, Łąkowa and Lubelska from the roundabout at Biedronka to the BP station.

Hardening, lighting and drainage of new streets at ul. Łąkowa.

Renovation of asphalt on the fragment of Piaskowa Street to Lubelska Street - approx. 50m and renovation of the old part of the pavement.

Speed reduction on ul. Piaskowa up to 40 km.

Connecting manholes to the approx. Wschodnia street in the triangle of ul. Łąkowa-Piaskowa-Hutnicza.

Promoting the creation of a sports and recreation facility permanently open for children and young people in the estate / district.

Supporting the concept of establishing a kindergarten within the SP3 structure.

Supporting the development of the infrastructure and educational offer of SP3 and MOSIR by promoting EU projects written by city officials for the school / MOSIR.

Keeping streets and neighborhoods clean by increasing the amount of rubbish bins and effective street cleaning.


Jacek Tchórz

Club: Wspólny Lubartów

Functions and Committees:

Technical Infrastructure and Environmental Protection Committee

Education, Culture, Sport and Recreation Committee

Number of votes: 231 (7.84%)

Place of work: Owner of the JAZEK Driver Training Center


Election declarations:

Happy father of Kinga, Krzys and Ada. For 12 years he has been running his own driving school.

In the last term of the City Council, Chairman of the Education, Culture, Sport and Recreation Committee. Member of the Supervisory Board of the Housing Cooperative in Lubartów, where he works on the GZM committee. Throughout the entire period of his social work, he actively participates in all projects related to increasing safety on the streets of Lubartów. Numerous interpellations of the councilor led to changes on several roads of Lubartów.

"Lubartów is still a city where pedestrians feel like they are on an obstacle course. Together with my friends from Wspólne Lubartów, we have repeatedly submitted projects of solutions to increase safety. Unfortunately, the authorities were not interested in this, so it is time for a new opening, time for the mayor and the City Council for which safety citizens will be the priority. "




Election programs of election committees taking part in local elections in Lubartów

2018-2023 term of office


The election program of Law and Justice:

Special Economic Zone - let's look to the future!

Active economic promotion of the city - we know how, we know with whom!

Lobbying towards accelerating the construction of road infrastructure on the S19 Lubartów-Lublin section - with it on the way!

Maintenance and development of railway connections - it's turn to do!

Support for the "Mieszkanie +" program with the use of PKP premises - jointly!

Wschodnia street only local - Nothing else!

Maximum use of the government programs "Clean Air", "Warm House" - This is it!

Launching the city-wide "Senior Activity Center" - we remember about you!

A locker for every child at school - it's important!

Construction and development of school gyms - we have power!

Development of bicycle paths - it is possible!

We do not forget to build an educational path "Following the trail of the past of Lubartów".

Civic budget - this needs to be refined!

Public transport connecting housing estates and key points in the city - Free? Why not!

Revitalization of the city park - let it be nice!

"Maluch - Starszak" nursery and kindergarten care for every child - an investment in the future.


The Common KWW Lubartów Election Program

Reduction of unemployment

  1. Creating conditions for investment growth and encouraging investors through tax breaks.

  2. Acquisition of new land for investment.

  3. Establishing contacts within twinned towns. Implementation of the city and region promotion program as a priority objective.

Public order and security of citizens

  1. Renovation and extension of the monitoring network - 13 cameras are definitely not enough.

  2. Introduction of 24-hour supervision over municipal monitoring, and not as it is now from 7.30 am to 3.30 pm.

  3. Implementation of projects from the civic budget, incl. such as safe pedestrian crossings.

Municipal economy and environmental protection

  1. Reduction of fees for rubbish: no more than PLN 6 per person.

  2. Reduction of fees for heat from PEC and for water and sewage.

  3. Snow-cleared streets in Lubartów.

  4. Complete gasification of the city.

  5. Construction of car parks in housing estates, including from the Civic Budget.

  6. Renovation of existing squares and playgrounds.

  7. Civic budget for all residents, not only for the chosen ones.

  8. Deep reform of the Communal Union and the Waste Management Plant.

  9. Increasing the frequency of pickup, paper and other garbage.

  10. Ecological education.

Education and upbringing

  1. The city's participation in increasing the costs of extracurricular activities.

  2. A thorough reform of the financing rules for sports sections in Lubartów.

  3. Development of the information society (cheap internet access).

  4. Participation of the rural commune of Lubartów in the costs of maintaining the network of schools in which rural children study.

  5. Help in feeding children from poor families.

  6. Providing care for preschool children and organizing day camps during summer holidays, and an artificial ice rink in winter.

  7. Establishing a nursery at ul. Reja after the former branch of the Primary School No. 1.

Urban infrastructure, construction, transport

  1. Regulating the principles of functioning of municipal transport.

  2. Improving safety at the most dangerous intersections through appropriate signaling and marking.

  3. Construction of a sports facility for the needs of municipal sports clubs.

  4. Modernization of existing streets, paving of unpaved streets and construction of city parking lots and sidewalks.

  5. Development of social housing and acquisition of flats that can be adapted for social purposes.

  6. Return of trade to the square in the city center.

  7. Supporting enfranchisement actions (cooperative and communal housing).

  8. Departure from the city's currently practiced debt.

  9. Transport ul. Lubelska with a stop at the County Hospital (ul. Cicha).

  10. City bike system.

  11. Development of the city by connecting Lubartów with neighboring towns.

  12. Building a real stadium in a sand mine excavation.

  13. Pool open all year round.

Culture and national heritage protection.

  1. Introduction of the Senior Card.

  2. Modernization of the city amphitheater.

  3. Return to New Year's Eve in the center of Lubartów.

Health Service

  1. Development of a joint plan with the municipalities of the Lubartów poviat regarding the hospital maintenance strategy.



Election Program of KWW Lubartów Community

1.  We will create a public transport network  - thanks to it you will get to places important to you.

2.  We will take care of an active senior policy:

- we will support you in caring for a loved one,

- we will create a Day Seniors Home,

- we will create networks of senior clubs.

3.  We will create a nursery  real:

- we will create a place where children will have professional care,

- in consultation with parents, we will create a nursery.

4. As always  we will support local entrepreneurship  by:

- promoting local products,

- supporting the promotion of local entrepreneurs.

5.  We will attract more investors  creating new jobs through:

- acquisition of land for new investments.

6.  We will make the functioning of the Civic Budget more realistic  by:

- delegating the competence of the commission to make decisions (the commission will have the power to verify the cost estimate).

7.  We will take care of roads and pavements in the city  - this is to be done over a single term of office.

8.  We will complete the construction of a recreational and sports complex  at ul. Parkowa.

9.  We will improve the condition of the sports base at municipal schools  (including construction of a sports hall at High School No. 2).

10.  We will take care of ecology and environmental protection. By supervising the functioning of the municipal waste management system and the Waste Management Plant in Wólka Rokicka, we strive to:

- rationalization of the waste management system,

- promoting activities aimed at segregating, recovering waste and re-managing it, which has a direct impact on the shaping of the fee paid by residents,

- caring for green areas, carrying out new plantings, caring for the tree stand.

11.  We will create a forum of Lubartów youth so that the youth can decide about the matters of our city.

12.  We will take care of the development of culture and tourism  in the city:

- we will improve its offer for residents and guests and we will show it outside.

13.  We will make Lubartów identifiable in Poland:

- we will build its brand, give our city an identity.

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