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Lubartów, January 2020

As we rewarded in the communes of the Lubartów Poviat and in the Krakow Starosty

AD 2019 

pieniądze z ręki do ręki

Update II - we also corresponded with the Poviat Starosty in Lubartów via the Local Government Appeals Court, because it was impossible to do otherwise. Therefore, we post a reply to our request with a delay.  

On, we publish information about public spending, and the awards given to officials are. We inform you how much and to whom the residents have been paying since 2013.

It is worth paying attention to how much we spend on prizes, because the inhabitants of Lubartów in the years 2013 - 2015 financed higher prizes than in the Poviat Starosty in Krakow. And today we are coming back to Krakow.

But it is also worth paying attention to how individual municipalities respond to the questions asked. After all, these are questions about how offices manage our money. And how clearly they want to answer.

This year we have already asked in 2020 to avoid the situation from the previous year where the awards were given to officials the day after our application.

We asked two questions regarding:

  1. The number of people employed, broken down into clerical and auxiliary positions.

  2. The amounts of the awards paid in 2019, broken down by titles and positions, with justification in the case of discretionary awards.


What about the answers? Who likes what. Next year, we will facilitate the work of offices and send tables. And now - one can fully answer - who, for what and how much. Or not.

Dear residents - we would like to remind you that it was you who paid out these prizes and that you have the right to know about your generosity. We also want to know, in the case of discretionary awards, what the rationale behind them is. Maybe it is a pity that usually without names, because it is good to have committed employees in the office, looking beyond the tip of the nose, wanting more and better, and they deserve praise and prizes. 

We praise it as well.


The City Hall in Kock took 7 days to reply. It's short. In 2019, the amount of discretionary awards was PLN 31,540.00 gross. We will also learn what exactly these awards were for. No, not because someone is on time for work.

The service employees were rewarded for coming to work also on days off due to the necessity to remove the consequences of the breakdown. For additional work that does not fall within the scope of their official duties. Inspectors received awards, incl. for the contribution of work on the EU project, for additional hours spent in free time, and so on. Officials devoted extra time to work outside of official duties and were rewarded for that.

Better to know that, right? Before criticizing that PLN 31.5 thousand per 15 people is an average of approx. PLN 2 thousand per person. I think it is for what, or at least - we know for what.


The Niedźwiada commune sent us the answer in the table - position, for what, net amount. We will find out how many people received awards for performing tasks beyond the scope of employee duties. How many people received awards on the occasion of the Local Government Day, how many for exemplary, careful and timely performance of duties resulting from the scope of activities. It is true that we have to calculate the global amount ourselves, but I think we can 😉


The Serniki Commune Office also sent us the table. We do not know whether they are gross or net amounts. According to the answer - the awards were established based on the initiative, independence, availability to perform important and urgent tasks covered by the scope of duties and exemplary fulfillment of duties.

25 people work in the office, including 17 in clerical positions. We will also calculate the total amount of awards paid to employees - 28.6 thousand. PLN, but the list is similar to Niedźwiada - according to individual positions.


The same applies to the commune of Uścimów . It has not been indicated whether they are gross or net amounts, but since "paid", we bet that they are net. We don't know what for. We know, however, that on 09-01-2020, 26 people are employed in the Uścimów Commune Office, including 17 in clerical positions, and in 2019 the residents comprised 47  PLN 122.68 of paid awards. And here, too, the commune administrator informs specifically about the amount of prizes for individual positions.


The head of the Kamionka commune replied almost as fully as Kock.   

Almost, because entering the item "- average ... PLN" makes it impossible to sum up the amounts, so we do not know globally how much it cost. As such, we have an overview and knowledge of the amount of awards, incl. for the Deputy Head of the commune administrator - 4560.06  PLN, the same for the Commune Treasurer and Secretary, Head of the Civil Registry Office - PLN 3505.20.  We know that the Office employs a total of 36 people, including the commune administrator.

The Office also paid jubilee awards - and please note that this is required by the regulations, so there is no point in questioning these amounts. Residents must know that the office must assume this type of expenditure. Well, maybe they don't have to, but it's good to know not to be misinformed.


In the Commune Office in Firlej there are 43 employees (excluding the commune administrator): 23 people in clerical positions and 20 in support and service positions. All employees received discretionary awards. Apart from the head of the commune. What exactly - we will not find out from the answer. A bit strange.  After all, a reward is a reward, not a salary supplement. But we leave this for the assessment of the inhabitants of the Firlej Commune. The Office provided us with the evaluation criteria.

We will also not find out what is the amount of prizes for individual positions.  We will learn about the sums of the awards paid:

a) for official positions  - gross PLN 50,000.00,  net PLN 35,407.62;

b) for auxiliary and service positions - gross PLN 35,000.00, net PLN 24,688.39.


The Lubartów commune employs a total of 50 people - including replacements, both in the case of clerical (41 people) and auxiliary (9 people) positions. We have both individual management positions and "ranges" listed here. The total amount of prizes paid in 2019 cost the residents   PLN 17,562.04. This is a much lower amount than last year. We hope that there will be no surprises, as then - hence our conclusions already with the date of the new year.


The mayor of the Abramów commune also answered us in the table. The office employs 21 people. The discretionary award was awarded for exemplary performance of official duties and was paid in the amount of PLN 4,000. zloty. In addition, in 2019, the office paid jubilee awards in the amount of PLN 82 thousand. zloty.


In the Michów Commune Office, 31 people are employed in clerical positions, and 13 in auxiliary positions. Employees of the Michów Commune Office in 2019. they did not receive awards. It does not always mean - good, so it is probably worth getting interested in what we encourage the residents of the commune to do. Because it may turn out that: the situation in the commune is bad and hence the lack of awards, but first of all it is necessary to pay attention to the fact that… the situation in the commune is bad. And where does it come from? It may also turn out that the Office saves and this is good news.


Employees of the Municipal Office in Ostrów Lubelski did not receive recognition awards in 2019. Are there any other? Probably not, although there is no direct answer. There is for it  information that the Office employs 21 people in clerical positions and 2 people in auxiliary positions.

As above - hard, worth getting interested.


Our previous inquiries show that employment in the Poviat Starosty in Lubartów is growing. As of 01/01/2020, it amounts to 113 employees.

Who exactly and for what was awarded - no answer. There is information about the amount of the prizes - PLN 70,500.00; awards paid to employees in clerical positions - PLN 64,900.00 (including PLN 19,000 from EU funds), 5,600.00 to auxiliary employees.

We keep asking… UPDATE - there is an answer. We publish.  


Last but not least - Lubartów City Hall

We looked at last year's information - the employment level has not changed.  Because our shirt is closer to us - we will devote more space to my / our city in a separate material. The answer received now does not indicate how much the residents of Lubartów contributed to the awards in 2019. Not for what. Or for whom. We are not satisfied with the answer, so we ask the City Hall in Lubartów.

Coming back to the Poviat Starosty in Krakow -  On December 31, 2018, a total of 426 employees were employed, including 328 in clerical positions and 98 in support and service positions. On the other hand, as at December 31, 2019, there were 418 people employed in total, including 326 in clerical positions and 92 in support and service positions. Awards - according to the list.  


We publish all responses from PDF. 

Almost all of them, because they sleep in Jeziorzany. 

EDIT: They are already awake, we received an answer from the Jeziorzany Commune Office - we publish. 

In 2019, the commune of Ostrówek paid out only the jubilee prizes, resulting from the applicable regulations.

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