Lubartów, September 2018
Chasing the bunny, we tread the meadow ...

During the campaign, politicians make all kinds of election promises.
Both the real and the idealistic say more about ourselves than about the people who preach them. Remember that this is a tailor-made outfit.
What can we learn about ourselves from them? The promises make up a closed catalog limited by the basic necessities of life. It should be warm and safe. By the way, there may be a cinema and a bus to go to the hospital and the supermarket.
It's smart! Do you admit that it's easier to explain yourself from unfulfilled promises than from a lack of creative thinking?
This mainly concerns us, the voters.
Acquisition alternated by cases and times is mostly associated with satisfying the interests of various social groups. But this kind of thinking about community makes you lose sight of social capital. Because, for example, what it means Community postulate Lubartowska:
"We will make Lubartów identifiable in Poland:
- we will build its brand, give our city an identity "
We have young people you want and older people who don't care. We have inhabitants and this is the capital of our city. Our city has an identity, and a brand?
Lubartów's brand - for today and at no cost - can be a large turnout in local elections! On October 21, we can become famous for candidates willing to dialogue and residents who choose consciously.
Yes, of course we have an interest in that. We act for the development of civil society. During our "Drum for the City Council" we asked the inhabitants about the need for changes in Lubartów. The collected materials were used to arrange several survey questions, sent to the Election Committees.
We appeal and encourage all candidates to complete our survey!
We can build the Lubartowa brand from today.
We are waiting for the programs of all Election Committees in Lubartów and proposals for the conscious and demanding voter.
A form with questions was provided to all mayoral candidates in electronic form so that our request could be sent out more efficiently without rewriting the address.
We are waiting for answers until October 10, but we are happy to inform you that the first three places are already taken :) Then we have to process before publication to make it before the elections.
Which of the candidates for the City Council found time to complete the survey?
Marek Szymczak Grzegorz Gregorowicz Marian Olesiejuk
Have you asked "your" candidate if he has already done it?