Lubartów, December 2019
Final waste collection tender published in BIP

On the website of the Public Information Bulletin of the Union of Communes of the Lubartów Region, information about the selection of companies that are to collect waste from the inhabitants of the union communes appeared.
The offers themselves were submitted some time ago, which is why on November 23 we sent an application to indicate where on the website of the Public Information Bulletin of ZKGZL there is information regarding the selection of the offer covered by the tender procedure for the collection and transport of municipal waste from owners of real estate resident and uninhabited in the territory of member communes Union of the Municipal Communes of Lubartów Region: the Lubartów Commune, the Town and Commune of Ostrów Lubelski, the Commune of Serniki, the Commune of Ostrówek and the Commune of the City of Lubartów from 01/01/2020 to 31/12/2021.
As for Lubartów, our local PGK will collect rubbish from both the residents of blocks of flats and single-family houses. How this will translate into rates is a separate topic. It is good, however, that our municipal company will take care of it.
In the years 2020-2021 for PLN 192.59 net per ton in blocks and PLN 229.63 in houses.
Previously, these costs amounted to PLN 160.00 net for blocks and PLN 208.00 for other properties.
It is more expensive than it announced.
How will this translate into fees for individual farms?
Lubartow's voice was supposed to be more audible, so we are waiting for information from:
Mayor Krzysztof Pasnik,
Deputy Mayor Jakub Wróblewski,
Councilor Marek Polichańczuk,
Councilor Piotr Kusyk.
They are the present representatives of the inhabitants of Lubartów in the Communal Association of the Municipalities of the Lubartów Region.
Traditionally - we encourage you to visit the pages of the Public Information Bulletin, because strategic documents are published there not only from the point of view of companies or authorities, but also, and perhaps above all, for us - residents.