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Lubartów, March 2018

One minute before the vote


            We consulted the act on transparency. A kind of outraged movement has developed around asset declarations. On the one hand, indeed, why look into husband / wife pockets. On the other hand… something completely different. Because it is a pity that changes in the employment of family members cannot be traced.

            Maybe it is less visible in big cities, but not where most people know each other, or at least know which party (election committee) he or she belongs to.

And from small towns people migrate to big ones. And they carry their view of the world there as well.

What is this view?

            How many politicians do you know who either themselves or their family members found employment in offices or municipal-commune-poviat companies? What happens then? Usually nothing. Simply put - a husband, wife, daughter will buy a job for voting. Seriously, anybody thinks that these are "transactions" due to their own value?

            Surely we are not jealous of "deals"? We don't choose closer friends who "predict" our future? Today someone thinks that does not apply to him. And if a member of your family is omitted from the recruitment to make room for someone else, it will not apply to you either? Will you have expectations that someone will be outraged on your behalf and for you? Maybe he should still protest?

            What we should show such people is simply disapproval. Such behavior should be stigmatized. It is not people who should be ashamed of not having connections. It is people who should be ashamed of going for power  for your own benefit. As far as they have a sense of shame. Or let them tell us directly that you need to "put your son, daughter, husband, sister, brother" somewhere. It is possible that the intentions were sincere, but they were seduced and changed their initial views in exchange for benefits? How is it with us?

            And why is it so surprising that people do not go to the elections afterwards? They have every right to feel cheated, because it is not only the authorities who should be better, but everyone.

            Only… until we start cutting such people out of the election lists, showing that they are persona non grata in public activity - nothing will change.

Whom do you blame?

A politician is someone who was in power by you / us. If you accept such behavior - what's the problem? Blindness, injustice and harm happen  the logical consequence of our moral norm.

            And you still think that a man whose family member has been hired somewhere is actually still your representative? Or maybe already a representative of the "arranger"? This is our elite?

            If there is a deficit of it, let's create these elites ourselves. You can make a mistake every four years, but there is no point in repeating this error. Because today this "did" something for someone for something. And tomorrow they will both decide how your city / commune / district will develop.

And when a better “settler” comes, the club will change, or will you only vote for this settler? Our rubber backbone will take it all.

List of "elite" shame and social odium. This is what should be done in the last four years.

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