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April 8, 2016
There is! The petition has been answered successfully!
Do not be happy. I refuse. From our side, the matter is as follows:
We will not refer to the content of the refusal, which we have already seen several times in various letters signed by the Mayor. We will refer to the new thread of these.
At the beginning, organizationally - why (again) the provisions of the act on petitions are not fulfilled. Specifically, Article 8 (2) "The information referred to in paragraph 1 shall be immediately updated with the information on the course of the proceedings, in particular regarding the opinions consulted, the expected date and the manner of settling the petition."
The petition went to the City Treasurer, Mrs. Lucyna Biskup. Where is her opinion in this connection?
And now the content - in the answer we read: "The example of the Poviat Starosty in Lubartów, which has concluded a contract of mandate for the delivery of correspondence with a person who is not an employee of the Starosty, is not subject to the provisions of Art.144 paragraph 1 of the above-mentioned Act, as it does not apply to the delivery of the decision of the authority However, when it comes to decisions of other local government authorities in this case, I am not authorized to assess them. "
We do not presume which correspondence is of higher value for the office and why does the office classify the value of the correspondence, and especially - why was this example used in the official reply as an argument against?
One final formal comment. Contrary to declarations, the Office did not take care of the raised concern about the quality of the service. He did not take care of the credibility of people who entered our homes with correspondence on behalf of the office. Apart from the repeatedly raised provision on the tax ordinance, which would not apply if the government wanted to help the unemployed and hire them at least for the period of distribution of tax decisions.
So what? We return to the Office with a request to supplement the documents with the opinion of the Treasurer, possibly other people.

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Petycja Lubartów decyzje podatkowe

Petycja Lubartów decyzje podatkowe

Petycja Lubartów decyzje podatkowe
February 2, 2016
Complaint against the resolution of the City Council
Our search results show that we run ...
The infamous priority applies to the complaint submitted to the Lublin Voivode against the resolution of the City Council of Lubartów on the rejection of the complaint against the Mayor of the City.
We used the help of lawyers from Civic Network - Watchdog Polska
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