Lubartów, June 2020
Report on the state of the Lubartów Poviat

Photo: Luksus n - Own work, CC BY-SA 3.0 pl
Subjective (our) choice of information.
How it is? Altogether, different. Positive - with such a Report, although not free from deficiencies - it is easy to compare indicators over the course of a year, and sometimes - several years. This allows you to evaluate the changes. Debt rose, but so did other items: revenues, external funds obtained. Less sessions, more resolutions. The number of road accidents has decreased, while the number of crimes has increased significantly. The unemployment rate has been falling steadily since 2015. The number of disabled people is growing. What is not good is that the data obtained from 13 social assistance centers show that the dominant problems are: poverty, unemployment, long-term or severe illness and disability. Many more children benefit from the support of the Psychological and Pedagogical Clinic. Is it because a larger number of them require this support, or if the Clinic offers more activities - we do not know. Our readers often ask for employment. When it comes to the Poviat Starosty, there was no personnel revolution here in 2019. The second unit that occupies the attention of residents is the hospital.
The negative birth rate is falling.
There are fewer of us than there were, but the negative birth rate is decreasing.
Previously it was -118, now -93.
According to the Report for 2018, at the end of the first half of 2018, the Lubartowski Poviat had 88,830 people. At the end of 2019 - 88 789.
Employment in the Poviat Starosty
In addition to the district authorities, the following departments are located in the seat of the Starosty:
- Organizational and Administrative Department (19 people) - one post was left.
- Finance Department (12 people) - one job has arrived
- Department of Agriculture, Forestry and Environmental Protection (8 people) - no changes
- Faculty of Communication, Transport and Road Engineering (13 people) - no change
- Faculty of Architecture and Construction (8 people) - one full-time job
- Department of Education and Sport (3 people) - no changes
- Faculty of Geodesy, Cartography, Cadastre and Real Estate (9 people + 2, 8 people + 1, 3 people)
- Department of Crisis Management, Civil Protection and Defense Affairs (1.5 full-time jobs)
- Department of Investments and Development (6 people) - liquidated, instead:
1. Department of Investments and Poviat Property (4 jobs)
2. Department of Promotion and Regional Development (3 jobs)
3. Multi-person position for Public Procurement (1 job)
- Department of Social Affairs (3 positions)
At each department, we will find information about what they do and what was implemented in 2019.
We build
In 2018, 929 building permits were granted, which was 169 more than in 2017.
In 2019, we were building less, because 850 permits were issued. In 2019, approval of the construction design and construction permit were refused, and an objection was raised in the form of a decision for 93 investments.
The number of permits issued is as follows: - Lubartów Commune: 220 - Lubartów Town: 202 - Niedźwiada Commune: 56 - Kamionka Commune: 70 - Serniki Commune: 33 - Michów Commune: 43 - Kock Commune: 54 - Commune Firlej: 52 - Ostrów Lubelski Commune: 30 - Uścimów Commune: 27 - Ostrówek Commune: 24 - Abramów Commune: 27 - Jeziorzany Commune: 12
The Poviat Consumer Ombudsman is employed on a time basis. In 2019, its activity indicators are as follows:
- the number of advice provided to consumers (in person and by phone) - 201, - the number of written explanations provided to consumers - 1, - the number of applications to entrepreneurs (interventions) in matters of protection of consumer rights and interests - 29, - assistance in drawing up court claims and pleadings - 9 cases, - educational and information activities (posting information on consumer topics at the seat of the Poviat Starosty in Lubartów, running a notice board with educational and information materials, leaflets, brochures and letter patterns necessary to take appropriate actions in consumer matters in the future ).
The total number of students in School Complex No. 2 in 2018: 710 students. In 2019 - 697.
Regional Center for Vocational Education - the total number of students in 2018 - 798 people. In 2019 - 922.
School Complex in Kock - 2018 year - 99 students. 2019 - 136 students.
School Complex in Ostrów Lubelski - number as of September 30, 2018 - 186 students. Similarly, in 2019 - 216 students.
Special School and Educational Center in Firlej - in 2018/19 the facility has 64 pupils. No data for 2019.
Poviat Youth Cultural Center in Lubartów - in the 2018/2019 school year, 590 pupils enrolled, participating in 50 forms of permanent classes. In 2019/2020 - 662 pupils and 60 permanent forms of classes.
School Dormitory in Lubartów - about 85 pupils on average.
Here it is worth considering the Report: For several years now, we have been recording an increase in the number of charges in the dormitory with emotional problems, mood disorders, adaptation problems, as well as those coming from upbringing families and other psychological and cognitive deficits. Working with such youth requires special commitment, broad competences and appropriate personality predispositions from educators . - this problem is also signaled in this Report. However, in 2019 we read that an additional tutor was employed, who was also an addiction therapist. Positive.
Psychological and Pedagogical Counseling Center in Lubartów - The clinic covers the city of Lubartów and 12 communes of the Lubartów Poviat. About 16,000 are entitled to use the services of the clinic. children and adolescents. In 2018, 1,153 people used it. In 2019 - 1323. Do we have more children who require specialist support or the possibility of accepting more of them?
Good to know.
Poviat Disability Adjudication Team - statistics in relation to 2018 (data for 2019 after the slash):
In the reporting period, it issued the following decisions for adults (after 16 years of age):
- on classification as disabled - 1192/1349
- about not including the disabled - 36/36
- refusal to determine the degree of disability - 19/34
Total: 1,247 judgments / 1,419 judgments
For people under the age of 16, the following decisions were issued:
- on classification as disabled - 166/153
- about not including the disabled - 16/16
- refusal to establish disability - 1/4
Total: 183 judgments / for 2019 - 173 judgments
Independent Public Healthcare Center in Lubartów
Last year, the biggest discussion was caused by the change in the employment structure, especially when it comes to nurses, who lost 11 of them in 2018. In 2019, there were a lot of changes when it comes to employment, so we list the poviat in the table:

If we want to find out what is the financial result of the hospital, it is not from the Report.
County Roads Authority
As of December 31, 2019, the County Roads Authority employed 47 employees. In 2019, 5 new employees were recruited, including 1 for a clerical position employed by way of a competition, 2 employees were fired at their request.
Poviat Labor Office in Lubartów - employment at the end of 2018 - 45 people. From other information provided by PUP for 2018: The Office received a special award of the Minister of Family, Labor and Social Policy and funds for financing the costs of special awards and social security contributions from special awards for employment efficiency indicators achieved in 2017, i.e. 81.29% and cost efficiency PLN 10,704.15.
For 2019 - Employment of 44 people. The Office received the award of the Minister of Family, Labor and Social Policy and funds for financing the costs of special awards and social security contributions for the employment efficiency indicators achieved in 2019, i.e. 86.39% and cost effectiveness of PLN 9,038.08.
In the years 2017-2018, the Lubartów Poviat did not take out credits and loans, but repaid the debt arising in the earlier period. In 2019, the District issued local government bonds in the total amount of PLN 27,591,000.00. As at the end of 2019, the debt increased to PLN 36,086,108.00. The income of the Lubartów Poviat increased from PLN 87.8 million to PLN 108.4 million. The expenditure of the Lubartów Poviat increased from PLN 88.3 million to PLN 110.2 million. Traditionally, the largest part of this is expenditure on financing education, public safety, social assistance, family and public road maintenance. Acquired external funds increased from PLN 11.1 million to PLN 13.00 million. In 2019, in addition to the funds from the above-mentioned sources, coming largely from the European Union budget, the District obtained significant funds from the Local Government Roads Fund, which allowed the commencement of the reconstruction of 6 district roads.
We can also read about various goals in the Report. And here also a selected few:
Strategic objective 3: Providing effective social care for the inhabitants of the poviat in need, including the disabled, and the development of an effective pro-family policy
Amount of social assistance expenses
2015 - PLN 11,740,047.00, 2016 - PLN 11,390,658.00, 2017 - PLN 11,865,592.00, 2018 - PLN 12,449,722.00, 2019 - PLN 13,552,092.73
Strategic objective 4: Development of technical infrastructure
Measurable, for example, with the length of modernized poviat roads:
2018 - 15 500 mb / 2019 - 16 087 m
The length of the constructed and extended pedestrian and bicycle routes:
2018 - 11 200 mb / 2019 - 3 466 m
The amount of expenditure incurred on road investments
2018 - PLN 13,815,649.23 / 2019 - PLN 10,490,847.09
Strategic Objective 6: Increase the safety level of the poviat's inhabitants
2019: Construction of pavements along poviat roads - approx. 1 000 PLN 000.00
Number of crimes 2018 - 1198/2019 - 1544
Road accidents 2018 - 40/2019 - 33
Strategic objective 7: Counteracting unemployment and activation of the local labor market
The unemployment rate 2018 - 10.8% / 2019 - 10.3% and therefore has been falling since 2015.
Other summaries in the Report
Among the tasks commissioned in the field of government administration, one, under the name of "Running 2 points of free legal aid and free civic counseling in 2019 by an NGO in the Lubartów Poviat" was carried out by the "Hope" Abstinent Club Association.
Strategy for Solving Social Problems in the Lubartowski Poviat for the years 2014 - 2020
There is information about what actions were taken. How many people were covered by them and what is their effectiveness - we will not find out from the Report.
We will find out, however, that the number of disabled people in the poviat is growing. Conducting activities aimed at people with disabilities and their families is a necessary condition to increase the activity of this part of the county's community. All projects aimed at professional and social rehabilitation and the observance of the rights of disabled people are an indispensable factor in improving their living conditions. This can be achieved by creating conditions for the integration of disabled people with the immediate social environment, counteracting the isolation of families with a disabled person and preparing them for independent life.
Does this mean that the County Office intends to achieve or has already achieved an appropriate employment rate for people with disabilities, setting a good example for other units? As we have read, PZON issued 1,349 disability certificates in 2019. As part of job placement, disabled people received support in the form of: 56 job offers, 22 internship offers. In 2019, 40 job offers were submitted for disabled people, unemployed and jobseekers.
Diagnosis of social problems
The data obtained from 13 social assistance centers show that the dominant problems are: poverty, unemployment, long-term or serious illness and disability.
It should be remembered that the list of problems is much longer. Compared to last year, the number of poor, unemployed, disabled and long-term ill people in the county has decreased. (If?) These changes can be partially justified by the fact that the beneficiaries of ops undertake professional activity, improve their qualifications, and are financially supported by the government's "500+" program and the "Good Start" program. It is noteworthy that in 2019 the number of families experiencing violence increased by 7 families compared to 2018. On the other hand, the "Blue Cards" procedure was initiated 210 times, ie 29 cards less than in the previous year. The number of meetings of the Interdisciplinary Teams and working groups has also decreased. It proves the mobilization and commitment of services acting for the benefit of the aggrieved persons, which makes the support for them multi-wave and professional.
In 2018, the County Council met 12 times and adopted 77 resolutions. None of them have been annulled. In 2019, the County Council in Lubartów held 8 sessions during which it adopted 99 resolutions.