Lubartów, September 2018
Gentlemen do not talk about public money
And the source still beats ...

Who is the source of public finances for? From our taxes, we pay salaries to the budget, fund subsidies, pay for city events and many other things. The administrators of our money in the local government are the legislative authorities - the City Council and executive authorities - the Mayor.
Can we talk about mutual dependencies? We will try to bring it closer to you, and you will assess whether the network of connections may be significant for the beneficiaries of these funds. And not only. In such situations, the problem is always a thin line and the lack of tools for an unambiguous social diagnosis. Where good contacts, based on cooperation and partnership, end, and where cronyism and nepotism begin. As he called, so he called - it is about the abuse of power on the one hand, and about our readiness to enter into similar arrangements on the other.
Happening Number 1.
The city in the person of the Mayor runs primary schools and kindergartens. It approves their budget and appoints the directors of these institutions.
The mayor is a local politician who has his councilors in the Lubartów City Council.
Will it be surprising that teachers and directors of educational institutions are on the election lists? Do we see the dependence or do we accept that it is an accidental coincidence?
Can we wonder if their presence on the election lists of the authorities is a support for those who "feed them"? Yes, and there is nothing strange about it. Especially with regard to people who have not yet taken the floor in any public discussions.
Happening Number 2.
Non-governmental organizations are subsidized from the city budget in competitions and non-competitive procedures. Can a watchdog organization that looks at the hands of the authorities and often criticizes them apply for such public aid without being accused of a lack of objectivity? Watchdog organizations are often accused of supporting the opposition by attacking the rulers. We repeat! We do not apply for municipal subsidies. We do not support or warm the image of the Authority with our actions, we control them! We strengthen local government, not local government.
Happening Number 3.
Non-governmental organizations are subsidized from the local budget in competitions and non-competition modes. Will it be surprising that members of these NGOs are present on the election lists? We think not, and there are examples of this. We leave the question of whether or not this candidate ran the election campaign de facto for our money aside. Anyway, someone has to perform the city's tasks for which these competitions are written.
Someone will say - it's nice that people from NGOs want to co-govern. We agree - fun.
Can we wonder if the presence of Ngo members on the election lists of the authorities is supporting those who "feed them"? Yes, and there is nothing strange about it. Especially with regard to people who have not yet taken the floor in any public discussions.
Do we see the dependence or do we accept that it is an accidental coincidence?
Happening Number 4.
About 100 people are employed in the City Hall. Similarly in the Poviat Starosty. We do not count PEC, PGK or ZKGZL. Everyone has a closer and more distant family. And it happens that they also appear on the election lists of the authorities. Are we dealing with staff changes in managerial positions after the local government elections? Usually yes. A question of trust, or whatever they call it. We hear and read that it's good that we are, but "I can't officially support you, because you know ... credit, these things." We know. That's why we know perfectly well that it works both ways. So attacking in the comments by those who simply defend their status or their relatives.
Do we see the dependence or do we accept that it is an accidental coincidence?
As for democracy "our way" ...
"Our way" democracy is when we vote in elections.
"Our way" democracy is when we verify our election promises.
Democracy "our way" is when during the term of office we have the opportunity to contact the councilor, because he is our representative. Not every four years (from now - 5), but THROUGH four years.
Democracy "our way" is when the authorities treat residents as partners in the discussion, and not as annoying applicants. And it encourages this discussion.
We have been observing a kind of politics of shame for some time.
Except that it is not those who commit irregularities who should be ashamed, but those who point them out.
Do we see the dependence or do we accept that it is an accidental coincidence?
Do you like the current Authority in the city? Great! Go to the elections and vote for those in office.
You don't like the current Authority in the city? Do the same - go and vote for someone else.
What do we encourage you to do? Do it consciously! Verify the people you pay to, Voter.
You can find election flyers in the profiles of councilors.
Same as the method of voting on each resolution.
We do not support any Election Committee and we will not write any program.
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