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Lubartów, October 2019

Relationship status - it's complicated

Fot. Antoine Repessé Photographe

Photo Antoine Repessé Photographe

We are staying in the old Union with the new representatives. At the next session, the City Council will deal with personal reshuffles. As councilor Kusyk stated, in order to reform this Union, one must be in this Union. True. Who will be this reformer on the part of Lubartów?
Marek Polichańczuk said in a simple language: If we have decided to leave this Union, then ladies and gentlemen, we are clearly threatened with the fact that we will have no place to hand over the rubbish.
It is the company with which the local government signs a waste disposal contract that concludes the contract with the so-called Regional Municipal Waste Processing Installation (RIPOK for short).
This is how it is done and this is the company's problem, not ours.

Further councilor Polichańczuk says: It turns out that it is the companies that collect waste, that take part in tenders, are interested in the possibility of delivering to our plant, to our sorting plant, to Wólka Rokicka.
As we wrote earlier - It is the company with which the local government signs a waste collection agreement that concludes a contract with the so-called Regional Municipal Waste Processing Installation (RIPOK for short). This is how it is done and this is the company's problem, not ours.

We do not understand what the councilor Polichańczuk frightened with. We stay in the Union, companies are interested in the possibility of exporting to Rokitno. We are not staying - companies are still interested in the possibility of exporting to Rokitno. But there will be a caveat that, on condition that it is not from Lubartów?

Because the councilor Polichańczuk goes on to say: This means that not only in our region, in the Mazowieckie region, in other regions there is a problem with the delivery, with the possibility of delivering waste to the sorting plant. From my unofficial information, it is also known that this is happening in nearby installations ... because ...
… .. China has stopped receiving receipts.
Here, comments are made about the economy of the Union, the policy of the Union, etc. And Tomasiak.
Then someone else appears and comments on… .and Tomasiak follow.
And then… .o.

In our opinion, the discussion and action entitled: in - out should be in the following order:
A - The City Council has decided that we are leaving the Association.
B - Our city mayor announced a tender and it turned out that:
1 - no company has come forward,
2 - the prices are cosmic.
C - The City Council has decided that we are not leaving the Association.
What happened between A and C? Thread.

Councilors suggest that when we leave the Union now, we are practically guaranteed a raise due to the change in regulations or the distance that our rubbish will be transported to. We do not know what the proposed prices would be, as no tender has been announced. Councilors suggest that other local governments will have problems with managing their waste.
But somehow we can all see that they are not queuing up for membership in the Union. And the Niedźwiada Commune does not report its willingness to return.
Moreover - they are doing quite well. The local government authorities themselves do not panic and do not scare their inhabitants.
How do we know that?
We asked .
We asked whether the communes had announced tenders, when and whether they had already concluded them. We asked if they already knew what rates for waste disposal will apply in 2020. And we wanted, of course, to know the answer to the question - where will this garbage be stored?
In the commune of Firlej on October 7, they know that the waste will be transported for management at RIPOK in Puławy. It is not known yet what the rates will be, as they have not yet announced a tender.
Similarly in the Kamionka Commune. They cannot answer our questions because they have not yet announced a tender.

The Niedźwiada commune was forward-thinking and has a contract valid until the end of 2020. They do not know where their rubbish will be stored, because the collecting company is responsible for waste management. Mixed waste flat rate: PLN 1122.12 / Mg (ton) gross. This price includes the costs of collection, transport and management of all types of municipal waste and other necessary costs.
The Michów Commune Office informs that the commune has not yet announced a tender for waste collection in 2020.
The head of the Abramów commune also wrote back to us that the commune had not announced a tender, there were no fixed rates for waste disposal and no knowledge of where the rubbish would be stored.
Mariusz Grobel, the Head of the Jeziorzany Commune, informed us that the collection of municipal waste by 30/06/2020 will take place as part of the 2018 tender procedure. The tender procedure for municipal waste collection was settled in the second quarter of 2018 for a period of 24 months. The tender procedure for the collection of municipal waste from 01/07/2020 will be announced in the second quarter of 2020.
The tender for the second half of 2020 has not yet been concluded.
In the first half of the year, the rate for collection of 1 ton of mixed waste will be PLN 349.00 gross, and the rate for collection of 1 ton of segregated waste - PLN 289.00 gross.
Waste from the Jeziorzany Commune is and will be taken to the Municipal Waste Management Plant in Adamki.

Waste collection companies are driven by an economic calculation, not a political calculation. The exemption from zoning is beneficial from the point of view of competition. We, unlike councilor Kusyk, are not so attached to our waste, so if from an economic point of view, it would be better for our pockets to wander around Poland, we will say goodbye to them without regrets.
It's just that it's too late today. We stay in the Union. The City Council decided that the authorities should not make any decisions on their own.
This is when these reforms started

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