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Lubartów, June 2018

I chose a hundred people close to my heart ...

A self-government holiday that never happened.


Does the mayor have the right to award prizes and medals? Has.
It's just that… First, but not the most important thing. The production of these medals costs "X" zlotys, which, as we understand it, should be included in the budget for 2018. Where?
"Promotion of local government units" (the state, that's me) and "Other tasks in the field of culture" (in the end, not entirely culturally turned out).
Seriously. We have one hundred who contributed to the Republic of Poland and our Little Homeland. What merits does an active politician have in an election year?
It's second now. On the occasion of the awards for the Days of Lubartów, the mayor appoints the commission by an order.

Anyway, z  on the occasion of the nth anniversary of Lubartów and the nth anniversary of independence, a list of distinguished persons for both reasons, the Mayor  Janusz Bodziacki  on his knee he wrote. 
This is our independence, what is its celebration? A collective was convened in the cinema. Nobody is loudly protesting against the form of inbreeding independence and medal donation for this occasion.
Can we organize a house party with a selection of miss and mister stuffed pancakes?
Of course! For ours. In an election year, the mayor rewards part of his own election committee and the political environment he comes from. The winners are also employees of the City Hall, incl. the counter-candidate for the mayor's seat in the person of the vice-mayor he hires
  Radosław and Szumca . The latter organizes a "competitive" election committee under the boss's side for the second time and everyone lives happily ever after. At the time of the publication of the text, we do not know how many of the awarded people will enter the Mayor's committee and how many will enter the Deputy Mayor's committee. We have the assumption that the distribution is fair. As befits co-workers.
Another election opponent was also awarded. Which, like the deputy mayor, gave support to the person present before the second round.
We know, we know ... that's why we are picking on because we didn't get it :)
We agree with councilor
Grzegorz  Gregorowicz that such "honoring" deprives the prize of value. No Chapter was elected, although of course they did not have to, however ... We also do not associate the Mayor in his reports with a word about the fact that he chose 100 people and institutions that he will honor. And why these. 
At the last session councilor Marek
  Polichańczuk  he asked how the winners were selected (no, it was definitely not due to our publication), why there were so few people from outside the winners. Inhabitants. In the sense that there is a shortage of background and clapper. All in all, we don't know why. In the end, he could ask the head of his election committee who was the awarded and deputy mayor.
We have a "forget-me-not" for councilors. May 27 is the DAY OF LOCAL SELF-GOVERNMENT.
Which is the reason why the councilor can ask himself these questions.
Any reflection? No, it's another year of inbreeding. However, this year there is no mention of self-government at all. Any celebration together? But with who? After all, not with election meat.
Our mayor (not a coincidence) is a member of the National Development Council under President Andrzej Duda in the section - Attention! - Self-government and cohesion policy.
It happened that medals and decorations returned to the President.
Will this medal be a hot potato for any of the honored in Lubartów?
Doubtful unfortunately.
It is clear to us why the Mayor is hesitating to answer all questions in the application.

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Urząd Miasta_koszt wydarzenia_medale

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