Lubartów, January 2019
The Firlej Commune is in the lead in terms of the speed of response

As you remember, after the press conference at the Mayor of Pasnik, we asked about the awards granted to officials. You can see the effect of the inquiry on our profile .
The following also wrote about it: Dziennik Wschodni , Community Lubartowska, Lubartów24 , KanalS , Przegląd Lubartowski .
After this information was released, several questions were asked from our readers. You asked if office workers get Christmas bonuses, what is it like in other offices, why don't we ask other offices why they don't have all the names ...
Starting from the beginning - we asked about Christmas bonuses. We sent applications for public information regarding the amount of all awarded bonuses to all commune offices of the Lubartów Poviat.
The amounts of the awards in previous years are published below.
Regarding names ... Public office holders are required to disclose such information, while offices generally take the view that this does not apply to other employees. Of course, we have judgments of administrative courts that do not share this view, but we are concerned with the sum of the expenses rather than the list of names.
One exception is for us. In our opinion, prizes awarded "for special achievements in professional work" should be absolutely open in name, amount and justification. Unfortunately, as we know, these awards are most often treated as a supplement to a salary, rather than a distinction of actual merit.
Coming back to the title Commune of Firlej ... A week ago (December 27) we sent applications to all communes of the Lubartów Poviat. If you look at MOL, you can see that Firlej was previously the last commune whose answer we published. This time it is the first commune that responded to our request and applause for that.
We are waiting for the rest of the answers.
We remind you, Dear Residents, that you have paid out these prizes and have the right to know about your generosity.
We will publish the rest of the answers here as we receive them.
Responses from the Poviat Starosty and communes: Firlej, Michów, Uścimów, Kock, Jeziorzany, Ostrów Lubelski, Abramów, Niedźwiada, Serniki, Lubartów, Kamionka, UM Lubartów
The commune of Ostrówek decided to send a reply after receiving our complaint.

Lubartów, June 2018
How were awarded in the communes of our poviat
And in Krakow, poverty was ...

At least when it comes to the awards we asked for for the years 2013-2015 .
This year, we do not ask Krakow.
We ask the municipalities Lubartów Poviat
We warned you that this was not a crusade against Mayor Abramov.
And as it turned out: "in the years 2016, 2017, 2018, no awards were granted to employees of the Abramowo Commune Office, except for jubilee awards".
And in Kamionka, it is better not to be a legal advisor. In total, for 2016 the office awarded PLN 96,900 prizes, for 2017 - PLN 94,400, and this year so far - PLN 58,700.
In 2016, the Municipal Office in Kock paid PLN 15,450 to eight employees. In 2017, awards were given to 15 employees for a total of PLN 36,800. In 2018, the Office spent PLN 4,950 for five employees.
Our local City Hall has not awarded awards this year. And in 2016 and 2017, the awards were more modest than in previous years. Why? Probably not because of the publicity?
In any case, the Deputy Mayor and City Secretary in 2016 received PLN 6,111.78 each, and in 2017 - PLN 6,739.72.
The Lubartów Commune Office was also not wasteful, but even more than the municipal office. Such a Deputy Mayor deserved PLN 348.62 net in May 2016 and 2017. As they say - there is no madness, it is better to be the Secretary of the Commune.
In Michów, as in Abramów. Maybe he is not struggling with poverty, but they did not award the awards for the years 2016-2018.
So the award is an addition to the salary not in every office.
The Niedźwiada Commune Office did not give us any details, so we can provide the total (gross) amounts paid for discretionary and jubilee awards.
2016 - PLN 94,871.80
2017 - PLN 128,473.20
2018 - PLN 70,704.15 (until May 29)
Are there activists from Niedźwiady? If you need to, ask.
The Municipal Office in Ostrów Lubelski awarded PLN 17,850 in 2016, and PLN 19,300 in 2017. The prizes for 2018 have not yet been paid out. The Deputy Mayor did not receive the award in 2016, and in 2017 only PLN 1,200.
Cheesecakes also this year until May did not reward. However, they specified the answer, similarly to the Municipal Office in Kock and the Kamionka Commune, instead of quoting the forks from the amount to the amount. What they have a plus for.
In any case, the Serniki Commune spent PLN 35,300 for awards in 2016, and PLN 30,300 in 2017.
The commune of Uścimów joins Kock, Kamionka and Sernik, listing individual items. In 2016, PLN 3,800 (in total) of awards was paid, in 2017 - PLN 2,000. In 2018, the operator of special machines was awarded in the amount of PLN 500.
It will probably be a surprise to some, but the Lubartów Starosta in 2016, 2017 and 2018 did not award any awards to employees of the Office.
Who is missing from this group? Firleja, Jeziorzan, Ostrówka.
The Jeziorzany Commune Office has been silent since May 19. Maybe the more ePUAP does not work for them, just like us with the applications to Firlej and Ostrówek. We will complete it after submitting the answer. We think that we will get them as quickly as in the case of other communes of the Lubartów Poviat.
Update: Tomasz Piecak, the administrator of Ostrówka, answered us quickly. That it is processed information.
We apologize to the commune administrator, but we have to, because he signed it.
don't think it's over. Continued under the gallery.
UPDATE: We refused to show any special interest and disagreed that this was processed information. The head of Ostrówka decided to provide us with information about the awards.
UPDATE II: The Firlej commune sent us information about the awards.

Dialogue on a table with broken legs, i.e. 5.20 is not 5
Be careful what you ask, because you won't know more about half a fingernail.
We sent applications for the amount of prizes awarded in local governments to all units of the Lubartów Poviat. Also to the Poviat Starosty.
The content was the same, hence our mistake - the Poviat Starosty, we asked about the employees of the commune office. It is obvious that the Staroste does not award any awards to the employees of the commune office.
And the answer was limited to that.
It could be answered that he does not have such powers.
It could be answered that the employees of the commune office were not, while in the starosty the awards were paid in the amount of ... X
It is associated with such an exemplary dialogue:
- Did you get the change of 5 zlotys?
- No, I didn't.
- It's not?
- No, because it was 5.20 and not in this store.
It's good that we have watchful readers.
What a, re-application.
This is how carpet raids are made. But it didn't take long. As they say, "sit in the corner and they will find you" Mr. Starosto Lubartowski.