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Lubartów, March 2020

We ask for procedures and numbers

Nobody needs to be convinced today that the situation is serious. The Lublin Voivode, Lech Sprawka, again appealed to stay at home, stating the areas with the highest transmission of the coronavirus:
The Lublin Poviat, the city of Lublin, the Zamość Poviat, Chełm, the Chełm Poviat, Tomaszów Lubelski, Biłgoraj, Janów Lubelski and the Lubartów Poviat. In the latter, he confirmed one infection as of March 20.

As we wrote, worried residents come to us. We know there is a sense of danger. In turn, the lack of data may, to some extent, lull the vigilance. Especially,  that  On March 17, the Chief Sanitary Inspectorate ceased to provide data on new cases broken down into poviats. And someone can feel safer.

Therefore, after the requests we received, we asked the press spokesman of the Lublin Voivode:
1) How many people in the Lubartów Poviat and the city of Lubartów are quarantined because of their return from endangered areas outside Poland?
2) How many people in the Lubartów Poviat and the city of Lubartów are quarantined due to infection / suspected coronavirus infection?
Currently, we are dealing with a wave of assumptions and presumptions due to the lack of exhaustive information. Readers come to us as they cannot find this data. In our opinion, in this difficult time, trust in the authorities is crucial, which is why it is so important to provide complete and reliable information.

We share the answer:
in response to your question, I would like to inform you that we share the concerns of you and the readers of the Civic City of Lubartów regarding the spreading SARS-COv-2 pandemic, causing the disease called COVID-19.
We understand that as the Civic City of Lubartów Foundation, in order to meet the needs of citizens, "You are working for the proper flow of information regarding the affairs of Lubartów residents".
However, for the benefit of patients, respect for privacy and ensuring peaceful working conditions for medical staff, we provide data only for the Lubelskie Voivodeship. We will not disclose detailed patient data for reasons of personal data protection.
So I would like to inform you that on March 19, 2020, at 4.00 p.m., in the Lubelskie Voivodeship there are: 19 people hospitalized with suspected infection, 1714 people quarantined and 5146 people under epidemiological supervision. 25 cases of coronavirus infection have been confirmed in the province.
Please note that the Ministry of Health monitors the work of sanitary-epidemiological and medical services on an ongoing basis. For our part, we emphasize that the Lublin voivode, Lech Sprawka, makes every effort to ensure the efficient operation of his services in the Lublin voivodeship in this respect.
Yours sincerely
Małgorzata Torbicz
Voivode's office
Media and Social Communication Department
Lublin Voivodship Office in Lublin

We also asked Lubartów SPZOZ about the procedures. Is full protective clothing required for everyone when traveling, or only for those where there is a risk of contact with an infected person?

According to the response from the director of SPZOZ Sylwia Domagała, ambulance teams are equipped with protective clothing, but not all members have to wear them. The team leader is authorized to conduct a thorough interview and depending on the situation, e.g. if a given family is quarantined, then the clothing is put on by the entire team. 
Rational management of bio-protection kits is necessary due to their limited quantity, prices and market shortages.

Data from March 20 - 28 infected people in our province. 
We repeat the appeal - do not leave if you do not have to.
You care not only about your safety!

Odpowiedź Rzecznika prasowego Wojewody Lubelskiego

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