Lubartów, September 2019
When they ask us about the Lubartów Poviat ...

Do you know that in 2018 four doctors and eleven nurses left the hospital in Lubartów? And you know that employment in administration increased by 5 people? Maybe you found out that in 2017 and 2018 the Lubartowski Poviat did not take out loans?
This year, for the first time, we are dealing with a document describing the state of a commune or poviat. This is a special year because the current authorities describe the status quo after their predecessors. What does Ewa Zybała - the Lubartów Staroste say about the Report?
We do not evaluate or comment in the Report. We want to present the facts in a legible way, so that everyone can form an opinion about the state of our local government. After all, we want to debate about our common money and our common plans for the future of our activities.
And in the next year, we will be able to compare how our authorities are doing.
And since about the authorities ...
Composition of the Presidium of the Lubartów Poviat Council of the 6th term of office (2018-2023)
Chairman of the County Council - Tomasz Marzęda
Vice-chairman of the Poviat Council
- Jerzy Zwoliński
- Jan Sławecki
Composition of the Board of the Lubartów County
Lubartów staroste - Ewa Zybała
Deputy Starost of Lubartowski - Lucjan Mileszczyk
Full-time Member of the County Board - Radosław Guz
Freelance Member of the County Board -
Antoni Bielski (from November 22, 2018 to December 28, 2018)
- Jarema Paprocki (from December 28, 2018 to March 27, 2019)
- Ryszard Wójcik (from March 27, 2019)
- Jan Zaworski (from November 22, 2018)
Composition of the Lubartów Poviat Council of the 6th term (2018-2023):
1. Bielski Antoni
2. Jarosław booth
3. Czerska Izabela
4. Jackowski Andrzej
5. Krzyżanowski Piotr
6. Marzęda Tomasz
7. Mazurka Jan Wiesław
8. Mileszczyk Lucjan
9. Come on, Tadeusz
10. Paprocki Jarema
11. Grzegorz from Poznań
12. Pożak Janusz
13. Jacek Fireboy
14. Puła Fryderyk
15. Compatriot Andrzej
16. Sławecki Jan
17. Marian Starownik
18. Wojcik Ryszard
19. Zaworski Jan
20. Zwoliński Jerzy
21. Zybała Ewa
What can we learn from the Report on the state of the Lubartów Poviat in 2018 ?
How many of us are
According to the information contained in the Report, at the end of the first half of 2018, the Lubartów Poviat had 88,830 people.
Last year was the sixth consecutive year with negative population growth. Our voivodeship was next to 11 others in which the population decreased in 2018.
Coming back to the Lubartów Poviat, in the first half of the year it was worse for us than in the Parczewski or Lublin Poviats.
We're depopulating.

Source: Report on the state of the Lubartów Poviat in 2018
Organizational framework
In addition to the district authorities, the following departments are located in the seat of the Starosty:
- Organizational and Administrative Department (20 people)
- Finance Department (11 people)
- Faculty of Agriculture, Forestry and Environmental Protection (8 people)
- Faculty of Communication, Transport and Road Engineering (13 people)
- Faculty of Architecture and Construction (7 people)
- Department of Education and Sport (3 people)
- Faculty of Geodesy, Cartography, Cadastre and Real Estate (9 people, 8 people, 3 people)
- Department of Crisis Management, Civil Protection and Defense Affairs (3 persons)
- Department of Investments and Development (6 people)
- Department of Social Affairs (2 positions)
At each department, we will find information about what they do and what was implemented in 2018.
In previous years, we asked the County Office about the number of employees since 2013.
This was also the case this year. We will not find this in the Report. We write about it in the previous issue in the material Recruitment for vacant clerical positions .
In 2019, the total number of employees is 111, including 9 in auxiliary positions. The company employs 102 people in clerical positions. Another year The County Office does not achieve the required employment rate of disabled people - it employs one person in a clerical position and pays contributions to PFRON. From January to July 2019, these payments totaled PLN 68,974.
We build
In 2018, 929 building permits were granted, which was 169 more than in 2017.
Organizational units of the Lubartów Poviat
The organizational units of the Lubartów Poviat include schools and other institutions.
From the Report, we will find out what the organizational structure in the facilities is, how many people they employ, plans and strategies implemented, and achievements. You can also find out what investments were made in schools. And how many students continue their education in them.
The total number of students at School Complex No.2 in 2018: 710 students.
Regional Center for Vocational Education - the total number of students - 798 people.
School Complex in Kock - 99 students.
School Complex in Ostrów Lubelski - number as of 30/09/2018 - 186 students.
Special School and Educational Center in Firlej - in 2018/19 the facility has 64 pupils.
Poviat Youth Community Center in Lubartów - 590 pupils enrolled in the 2018/2019 school year, participating in 50 forms of permanent classes.
Dormitory in Lubartów - approximately 80 pupils on average. Here it is worth considering the Report: For several years now, we have been recording an increase in the number of charges in the dormitory with emotional problems, mood disorders, adaptation problems, as well as those from upbringing families and other psychological and cognitive deficits. Working with such youth requires special commitment, broad competences and appropriate personality predispositions from educators. Too few educators currently working with youth are not
able to reach out to each pupil and delve into their needs and expectations. On the other hand, the individualization of work with our pupils is a key method of work and one of the most important determinants of bringing results of work and future life success of our pupils. Moreover, when the number of educators is too small, we do not have the appropriate number of hours of care and educational work to properly arrange the weekly schedule of care and educational work.
Psychological and Pedagogical Counseling Center in Lubartów - The clinic covers the town of Lubartów and 12 communes of the Lubartów Poviat. About 16,000 are entitled to use the services of the clinic. children and adolescents. In 2018, 1,153 people used it.
Poviat Disability Adjudication Team - statistics:
In the reporting period, it issued the following decisions for adults (after 16 years of age):
- on recognition of disabled persons - 1,192
- not including the disabled - 36
- refusal to determine the degree of disability - 19
Total: 1,247 judgments
For people under the age of 16, the following decisions were issued:
- on classification as disabled - 166
- about not including the disabled - 16
- refusal to establish disability - 1
Total: 183 judgments
Independent Public Healthcare Center in Lubartów
In 2018, 11,476 patients were hospitalized, 67 were given 027 outpatient specialist care consultations, 55,161 primary healthcare consultations, and 2,715 surgeries were performed.
The hospital employs 531 people. Compared to the beginning of the year, we had less than four doctors, eleven nurses and three technicians at the end. One paramedic, two paramedics, two orderlies, three farm workers and five people in administration arrived.
Poviat Family Assistance Center in Lubartów - at the end of 2018, 14 people worked here.
Environmental House of Self-help in Lubartów - employs 16.95 employees. In December, it looked after 62 participants with decisions.
Nursing Home in Kock - The average number of employees in 2018 is 58.6 people. 16 people were employed, 11 people were made redundant.
As of December 31, 2018, the number of inhabitants is 81 people. The monthly cost of living in 2018 was PLN 3,473.00.
Nursing Home in Ostrów Lubelski - employment: 58.5 full-time jobs. At the end of 2018, 92 people lived in the DPS.
County Roads Authority in Lubartów - employment of 44 people. Area of operation: management, construction, reconstruction and protection on behalf of the Lubartów Poviat of poviat roads, parking lots, squares of engineering facilities, pedestrian routes, bicycle paths, technological channels and other road infrastructure facilities and equipment in the Lubartów Poviat .
Poviat Labor Office in Lubartów - employment at the end of 2018 - 45 people. From other information provided by PUP: The Office received a special award of the Minister of Family, Labor and Social Policy and funds for financing the costs of special awards and social security contributions from special awards for the employment efficiency indicators achieved in 2017, i.e. 81.29% and cost effectiveness PLN 10,704.15 .
The County Public Library in Lubartów employs one person - the director of the unit.
In the years 2017-2018, the Lubartów Poviat did not take out credits and loans, but repaid the debt arising in the earlier period. The County's income increased, but so did the expenses, and among the current expenses, we spend the most on financing education, public safety, social assistance, family and the maintenance of public roads.
The acquisition of external funds has also increased, including for the project "e-Geodezja - digital geodetic resource of the Lubelskie Voivodeship". We mention it because information about it can be found in the 2nd issue of the newspaper in the material entitled Cadastre .
We do not know if our readers remember the project, let's call it - Niedźwiada Airport, but the Lubartów Poviat owns 1,490 shares of the Company: Lublin International Airport - Niedźwiada Spółka Akcyjna , their nominal value was 149,000 as at December 31, 2013 (?), 00 PLN. We understand that this value has not been updated.
The plan of income from the assets of the Lubartów Poviat was made in 100 percent or more. At the end of the year, the district's budget deficit amounted to PLN 613,903.37.
The fourth chapter of the Report on the condition of the Lubartów Poviat provides information on the implementation of policies, programs and strategies. That is, mission, vision and how to measure it.
Vision of the Lubartów Poviat :
The Lubartów Poviat is an attractive, friendly and safe place for residents and investors. It is a region that efficiently uses tourist resources, promotes local culture, traditions and history, has a well-developed infrastructure, in which open to cooperation and efficient public administration ensures high quality of life and economic development.
Mission of the Lubartów Poviat until 2022:
Creation of sustainable social and economic development ensuring an appropriate level and quality of life for residents based on the development potential, resources and values of the County, development of infrastructure as well as partnership cooperation and effective promotion .
We measure, i.e. goals and implementation
Strategic objective 1: Development of public education. There are, for example, expenses for the modernization of educational institutions, and the pass rate of matura exams.
Strategic objective 2: Increasing the quality of medical services and improving the health condition of the district's inhabitants.
At this point, e.g. the amount of expenditure incurred on the modernization, expansion and equipment of health care facilities (in 2018 - PLN ZERO from the County budget), the number of events and projects serving health care and health prophylaxis, the number of health promotion and prophylaxis programs implemented.
Strategic objective 3: Provision of effective social care for the inhabitants of the poviat in need, including the disabled, and the development of an effective pro-family policy. Including, for example, a summary of expenses for PCPR, DPS in Kock, subsidies for Jadwinów, Kock or Ostrów Lubelski. The amount of expenditure on social assistance PLN 12,449,722.00 in 2018.
Strategic objective 4: Development of technical infrastructure
Reconstruction and renovation of district roads and the aforementioned project “e-Geodezja digital resource
Surveying Department of the Lubelskie Voivodeship ”. When it comes to the modernization of poviat roads, in 2018 it is 15,500 meters, and the constructed and extended pedestrian and bicycle routes - 11 200 m
- construction of a pavement in Skrobów Kol. (Lubartów Commune)
- construction of a sidewalk in Łucka (Lubartów Commune)
- construction of a bicycle path in Skrobów Kola (Lubartów Commune)
- construction of a pavement along Al. Millennium in Lubartów
- reconstruction of the bridge in Leszkowice on the Wieprz River (Ostrówek Commune)
Strategic objective 5: Increasing the attractiveness of the District
And in it, the Harvest Festival of the Lubartów Poviat and the Golden Leopard. In the Harvest Festival item, we will find an expense in the amount of - about PLN 150 thousand. How much is "about" - we do not know.
Strategic objective 6: Increasing the level of safety of the poviat's inhabitants
The implementation of this goal was assumed by the construction of pavements along poviat roads, equipping schoolchildren with reflective elements and the purchase of a medium rescue and firefighting vehicle by the KP PSP in Lubartów.
Strategic objective 7: Counteracting unemployment and activation of the local labor market
So the Poviat Labor Office is to carry out its statutory tasks. The unemployment rate in the poviat in 2018 - 10.8%. 16 jobs for disabled people were created from other resources of the District Labor Office in Lubartów and one was financed by PFRON.
Rather not in the Poviat Starosty, because we continue to pay.
We would like to remind you that this year, until July, already PLN 68,974. How much in 2018? You will not find this data in the Report.
Strategic objective 8: Building a civic society and increasing the social activity of residents.
On this point: supporting or co-implementing social projects with NGOs by strengthening the cooperation of local government with non-governmental organizations and cooperation with non-governmental organizations and supporting grassroots initiatives for the development of the poviat.
Other summaries in the Report
We can find here information on the implementation of programs adopted by the Lubartów Poviat, that is:
- The program of cooperation of the Lubartów Poviat with non-governmental organizations and entities mentioned in art. 3 sec. 3 of the Act on Public Benefit and Volunteer Work for 2018.
- Strategy for Solving Social Problems in the Lubartowski Poviat for the years 2014 - 2020
- Poviat Action Program for People with Disabilities for 2014 - 2020
- Poviat Program for Counteracting Violence and Protection of Victims of Domestic Violence in the Lubartów Poviat for the years 2013 - 2018.
- Preventive program for the promotion and implementation of correct educational methods in relation to children in families at risk of domestic violence.
In 2018, the County Council met 12 times and adopted 77 resolutions. None of them have been annulled.
The sixth part includes poviat investments: road and more. How many and with what funds have been implemented.
Among the above-mentioned amounts of external funds obtained by the previous authorities of the County, there is also information about which programs are still being implemented.
The report on the state of the Lubartów Poviat consists of 164 pages.
The report on the state of the City of Lubartów Commune consists of 67 pages.
Where is? No, not at all in strategy papers, lists, reports and the like. It is included in the draft resolutions "- to item 5f of the agenda - REPORT ON THE STATE OF THE CITY OF LUBARTÓW COMMUNE for 2018".