Jakub Wróblewski is a candidate for the Mayor of the Coalition Election Committee of the Civic Coalition. He is also a candidate for the City Council.
Why am I the best candidate? What distinguishes me?
Whether I am the best candidate will be judged by voters - the inhabitants of Lubartów.
What distinguishes me from other candidates is experience in working in various sectors determining local development: in the local government sector - I worked for 11 years as a clerk in the municipal and poviat self-government, I was a councilor of the City of Lubartów for three terms, I have been cooperating with many municipalities in the field of consulting for years strategic and local development; in the non-governmental sector - for over 17 years I have been closely associated with non-governmental organizations, I work at the Lublin Development Foundation, where I managed numerous project teams, acquired and managed multi-million EU projects, cooperated with local and regional governments; in the business sector - I have been running a business for a year, helping to set up and develop micro-enterprises.
All this allows me to look at our local problems from different perspectives and look for solutions based on cooperation and partnership. Cooperation with many local governments and non-governmental organizations from Poland, Italy, Spain, Croatia and Lithuania allowed me to learn about various concepts of local development and I know that only thanks to partnership cooperation and understanding we can fully use the potential inherent in the local community to improve the quality of life of Lubartów residents.
Thanks to the skills of partnership cooperation and searching for an agreement, many projects proposed by me and worked out in the councilors' club in this and previous terms of office were appreciated by the majority of the City Council and were reflected in the adopted resolutions.
I will only mention the so-called civic budget and subsidies for the replacement of old coal boilers (so-called so-called so-called `` so-called '' coal boilers) with more ecological heating sources. It is worth noting that the role of the councilor, as a member of the legislative authority, is to seek agreement to introduce the best solutions for residents and to adopt resolutions in this matter, and the role of the mayor - the executive authority - is to implement the resolutions adopted by the city council.
The election campaign is a time of rivalry and competition, and thus - disputes and showing differences. After the elections, I would like their place to be replaced by understanding and cooperation for the benefit of all of us, the inhabitants of Lubartów.
2. What is my professional position?
Currently, I work as a local animator in the Social Economy Support Center in Zamość run by the Lublin Development Foundation. I also run a business that allows me to carry out many interesting and developing projects.
3. I understand exactly what public funds are. And that's why we have to take care of them. And your voters I will explain it as follows:
I do not want to quote a legal definition. Public funds are funds that come from various sources - mainly from us - citizens (taxes, fees), but also e.g. funds from the European Union or funds obtained from public (our property). Public funds are administered by the authorities elected by citizens (in the case of a commune - the council and the commune head / mayor / president). To put it very simply: it is the money that belongs to all of us (mostly paid to the public purse), which is at the disposal of our elected representatives and spending it on our common needs. At the commune level, they are administered by the City Council and the Mayor. With their help, they satisfy our, i.e. citizens, collective needs, perform public tasks, but also take care to improve our quality of life. These funds should be spent rationally and purposefully, taking into account our needs and aspirations. They should contribute to local development and the development of the local community, improving the quality of life for all of us and creating conditions for improving the quality of life for each of us separately.
4. I have been interested in local government for a long time. I spoke on important social issues.
I have been working in the City Council for three terms, and in the ranking prepared by the Civic City of Lubartów at the halfway point of this term, I was elected the most active councilor. I spoke out on many matters important to the inhabitants of Lubartów, and having constant contact with the inhabitants of Lubartów, I am aware that for each of them other matters are important and up-to-date. During the last four-year term of office, I must have asked dozens of questions and interpellations.
It is difficult for me to choose the particularly important ones.
Although for all of us: for our health, for the health of our children, parents and neighbors, the most important issue is the air quality in Lubartów, especially during the heating season. A large number of coal boilers (often obsolete) used to heat our homes and their often inappropriate use is the cause of many diseases and, unfortunately, death. Air quality is our common concern and responsibility. Therefore, in cooperation with the Foundation for Partnership and Responsible Development, we purchased and installed air quality sensors in Lubartów and made their readings available via internet portals. In early 2017 I convinced the majority of councilors to adopt the Low Emission Reduction Program and to allocate appropriate amounts each year in the city budget to subsidies for the replacement of coal boilers. Until today, it has been possible to replace approx. 10% of all "soothers" in the city with more ecological heat sources. Thanks to this, we will have a little cleaner air in Lubartów, but most of all, most of us, inhabitants of Lubartów, drew attention to the problem of air purity and its impact on the quality of our life together.
5. I can explain what local law is and what I will do if I am elected.
Local law is specific legal acts issued and universally binding in a certain territory. As a rule, they are published in the Official Journal of a given voivodship. In the case of a commune, such as the City of Lubartów - these are, for example, resolutions of the City Council regarding the City Statute, rules for managing our common property, rules and procedures for using communal facilities and public utilities, or order regulations. For the sake of simplicity: local law is published in the official journal of the voivodship, other resolutions are usually not.
If I am elected the Mayor of the City of Lubartów, first of all, I will invite everyone to cooperate. Together, we create the local government of Lubartów and we can all benefit from cooperation and cooperation, and lose from conflicts and disputes. The role of the mayor is not to govern in a command and distributive manner, but to create space for wise and purposeful cooperation, cooperation and coordination of the activities of the local community. Many residents of Lubartów and many environments are willing to engage in work for the community. I believe that inviting them to cooperate: first in developing a development strategy, and then in implementing it, will make us live in a better city - our common Lubartów.
The catalog of matters that should be dealt with by the communal self-government is very wide and imprecise, because the commune is entitled to the so-called presumption of competence (Article 6 (1) of the Act on Municipal Self-Government). The main task is to satisfy our collective needs and to constantly improve the quality of life of the inhabitants of Lubartów.
What would you like to change in Lubartów?
I included my specific proposals for Lubartowians in the election program: www.jakubwroblewski.pl
I invite you to read and discuss. It is up to us what we will do in the coming years.