Lubartów, September 2019
Recruitment for open clerical positions
It has been 10 months since the local government elections, so any possible "staffing effects" will already be visible.
To be continued… has come.
Last year, we asked selected offices about their HR policy from 2013 to 2018.
Are they hiring, firing, fewer managers or more? You can read this data on our website in the material: Full time, or exchange?
What changed? We asked the City Hall in Lublin, Parczew and Lubartów about it, the Lubartów Commune Office and the Poviat Starosty.
And it was like this ...
City Hall in Lublin

IN City Hall in Lublin, total number of employees z broken down into clerical positions, w including clerical managerial and auxiliary positions i service (z taking into account contracts for replacement) as of August 28, 2019 is the total (r persons) 1593, in this on clerical positions and clerical leadership 1413, a on auxiliary positions and handling 180 people, therefore it has significantly increased. IN 2019, the Lublin City Hall did not make payments to PFRON, because it has reached the 6% employment rate of people with disabilities.
Town Hall in Parczewo

Town Hall in Parczew, according to the information from September, employs 63 people. On official positions of 51 people i 12 on auxiliary positions. He also provided us with data from December 2018, according to which the number of employees in attitude to 2019 has not changed, z in that then on 52 people were employed in clerical positions, and auxiliary - 11. W 2019 r. Town Hall in Parczewo did not make payments to PFRON, because it has achieved the required employment rate of people with disabilities.
Lubartów Commune Office

IN Commune Office in Lubartów, employment in attitude to 2018 increased by one person per official position. The number of people employed has not changed auxiliary positions and it amounts to 9 people. The office employs only one person from disability on an auxiliary position, a the amount of payments to PFRON from January to in July, it amounted to PLN 23,327.00
Town Hall in Lubarts

IN Last year, the City of Lubartów informed us that employs 85 people, w this year with turn we were told that employment on clerical positions is 76 people, auxiliary - 11 people. Additionally, we received information that from March to November from several years are concluded contracts for intervention works that involve 6 people. The Office employs an appropriate number of disabled people, so it does not make payments to PFRON.
Poviat Starosty in Lubartów

IN this year, the County Office informed us about the number of employees without division into jobs. The total number of employees is 111 people, w this on auxiliary positions - 9. On 102 people are employed in clerical positions. Another year The starosty does not achieve the required employment rate of disabled people - it employs one person per official position i pays premiums on PFRON. From January to july these payments totaled PLN 68,974.