Lubartów, April 2018
Every year ... no. Not a prophet at all, but the Eastern Way.
As announced, a few words about the Eastern Way and more.
This topic has been dragging on for so many years that we've all got used to the fact that every year someone will say something about this path.
Several meetings on this matter were held in the City Hall. So-called consultations. For example, in 2014.
As it was written on the city website: During the meeting, many demands were made. One of them was to wait with the eastern road until the completion of S19. Residents asked what would happen after the consultations.
- We are all aware that this is just a road concept, not a technical design - replied the mayor. - Only when the project is completed and the City Council decides to build the road will it be possible to start the investment .
The last session, or actually the beginning of the City Council session, was quite stormy. So much so that emotions kept commentators boiling over to a local portal article about the Mayor's speech.
And to the extent that the entries of these commentators from the article have disappeared.
But the point is not about that. Because it was hot from the beginning of the session, which can be seen in the video report. Starting with the agenda and the removal of items regarding draft resolutions on complaints against the Mayor. So the emotions grew from "I'm opening a session".
Usually, the Mayor will report on the activities between the sessions. Unfortunately, he focused on the Housing Cooperative and forgot to inform about the fact that in the so-called in the meantime, an application for a decision on environmental conditions for the project entitled "Construction of the eastern road on the section from the intersection with ul. Lubelska to the intersection with ul. Wierzbowa" was submitted by the plenipotentiary of the Mayor. At least we didn't hear it.
And the problem this time is not that the road is being talked about, but that not a single word has been said about the conducted proceedings.
As we spoke positively about this investment, we should be satisfied.
But the point is not to please us, but to keep a certain standard. We can lose if democracy wins.
AND in this particular case - it was wrong that the Mayor focused on the Cooperative and we did not hear any information about the ongoing proceedings. Taking into account the large representation of residents during consultations on this matter, it could not be assumed that people were not interested in it. Not everyone follows the information appearing on the city's website. Even if it were, it would be worth mentioning it during the session, taking into account the millions of zlotys to be spent on this road.
Tomorrow is the deadline for comments.
Yesterday, a meeting of residents on this matter was held and thanks to this, we are publishing the Environmental Impact Assessment Report . We encourage you to read this document.
Several councilors were also present at the meeting, although not all of them, of course.
Will it be possible to postpone the deadline for comments? We hope so, and we support such a proposal.
Why we think positively about the road and support the request for an extension is obvious.
Let everyone who is interested have a chance to comment. For today, unfortunately, this opportunity has been given due to the lack of information deprived.
And once again we are somehow with this consensus, with the declared concern for an agreement - somehow it does not work out. Pity.