Lubartów, May 2020
Report on the state of the commune of the town of Lubartów
Part II
Why Part II?
Because the city does not cease to live when the government changes. We have continuations of activities and plans that are often implemented by the next government with the funds obtained by their predecessors. Some problems are similar or the same. We will not duplicate the content of the Report, all interested parties can read it on the website MPW Lubartów .
In 2018, the Mayor, Krzysztof Paśnik, expressed his hope that the Report on the condition of the commune would provide a good starting point for starting a discussion on the development of Lubartów and the future of our city.
A few discussions did get wide coverage. The one concerning the departure of Lubartów from the Union of Communal Communes of the Lubartów Region and its return. Is the one regarding the change in the method of calculating and the amount of allowances for Lubartów councilors.
How do we want to develop and what is the future of Lubartów? We do not remember this discussion.
What in the introduction to the Report for 2019? It was a very good year for Lubartów. We managed to complete some of the investments in progress, start new ones and select a few contractors for the tasks planned for 2020. We are glad that last year we obtained over PLN 3 million of additional external funds for the implementation of planned projects. We have also submitted applications for additional financing. In 2019, we also managed to carry out and finalize the process of acquiring a new investor for the city. A company with Chinese capital purchased 3 hectares of land from the city, where it intends to start production, among others components of internal combustion engines. 2019 is also a time of intense promotional activities of the City of Lubartów. Cooperation in this area with institutions and non-governmental organizations has brought positive effects in the form of an attractive cultural, sports and recreational offer for residents and guests visiting our city. One of the biggest promotional activities was the National Congress of Large Families. This event attracted to Lubartów not only over 1,200 participants from all over the country, but also the nationwide media.
We humans
We come back to the specifics. There are (even) fewer of us than in 2018. As at December 31, 2018, the number of residents was 21,626 people, and as at December 31, 2019 - 21 433.

In turn, in the City Hall itself, the increase is positive, because as of December 31, 2018, it employed 87 people, and at the end of the next year - 88.
As in 2018, two complaints were filed with the Lubartów City Hall, but one against the actions of the Mayor of Lubartów, and the other against the actions of the head of Primary School No. 3. The City Council of Lubartów found both complaints unfounded.
The mayor of the city responded to requests in the mode of access to public information in the number of 82, which is 14 more than in the previous year. Three requests were refused. If you ask - just like in 2018, not all applications were ours.
Lubartów together with 14 neighboring communes and the city of Lublin constitute the Lublin Functional Area. The cooperation is implemented on the basis of the concluded agreement. The Agreement of the Municipalities of the Lublin Functional Area was signed on March 30, 2015 and concerns cooperation in the implementation of Integrated Territorial Investments in the 2014-2020 financial perspective.
What are the goals of the Integrated Territorial Investments of the Lublin Functional Area?
1. Increasing the level and accessibility of education, labor market, social inclusion and innovation in LOF.
2. Improving transport mobility, low-carbon emissions and the preservation and promotion of natural heritage in the LOF.
3. Accelerating sustainable development through spatial and social revitalization including ICT (Communication Information Technology) at LOF.
This instrument is to contribute to the implementation of the development strategy of cities and their functional areas through the implementation of integrated projects co-financed from EU funds under the financial perspective for 2014-2020 .
What was it exactly?
Green LOF - external funds were spent in the amount of: PLN 1 520 396.68, and the own contribution was PLN 304 383.77, the task concerns the modernization of the park and supplementing the infrastructure, reconstruction of the building at Farna Street and the task planned for implementation in 2020, i.e. marking the path ecological adapted to the needs of cyclists and hikers - the total length of the path is approx. 7 km. In 2019, additional funding was obtained for the tasks carried out by the city in the amount of PLN 2 million.
Mobile LOF - external funds were spent in the amount of: PLN 3,135,680.56, and the own contribution was PLN 762,448.24, as part of this measure, it is planned to improve communication coherence and increase the possibility of using the bicycle as an alternative means of communication, which will translate into a reduction in CO2 emissions to the atmosphere. As a result of this task, the internal road between Lubelska and Powstańców Warszawy was rebuilt - parking spaces and exits were created, i.e. the park & ride parking lot. Another investment is the expansion of Lubelska, Rynek I, Batalionów Chłopskich in Lubartów in the field of construction of pedestrian and bicycle paths as part of the Mobile LOF project with accompanying infrastructure "- as part of this task, in addition to supporting the bicycle infrastructure on the length of approx. 6,000 m, 9 bike & ride car parks have been built, with the number of parking spaces provided for approx. 90 parking spaces. A new task was also introduced. Reconstruction of ul. Lubelska from the intersection with the national road No. 19 to the intersection with Kolejowa and Piaskowa streets in Lubartów ”, worth PLN 4,330,722.10 .
There was some discussion here, especially when it comes to making bicycle paths.
Programs and strategies
Local Lubartów Revitalization Program for 2017-2023
The revitalization area in 2019 was inhabited by 6,332 people, which constituted 29.75% of all inhabitants of Lubartów. This is exactly the same as in 2018.
Find changes:
2018: The separated area is characterized by the degradation of social and economic functions as well as technical infrastructure, public space and a reduced potential for local community activity.
2019: A separate area is characterized by the degradation of social, economic and technical infrastructure functions, public space and a reduced potential for local community activity .
The vision of the area has not changed either and it is assumed that by 2023: “Thanks to the implemented projects, the sub-areas of revitalization have become attractive areas, characterized by high-quality public space and a satisfactory condition of technical and residential infrastructure. The percentage of socially excluded people, at risk of exclusion and benefiting from social welfare support has been limited. The local community of the revitalization area consists of people who are active and make full use of their potential, which in the future will contribute to the further development of the area ”.
Has anything, a little bit, changed in 2019 compared to 2018? In other words, are the goals being achieved at least in part? We will not find out from the Report for 2019. It's a pity, because maybe something is not working? Evaluation would be handy.
Goals and directions of activities until 2023

In 2019, the following projects were implemented:
1. "I DON'T WANT TO BE PASSIVE - I'M GROWING ACTIVELY" . Activation program and integration of long-term unemployed Lubartów residents
Implemented by the Municipal Social Welfare Center in Lubartów in partnership with the Lublin Development Foundation,
2. " Revitalization of the grounds of the Housing Cooperative in Lubartów - a way to activate
social life of residents ",
Realizer: Housing Cooperative in Lubartów,
Partners: MAJECZKA Jacek Bednarski, City of Lubartów Commune, Poviat Labor Office in Lubartów,
The action implemented under the project entitled "Revitalization of the area of the Cooperative Mieszkaniowa in Lubartów - a way of social activation of residents ",
3. Adaptation of the building at ul. Reja 14 to new social and economic functions
Realizer: Lubartów City Commune
On October 31, 2019, an agreement was signed with the Lubelskie Voivodeship for co-financing investments under the Regional Operational Program of the Lublin Voivodeship for 2014-2020, Measure 5.2 Energy efficiency of the public sector.
As in 2018, 7 complementary projects were entered into the program, which are aimed at complementing the undertakings listed in the main list and fit into the definition of soft projects, i.e. non-investment activities, including training, organization of events and cultural events, activation of members of local communities, etc.
Here it is appropriate to ask the question once again - did anything, a bit, anything change in 2019 compared to 2018? In other words, are the goals being achieved at least in part? Have any partial indicators, if any, been achieved? Has the poverty level been reduced and to what extent? Has the (where?) Space been adapted to the development of competitive forms of running a business?
Low-emission economy plan for the City of Lubartów
The main objectives of the Low-Emission Economy Plan for the city of Lubartów are shown in two time horizons, i.e. until 2022 and 2020, as follows:
1. The city of Lubartów by 2022 will reduce the level of carbon dioxide emissions by approximately 22% compared to 1999 (the assumed reduction of CO2 emissions will amount to approximately 36,000 Mg).
2. City of Lubartów until 2020:
• will reduce the level of carbon dioxide reduction by approximately 21% compared to 1999 (the assumed reduction of CO2 emissions will amount to 34.8 thous. Mg),
• will improve energy efficiency by reducing final energy consumption by about 13% compared to the base year (the assumed reduction in final energy consumption will be approximately 55 884 MWh),
• will increase the share of the use of energy from renewable sources in the final energy consumption to the level of approx. 8.4% (30,984.9 MWh).
In 2019, the following investment tasks were carried out by the Municipality of the City of Lubartów:
• Thermomodernization improvement of buildings - project entitled: "Thermomodernization of public utility buildings in Lubartowie ",
• Reduction of low emissions - replacement of heat sources in residential buildings.
Support for residents in the replacement of obsolete heat sources,
• Project entitled: "Mobile LOF",
• Project entitled: "Green LOF",
• Modernization towards modern and intelligent street lighting - project entitled: "Modernization of street lighting in Lubartowie "
This is the same as the information contained in the Report for 2018. Hence, the question arises again, do we know the data on emission reductions in 2019 compared to 2018? Otherwise - does it work?
Low Emission Reduction Program for the City of Lubartów
2018 - In 2018, the amount of PLN 350,000.00 was allocated from the budget of the city of Lubartów for the purpose specified in the above resolution. In total, 78 subsidy agreements were signed in 2018 to change the heating method. Ultimately, 73 tasks were completed, of which: 61 tasks related to the transition to gas heating and 12 tasks were to connect to the municipal heating network. A total of PLN 347,569.78 was awarded.
2019 - In 2019, the amount of PLN 100,000.00 was allocated from the budget of the city of Lubartów for the purpose specified in the above resolution. In total, 23 subsidy agreements were signed in 2019 to change the method of heating. Ultimately, 21 tasks were completed, of which 20 were related to the transition to gas heating, and 1 task was to connect the heat pump. A total of PLN 99,752.82 was awarded.
Assumptions for the heat, electricity and gas fuel supply plan for the City of Lubartów. Developed for 2015-2030
We will quote ourselves when describing the Report for 2018:
Are. Ie. the assumptions are. Resolution No. X / 52/2015 of the Lubartów City Council of September 18, 2015. What about them, we know as much as from the previous Report.
The local spatial development plan for the City of Lubartów
Hasn't changed . In 2019, no decision was issued to determine the location of a public purpose investment, nor was any decision on development conditions.
In April 2019, the City Council of Lubartów adopted the "Study of the conditions and directions of spatial development of the city of Lubartów".
And therefore… (?)
A long-term plan for the development and modernization of water supply and sewage systems
The planned investment outlays in individual years are as follows:
2018 PLN 22,830,000,
2019 - PLN 2,070,000,
2020 - PLN 3,350,000
We do not know what specific tasks were implemented from the planned ones, or if the plan was implemented. We know that in 2018 the modernization of the sewage treatment plant was completed.
In the assumptions for the plan it was assumed that it would be not only PGK's own funds, but also external funds.
The Housing Resource Management Program of the City of Lubartów in 2018-2022
The planned amount of expenses in 2018, broken down into:
- management of residential real estate, operation and maintenance in the amount of PLN 170,000,
- renovation of buildings and residential premises in the amount of PLN 120,000,
- investments in the amount of PLN 250,000,
- share in the costs of management and maintenance of common parts of real estate owned by Housing Communities in the amount of PLN 220,000.
The planned amount of expenses in 2019, broken down into:
- housing property management, operation and maintenance in the amount of PLN 174,500,
- for renovation of buildings and residential premises in the amount of PLN 120,000,
- for investments in the amount of PLN 250,000,
- share in the costs of management and maintenance of common parts of real estate owned by Housing Communities in the amount of PLN 210,000.
The resources of the City of Lubartów were as of January 1, 2018 - 216 apartments, and as of 31 December 2018 - 201 apartments. The decrease in the number of apartments was related to the sale and at the end of December 2019 it was 198 apartments.
As of January 1, 2019, 34 applications from people awaiting the allocation of premises were registered:
social (21 applications) and municipal (13 applications). This state of affairs changed at the end of the year
and as of December 31, 2019, there were 14 people waiting for social housing, and for housing
municipal 11.
According to the Report , the Lubartów City Commune is successively looking for solutions to provide more social flats . In August 2019, an invitation to tender was announced for the design and construction of containers for 2 social flats in Lubartów at ul. Północna 54. The tender was canceled as no offer was received.
At this point, it is worth mentioning what a dwelling is. Pursuant to the Act on the Ownership of Premises, a dwelling is a room or a complex of rooms separated by permanent walls within the building, intended for the permanent stay of people, which, together with auxiliary rooms, serve to meet their housing needs.
Strategy for Solving Social Problems of the City of Lubartów for 2016-2025
Within the framework of specific directions of activities, the following are planned:
· Supporting families in fulfilling their basic functions;
· Strengthening the system favoring the development of the young generation;
· Promoting family values and preventing domestic violence and protecting victims of violence; · Reducing the level of unemployment and supporting the unemployed and developing the social economy;
· Integration of people at risk of social exclusion;
· Development of participation and social activation of people of senior age and the disabled;
· Creating a disabled-friendly urban space;
· Developing a support and care system in the place of residence;
Partnership with the civil sector;
Development of public services.
The mission of the Strategy is to ensure social security and equal development opportunities for the inhabitants of Lubartów by activating them, and the general goal is to improve the conditions and quality of life of the city's inhabitants by increasing their activity, integrating the local environment and an effective social welfare system. The indicated tasks are carried out in accordance with the schedule and the designated indicators for the implementation of individual activities have been achieved.
Social exclusion means social exclusion, marginalization in Polish.
What indicators? Known in the field of social assistance.
In 2019, the beneficiaries of environmental social assistance were 494 families, including 906 people, which constitutes 4.23% of the total population of Lubartów. The most numerous group of clients receiving social assistance benefits in 2019 were people of working age (387 people, including 164 women), and the least numerous - of post-working age (123 people, including 98 women). The group of beneficiaries aged 0-17 was 180 people.
In 2019, the most common reasons for applying for support for a social welfare center were:
poverty - 249 families (50.41% of families covered by social assistance), long-term illness - 240
families (48.59), disability - 212 families (42.92%), unemployment - 206 families (41.70%), helplessness in matters of care and education and running a household - 82 families (16.60%), violence in the family - 75 families (15.19%), alcoholism - 53 families (10.73%), the need to protect motherhood - 33 families (6.68%). The help was also used by families with: homelessness - 14 families (2.84%), difficulties in adjusting to life after leaving prison - 8 families (1.62%), drug addiction - 2 families (0.41%) and a random event - 2 families (0.41%).
This is slightly less than in 2018, where 508 families with 939 people, i.e. 4.34% of the total population, were provided with this aid.
Program of Counteracting Domestic Violence and Protection of Victims of Domestic Violence for the City of Lubartów Commune for 2018-2022
It was implemented as planned.
Municipal Program for Prevention and Resolving Alcohol-related Problems and Counteracting Drug Addiction for 2019
The main goal was to reduce the number of people at risk of addiction and addicted to alcohol and other psychotropic substances, and above all the negative social effects resulting from these phenomena, including preventing domestic violence.
And how? Managed to?
Task I
In 2019, as part of the task I , the City Commission for Solving Alcohol Problems summoned 87 people to the commission regarding drug addiction treatment, including 41 people as witnesses in the case, and referred 52 people to the court for an obligation to undertake drug addiction treatment. 47 therapeutic shifts lasting 3 hours each were carried out at the consultation point. In total, 297 therapeutic consultations were provided for 73 people .
What was it like in 2018?
MKRPA members conducted preventive interviews with 46 people abusing alcoholic beverages, 38 of them were referred to the court for compulsory treatment. At the consultation points, 225 counseling was provided to people with an alcohol problem, 164 counseling to family members of a person with an alcohol problem, 96 counseling to persons experiencing domestic violence and 19 abusers.
Thus, the number of people required to undertake drug addiction treatment has increased. What is not working?
As of January 1, 2018 - 61 entities had a permit to sell alcoholic beverages in the city, and as of December 31, 2018 - 64 entities.
In Lubartów at the end of 2019, alcoholic beverages were sold in 16 eateries
and at 45 points of sale, alcoholic beverages intended for consumption outside the place of sale.
In 2018, the value of alcohol sold in our city amounted to PLN 24,623,855.
In 2019, the turnover from the sale of alcoholic beverages was PLN 27,144,184.
You can see the difference with the naked eye.
The implementation of other programs and strategies can be found in the document. Has their implementation been described in sufficient detail and what good have come of it? We leave the judgment to the readers of the Report.
As at December 31, 2019, the City's budget closed with a deficit of PLN 10,602.77. In the second half of the year, a long-term loan was taken in the amount of PLN 7,950,000.00. In 2019, the City repaid loans in the amount of PLN 3,606,400.00. At the end of the year, the City's debt due to long-term loans amounted to PLN 33,421,200.00, with the repayment date until 2032, which accounted for 31.25% of realized expenses. Compared to the previous year, the debt of the City increased by PLN 4,343,600.00.
Income per capita amounted to PLN 4,990.02, while expenses per capita amounted to PLN 4,990.52.
In 2018, income per capita amounted to PLN 4,089.59, while expenses per capita amounted to PLN 4,328.68.
Special offer
The Report states that 2019 is also a time of intense promotional activities for the City of Lubartów. Cooperation in this area with institutions and non-governmental organizations has brought positive effects in the form of an attractive cultural, sports and recreational offer for residents and guests visiting our city. One of the biggest promotional activities was the National Congress of Large Families. This event attracted to Lubartów not only over 1,200 participants from all over the country, but also the nationwide media.
How much?
In 2018, funds in the amount of PLN 243,558.25 (including the civic budget of PLN 79,892.18) were spent on the promotion of the City, which were allocated to: subsidies to associations - PLN 59,200.00, purchases and services related to promotion, i.e. organization of events, stay of foreign delegations, promotional materials - PLN 184 358.25.
In 2019, funds in the amount of PLN 422,032.97 (including: funds from the civic budget in the amount of PLN 138,222.00) were spent on the promotion of the City. They were intended for:
Subsidies in the amount of PLN 58 800.00 for the implementation of promotion tasks of the City of Lubartów by entities not included in the public finance sector and not operating in order to generate profit, during cultural, sports and sports-recreational projects they carry out;
Shopping and services related to the promotion of the City - PLN 363,232.97, including: - shopping as part of the Bicycle Festival - amount from the civic budget PLN 138,222, - expenses related to the organization of events and events: Big Families Reunion - 99,929.60 PLN, Lubartowskie Announcing - PLN 30,282.90, Christmas Market - PLN 24,506.49, - costs related to the visit of a delegation of foreign partner cities: PLN 11,232.14, - purchase of materials, gadgets and promotional gifts: 35,193.39 ( including: advertising banners, winders, posters, invitations, calendars, decorations and holiday decorations, elements of patriotic visualizations such as flags and bows, gifts for guests and delegations, advertising candies with the city's logo), - expenses related to graphic design and translations: 9 PLN 658, - occasional catering services - celebration of May 3 and Lubartów Days: PLN 4,300.
Some of the investments are continued from previous years (year), therefore, for detailed information and amounts, please refer to the Report.
Implementation of the resolutions of the City Council
As for the City Council, in 2018 there were 12 meetings of the City Council of Lubartów, 9 of which were held in the previous For the 7th term of office and 3 for the current 8th term. The Lubartów City Council adopted 66 resolutions (45 in the previous term, 21 in the current term). No supervisory decision was applied to any of the resolutions.
In 2019, 12 sessions were held, during which the Lubartów City Council adopted 109 resolutions. As regards one resolution, the supervisory authority issued a supervisory decision.
The same number of meetings, more acts of local law.
My dear… that is infrastructure
The review of the technical condition of the municipal roads of the City of Lubartów, carried out in 2019, including streets with paved surfaces (constituting a building structure) shows that: 71 roads are in good condition - 55.03% of paved roads, 53 roads are in good condition satisfactory (sufficient) - 41.07% of roads with a hardened surface, · 5 roads are in an unsatisfactory (bad) condition - 3.90% of roads with a hardened surface. Roads in a bad condition are the following streets: Jasna, Leśna, Reja, Wieniawskiego, Aleje Zwycięstwa. Roads with unsurfaced surfaces are not subject to periodic inspections, as they do not constitute building structures. The percentage of unpaved roads in the total number of roads is 20%. On the other hand, the percentage of unpaved roads accounts for 24.17% of the total length of municipal roads in the City of Lubartów. (...) In 2019, road expenditure totaled PLN 1,151,095.58. The length of bicycle paths as at December 31, 2019 was 8.83 km and increased by 5.3 km compared to 2018. Additionally, 3.6 km of pedestrian and bicycle routes were built in 2019.
And before that?
Road condition by division into individual categories of public roads: national roads - good condition, provincial roads - bad condition, poviat roads - Wierzbowa street, bad condition, Kopernika street, roadway, good condition, pavements, bad condition, other streets, good condition, communal roads - 162 streets with a total length of 67.361 km. 129 streets with a total length of 51,078 km have a paved surface (asphalt and paving stones), and 33 streets with a total length of 16,283 km have unpaved surfaces (dirt, slag and aggregate).
In 2018, the surface of two streets was reconstructed and two sections of pavements along municipal roads were made. The total cost of the completed tasks amounted to PLN 1,246,647.25.
What can you see? You can see that road expenses have decreased, and it would be good to provide information in a similar form. Because how do you compare it.
In 2019, Lubartów acquired another investor. The production company purchased 3 ha of land from the city for the planned production investment. The investor comes from China, and the entire process of obtaining the investment was carried out by the Lubartów City Hall. It is another company that will start operating on prepared investment areas. The planned employment is about 160 people and the value of the investment is over PLN 50 million .
In total, the amount of PLN 45 704 was spent from the commune budget, from the income from fees and environmental penalties for tasks related to environmental protection and water management, of which PLN 28,216 for tasks related to sewage management and water protection (cleaning the separator), and PLN 17,488 PLN for other tasks related to nature protection.
But not for the purchase of rainwater tanks, but not for the purchase of rainwater tanks, but not for ...
From the smaller and larger curiosities in the Report:
The Lubartów Cultural Center promotes the City of Lubartów through many channels, with particular emphasis on Facebook - a global medium, "Lubartowiak" Dwutygodnik, portal, and Lubartów television. Information and photo galleries about each event are posted on the web and on related websites. In addition, once a quarter, the TVP Lublin television crew visits the facility with the program "See what you hear".
It seems to us whether "Lubartowiak" is published by the Lubartów Cultural Center? What about the exclusion of the Lubartów Community? Or even the Eastern Journal?
The Department of Promotion, Culture, Sport and Social Communication undertook a number of activities related to the promotion of the City of Lubartów and the preparation of events attractive for the inhabitants of Lubartów.
In 2019, the idea of self-government was actively supported and disseminated among the city's residents through the preparation and publication of information materials. The City of Lubartów commune constantly cooperated with local, regional and national media. Information and promotional materials of the City were prepared, devoted to important, current events, new investments, etc.
One question - what does gingerbread have in a windmill? And when the office popularized this idea, how did it affect the Lubartów?
In 2019, work began on the construction of a new website, which ended in 2020 with the implementation of a new portal with a responsive RWD function adapted to browsing the website on smartphones and tablets. The monitoring of the number of visitors to the website was implemented so that a measurable effect of the increase in interest in the information site of the City of Lubartów could be carried out .
And do we already know when the documents in the Public Information Bulletin will comply with the WCAG guidelines? Or at least searchable documents not image files?
The official Facebook profile of the Lubartów City Hall increased its reach from about 700 to over 2,800 followers. Solutions for cross-linking information between the profile of the City Hall and the profiles of units: LOK, MOSIR, Library, Lubartowiak and profiles of non-governmental organizations, sports clubs and other entities have been implemented. This allows for a greater range of information published on individual websites. Thanks to this, recipients have the opportunity to observe important sports and cultural events, social initiatives, and charity campaigns. In 2019, reports from national and international sports competitions in which teams and players representing Lubartów sports clubs were successful were posted on the city's FB profile .
How should I say it… well, bravo.
And if what, what was the condition of the Lubartów City Commune in general in 2019?
No change?
Prepared on the basis of the Report on the state of the City of Lubartów Commune