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Lubartów, August 2019


Take it easy, it is just a uniform for the country, systematically updated set of information about land, buildings, premises, their owners.

Powiat Lubartowski mapa

Have you visited the social profile of the Central Office of Geodesy and Cartography?
It contains information that almost all poviats in Poland provide information on utility networks as part of the integrated WMS service - National Integration of Armaments Area (KIUT).
On the other hand, online advertisements for the sale of real estate contain links to the website, where you can see the location of the plot. 
The questions sent to us show that there are discrepancies in the EGiB maps in the Lubartów Poviat, which forces the owners of the plots to incur unnecessary costs to indicate the actual original state of ownership.
That is why we asked the County Office how it looks in practice.

1.     According to the request of the Chief National Surveyor, does Lubartów County Office provide data to the nationwide database of land and buildings records?

The provisions of generally applicable law do not include the concept of a nationwide database of land and building records, and the Chief National Surveyor did not submit an application to the local starosty for data transfer. The Lubartów staroste carrying out the resulting tasks 
joke. 7 d of the Act of 17 May 1989 Geodetic and Cartographic Law leads 
and provides the following databases for the area of the Lubartów poviat:
•     land and building records (EGiB),
•     geodetic records of utilities networks (GESUT),
•     real estate price and value register (RCiWN),
•     detailed geodetic networks (BDSOG),
•     topographic objects with the detail ensuring the creation of standard cartographic studies in the scales 1: 500-1: 5000 (BDOT500).
Starosta Lubartowski provides the service of browsing the EGiB and GESUT databases using the Web Map Service (WMS). The disclosure results from art. 9 of the Act of March 4, 2010 on spatial information infrastructure. The shared maps can be viewed using the public geoportal kept by the Chief Surveyor of the country at the internet address As part of the conducted, among others in the Lubartów poviat of the ROP project "e-geodesy digital geodetic resource of the Lubelskie voivodship", it is planned to launch a geoportal of the Lubartów poviat with a package of e-services enabling electronic settlement of matters, e.g. purchase of a basic map, an extract from the land and building register, etc.
Additionally, pursuant to Art. 24b of the Act of May 17, 1989, Geodetic Law 
and cartographic, Starosta Lubartowski supplied the central repository of the integrated real estate information system (CRZSIN) kept by the Chief Surveyor of the Country in the following registration units:
060801_1 Lubartów City,
060803_2 Firlej,
060806_4 Kock City,
060810_4 Ostrów Lublin Town.
The condition for supplying CRZSIN is to provide a database of land records 
and buildings to comply with the introduced conceptual model described in the amended in 2015,  Regulation of the Minister of Regional Development and Construction of March 29, 2001 on land and building records (Annex No. 1a  Specification of the conceptual model of land and building records data). As part of the project "e-geodesy digital geodetic resource of the Lubelskie Voivodeship", works related to the modernization of land and building records aimed at transforming analogue land registry maps into a digital form described above are carried out. an annex to the regulation. After the conversion of the analog maps, it will be possible to supply CRZSIN with further registration units. The Integrated Real Estate Information System (ZSIN) is not available to the public. The following website contains an updated list of poviats that have contributed to CRZSIN  

2.     Was the land modernized, and if so, when? If so, to what extent the entire city or individual streets? Who made this modernization?

For the registration unit 060801_1 Lubartów Miasto, the modernization of the land records was carried out in the years 2003-2004. The modernization of the land records was carried out by the Starost of Lubartowski pursuant to Art. 24a of the Act of 17 May 1989 Geodetic Law 
and cartographic. The territorial scope covered the entire city. As part of the work, a numerical cadastral map was prepared, a register of buildings was established and the land was updated.
  Due to very high costs, no related works were performed 
with the determination of the boundaries of the registration plots directly in the area. The numerical record map shows the boundaries on the basis of archival documents accepted for the state geodetic and cartographic resource. This approach is acceptable 
in legal regulations, namely in accordance with § 57 para. 1 of the Regulation of the Minister of Regional Development and Construction of 29 March 2001 on land and building records: the modernization of the records may be performed in stages adapted to the amount of financial resources available for this purpose and priorities resulting from the needs of the state, local government units, entrepreneurs and citizens . In this respect, the priority in this respect for the Lubartów Staroste as well as for the Chief National Surveyor is to cover the entire poviat with digital cadastral maps. Despite the fact that significant amounts have been obtained for the benefit of the Lubartów Poviat, allocated under the project "e-geodesy digital geodetic resource of the Lubelskie Voivodeship" for geodetic databases, the digitization process on the poviat scale will not be completed. After the end of the project, analogue (tracing foil) maps will still remain on the following recording units:
060805_2 Kamionka: in 18 districts out of 25 (approx. 11,800 plots),
060808_2 Michów: in 25 precincts out of 37 (approx. 16,800 plots).

3.     How much funds did the County Office receive for the elimination of errors in resources (when digitizing) in 2018 and how were they used?

The Poviat Starosty does not receive funds for "eliminating errors in resources (when digitizing)". As part of the annual subsidy received from the Lublin Voivode for the tasks described in the Geodetic and Cartographic Law, in 2018 the following was performed for a total amount of PLN 105,834.95:
•     stabilization, measurement and alignment of 93 points of the multifunctional control network (horizontal 
and altitude, 3rd class - BDSOG database) for the amount of PLN 94,789.95,
•     geodetic documentation (4 pieces) for administrative proceedings for the amount of PLN 9,200,
•     nationwide press announcement: PLN 1,845.
As part of the project "e-geodesy digital geodetic resource of the Lubelskie Voivodeship", the amount of PLN 11,921,824.96 will be allocated to the Lubartów Poviat in 2017-2020.
Only after the implementation of the priority task, which is the conversion to digital form of land and building records, tasks aimed at increasing the accuracy of boundary points can be carried out. It should be noted here that in accordance with  from § 82 section 1 of the above-mentioned Regulation: when modernizing the records, one of the objectives of which is the conversion of a record map kept in a non-electronic form into an electronic form, in the absence of the possibility of determining the location of border points in the manner referred to in § 61 para. 1, the numerical description of the boundaries of the plots of land shall be made using the boundary points, the location of which in relation to the geodetic network of the 1st class will be determined on the basis of the existing materials of the state geodetic and cartographic resource with average errors not exceeding:

1) 3.0 m - where border points belong to plots of land covering land located in rural areas outside of dense development;
2) 0.60 m - where the border points belong to the plots of land located in urban areas and covering the land of dense development in rural areas.
and further in paragraph 3:
3. The data specifying the location of border points with an average error greater than 0.30 m in relation to the 1st class geodetic control network, which were used for the numerical description of the boundaries of the cadastral plots, shall be replaced, in accordance with the rules set out in § 45-47 or in the process of records modernization more precise data available to the authority, even if these new more precise data still define the position of the boundary points with an average error greater than 0.30 m, and it is not possible to determine the position of these boundary points with an average error not exceeding 0.30 m.
The legislator allowed the possibility of disclosing in the database of land and building records of border points that do not meet the accuracy standards. 
Each border point disclosed in the land and building registry database should have the attribute of the so-called BPP mean error of the border point position in relation to the 1st class geodetic control network. Depending on the measurement technology used, this attribute may have the following value:
BPP = 1   0.00m - 0.10m
BPP = 2   0.11m - 0.30m
BPP = 3   0.31m - 0.60m
BPP = 4   0.61m - 1.50m
BPP = 5   1.51m - 3.00m
BPP = 6     over 3.00m
What clearly follows from the regulations, the concept of the limit point location error is a concept from the field of metrology, i.e. the science of how to make measurements and the rules for interpreting the obtained results and measurement errors resulting from the measurement technologies used. This cannot be equated with the alleged misconduct of the Lubartów Staroste as the authority keeping the land and building register and modernizing the register. 

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