Lubartów, October 2019
Partings and Returns - Communal Union of the Municipalities of the Lubartów Region
On September 26, the following was voted: on the repeal of the resolution of March 26, 2019 on the withdrawal of the City of Lubartów from the Union of Communal Communes of the Lubartów Region.
Before the session, we asked.

Voting results:
A (14)
Robert Błaszczak , Ewa Grabek , Grzegorz Gregorowicz , Maria Kozak , Tomasz Krówczyński , Piotr Kusyk , Anna Kuszner , Elżbieta Mizio , Beata Pasikowska , Marek Polichańczuk , Grzegorz Siwek , Jan Ściseł , Andrzej Zieliński , Krzysztof Żyśko
Jacek Bednarski , Teodor Czubacki , Grzegorz Jaworski , Renata Mazur
Wojciech Osiecki , Jacek Tomasiak
Politicians make us various election promises. We, in turn, often take these promises with a grain of salt. If we do not attach importance to them ourselves, why are we surprised that they are not being fulfilled? Why are we surprised that people do not go to the elections, not wanting to take part in this performance?
Maybe we should start taking ourselves seriously.
And talk seriously with politicians about the implementation of election promises.
Reduction of fees for rubbish: no more than PLN 6 per person.
10. We will take care of ecology and environmental protection. By supervising the functioning of the municipal waste management system and the Waste Management Plant in Wólka Rokicka, we strive to:
- rationalization of the waste management system,
- promoting activities aimed at segregating, recovering waste and re-managing it, which has a direct impact on the shaping of the fee paid by residents,
- caring for green areas, carrying out new plantings, caring for the tree stand.
“Profits from the sorting plant from Lublin's rubbish will lower the fees for our residents. We keep our word. "
This was stated by Mayor Janusz Bodziacki, Law and Justice candidate in the election spot " Do you know that ... part. 4 "
Theoretically, the most important argument for not leaving the Union, or rather treating the resolution on leaving as null and void, is the change in the regulations that abolishes the regionalization of garbage collection. We will publish a discussion on this after the approval of the minutes of the session. However, today we mention….

Councilor Marek Polichańczuk spoke extensively at the session when introducing the resolution on the change of regulations to the draft, but also recalled that they did not agree with the arguments that the Union is working badly, that there is an excess of employment ... . And that the rubbish has become more expensive, "because this is the situation on the market". It was also about the election campaign. And about personal details. About changes in the interest of all members of the community who make up the Association.
The chairman of the City Council, Grzegorz Gregorowicz , expressed his hope that the discussion would be lively and very binding. He encouraged councilors to take the floor in the discussion, stating, for example, that voters should do it.
As no one came forward, he himself spoke in the discussion on behalf of Klub Wspólny Lubartów. He said the reasons for leaving were right and most of them are still valid today. That they don't like the union's bargaining policy. He also mentioned the problem of representation. It was also stated that the Mayor has the tender documentation ready and can execute it at any time. And about the change in the legal situation. And about subjective, personal conditions. That is, how the decisions of the Association are influenced by personal reluctance.
On behalf of the Club, he stated that the overriding value in their decisions is to be guided by the good of voters / residents. And that the club intends to abstain.
Councilor Andrzej Zieliński reminded that they expressed a critical attitude towards the functioning of the Association. He justified why they would vote in favor.
Councilor Jacek Tchórz said that returning to the Union on the same terms is not a good idea. And to change the delegation, which maybe could change something for us. So about personalities. And there is democracy in the Club ...
Councilor Piotr Kusyk turned to the inhabitants of Lubartów. What will we face if we leave the Union? This garbage is not known where it will go. Will we run the risk of carrying rubbish around the country? I will not allow (and the Law and Justice Club) that the rubbish from Lubartów will not be transported around the country and I will not allow the residents to pay much more for rubbish and it is not known what the increases would be ...
And about personal details.
Councilor Tomasz Krówczyński that it is better in a group than alone. About the inevitable pay rises. And about the appropriate representation, i.e. about personalities.
When it comes to arguments, it's worth taking a look at our archive.
Strange cases of the Communal Union on our site is a story about a change in representation and fees in communes that do not belong to the Union of Communes of the Lubartów Region.

For six months, the Lubartów City Hall did not announce a tender for the collection of waste from the city. In June, we consulted the Regulations for maintaining order and cleanliness in the City of Lubartów. Four days remained from the session to inform the Association about the departure of our city.
What's next? We are asking the same municipalities whether they have announced tenders, what is the waste management like there. Because maybe they are already at the door of the ZKGZL.
We say - I check.