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Lubartów, November 2019

Please stand up, the court is coming!

Sąd Rejonowy w Lubartowie.jpg

We check what it is - it is a portal co-created by the Watchdog Polska Civic Network Association and the Gerere Foundation. Using the right to public information, they check what the authorities are doing and how public institutions function. They don't do it alone. They invite all of us to get involved in checking the documents. Thanks to this, reports are created - as is. The "Papierology in powiats" campaign has ended. We wrote about another, completed campaign - "Likes for the mayor". We asked: Who runs the fanpage of communes? Who is banning residents on FB for public money? 607 communes were asked. You can download the report from the website after

Currently, the campaign entitled Please stand up, the court is coming! Its purpose is to check whether the Polish courts are efficient, which was changed by the reform. We ask: How much are the judges burdened with cases? Does anyone control their working conditions? What does their career advancement look like?

We sent the application to our court. We received the answer without undue delay, although not directly.

Sąd Rejonowy Lubartów_edited.jpg
Sąd Rejonowy Lubartów_edited.jpg

We have checked the statistics of resolved and pending cases of the Lubartów court on the website,m,m2,242

Statystyki spraw Sąd Rejonowy Lubartów
Statystyki spraw Sąd Rejonowy Lubartów

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