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Lubartów, May 2017

On the streets of cichosza, on the sidewalks of cichosza * ... also cichosza during social consultations.


We have been observing for a long time a decline in the interest in invitations to consultations on municipal projects, as well as a lack of social and civic activity. What is with this activation? Are the actions wrong? Does the inviter not have the proper authority? Have the inhabitants been effectively educated that their voice does not matter? 
Or is it just a lack of knowledge? Misinformation?
Who is the consultation for? For residents? For the City Hall? For councilors? For no one?

"Thanks to the implemented projects, the sub-areas of revitalization have become attractive areas, characterized by a high quality of public space and a satisfactory condition of technical and housing infrastructure.
The percentage of socially excluded people, at risk of exclusion and benefiting from social welfare support has been limited.
The local community of the revitalization area consists of people who are active and make full use of their potential, which will contribute to the further development of the area in the future. " 
So more or less "I see my theater huge" **

What is this? 
A vision that probably in theory should already come true, since it concerns the Local Revitalization Program for Lubartów for 2016-2023. 
It is true that on the BIP website, in the invitation to the session, we have a point about adopting a resolution on the adoption of the Local Revitalization Program for Lubartów for 2017-2023, but we all know how this time flies quickly ...
As we read on, the preparation of this Program is based on the principles of partnership and social participation. We also read that residents were allowed to participate in the work on the document at every stage of its preparation. 
Probably. Invited on the city's website as for another consultation.

Strategic Objective V - activation of the local community.
And related to the poviat document strategic objective 8: Building a civic society and increasing the social activity of residents.
... you can say in this place - quieter, over this coffin ***
By definition, if someone is socially excluded, he or she does not participate. In anything. Following this lead, it can be said that in Lubartów the majority of the excluded are, but this is not about it.

We understand that it is to some extent convenient - unchecked mandatory consultations, announced on the city website with a meeting schedule, watched by people ... x? 
Possibly a report after the first meeting in Lubartowiak. Maybe, if they choose, the local media will throw in something. If someone does not follow the calendar, they will not see it. 
What is it for? Maybe it is obligatory, but why such fake actions.

It was not supposed to be about the Local Revitalization Program for Lubartów for the years <I don't know> - 2023. 
  Only about costs and profits. Financial and social.
But since we are already at this project, we know that after the April meeting summarizing the work on the Program, a letter was sent to the City Office, submitted by residents, in which they maintain their objection to the construction of a bicycle path at Łąkowa on the west side. This is another letter on this matter. Will this postulate be taken into account? There were four councilors at the meeting, they will probably ask. 
The purpose of the consultations regarding changes in the "Regulations for maintaining cleanliness and order in the Lubartów City Commune in the scope not covered by the regulations for maintaining cleanliness and order in the area of the Communal Association of Lubartów Municipalities" was to get to know the opinions of non-governmental organizations and entities referred to in art. 3 sec. 3 of the Act of April 24, 2003 on Public Benefit and Volunteer Work in the City of Lubartów. How many comments were submitted? Zero. How is this Ordinance different from last year's? The phrase "and Inhabitants of the city of Lubartów". 
Is there anything strange about that? Why should they ask us if we don't have any? Or only those that we share with our neighbor. 
The issue of the civic budget is no better. We know that there are cities where a specific celebration of self-governance is created around this vote. How many press advertisements has the City Hall commissioned? Zero. How much was spent… well, not on promotion, because there is no question of it at all. Paper and toner for the printer - PLN 150. Election commission - PLN 3800. As for the civic budget, we will probably hear soon that there is a city budget and it is artificial, etc. But we know how many councilors submitted applications to the city budget, because we asked. 
Local revitalization and building social capital, not to mention the disgraced building of a civic society, requires a little more work than publishing information about consultations on the website. It should also be recognized and acted upon that the voice of the inhabitants actually matters. And make the residents aware of it. 
Well, unless there isn't. Or it is good as it is.

* The author of the text: Grzegorz Turnau, Michał Zabłocki
** Stanisław Wyspiański
*** Stanisław Stroński

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