Lubartów, March 2020
Ostrówek commune - truth or a challenge?

For every PLN 19,800.00 for the commune administrator Ostrówek commune in 2019 and PLN 18,060.00 in 2018?
In 2018, in the Ostrówek Commune Office, allowances for extras amounted to PLN 57,880.37, and in 2019 - PLN 66,345.80.
What is the difference between a special bonus and a recognition award? We do not really know, because the justifications are almost the same. But it's not called what people don't like. We ask the Municipality of Ostrówek for the second time. We recommend that residents compare the answers for 2018 and 2019. Municipal councilors will probably ask in more detail. We, in turn, have a new experience to send all municipalities applications not only after the end of the calendar year, because who knows if the next prizes will not be awarded on December 31 in the afternoon, but also to ask by sending our table to be filled in, so that this information at all were comparable.
For several years, we have been monitoring the level of employment in the offices of municipalities / cities of the Lubartów Poviat. We also ask about the amount of awards granted to office employees, which can be read not only on our websites, but also in Tygodnik Wspólnota.
Sometimes the information provided requires clarification or clarification. As in the case of the Lubartów Commune , where we previously sent our application on December 27. And it turned out to be at least a day too soon. Because the awards in 2018 were awarded on December 28. We used the reader's signal and asked again. Therefore, we were able to correct the previously provided information.
To avoid such a situation, we asked about the prizes for 2019 in 2020. This time we are returning to the Ostrówek Commune. As we know, these awards are most often treated as a supplement to the salary than the distinction of actual merits, and there is sometimes a problem with justification.
What we asked:
Number of people employed in the Commune Office, broken down into clerical and auxiliary positions.
The amount of awards paid in 2019, broken down by titles and positions, along with justification in the case of discretionary awards.
First answer:
In 2019, the Ostrówek Commune paid jubilee prizes:
- Secretary of the Ostrówek Commune - 4.581.50 PLN
- Inspector - PLN 2,370.00
- Treasurer - PLN 5,259.15
Total: PLN 12,210.65 - NET
And further: Moreover, we would like to inform you that in 2019 no other awards, including discretionary ones, were paid out.
Second answer:
The jubilee award, according to the second letter, in the case of the Commune Treasurer was PLN 22,560.00. Even if we tried very hard, this amount, let's assume gross, will not amount to PLN 5,259.15 net, mentioned in the previous answer.
Besides, again thanks to a signal from the readers, we asked about "additional extras". And now a riddle. "Special allowances constitute remuneration for performing additional duties with the exception of the position of the commune administrator".
What is PLN 19,800.00 in the case of the commune administrator in 2019 and "allowances for additional obligations" in 2018 - PLN 18,060.00?
And so, in 2018, in the Ostrówek Commune Office, allowances for extras amounted to PLN 57,880.37, and in 2019 - PLN 66,345.80.
Asking about the details of these additional duties is left to interested councilors and residents.