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Lubartów, March 2018

Whisper to me 

Sejm RP
czas i pieniądze

Much has been said recently about changes to the Labor Code, but it is silent about the situation of NGOs in the context of these changes.

For many people, NGOs are such an unnecessary growth on the healthy tissue of society.

While these people do not simply act as propaganda, most often they do not realize that non-governmental organizations are primarily there (and therefore in order to) - to deal with matters and people that the state or local government does not want to deal with. In the sense that they prefer  organize competitions and subsidize organizations that actually take over their responsibilities at that moment.

Do you think it would be cheaper if they did it themselves?

An example of such dealing?

The commune's own task is, inter alia, health protection, social assistance, including care centers and institutions. Here, for example, an association can provide care services or run a nursing home using subsidies. The commune's own tasks include the issues of physical culture and tourism, therefore one of the most frequent are sports associations that organize competitions financed from local government funds.

So more formally, why are you creating non-governmental organizations?

Most generally to act in the public interest. What the hell is this public interest? ABOUT  We speak of public interest by referring to common values important for the whole society, such as security or justice, or directly to constitutional principles.

There are many organizations. There are people with disabilities, animal protection, sport, law and so on.

From the CSO Report : Taking into account the main field of activity of non-profit organizations, it should be noted that the conduct of continuous activities was much more often than average characterized by units dealing with sports, tourism, recreation or hobbies (84%), operating in the area of health protection or the market work and professional activation (83% each). In turn, a relatively high percentage of organizations operating in the form of irregular actions resulting from special circumstances also occurred, apart from rescue services (OSP - 57%), among entities dealing with law and its protection, human rights (20%) as well as culture and art (17% ). Organizations undertaking initiatives related to local, social and economic development (21%) often relied on periodic activities .

Where are they financed from?

Organizations have several options for financing their activities. These can be membership fees, subsidies, subsidies, donations, EU funds, public fundraising or paid activities. Most of their activities are based mainly on public money. Subsidies (most from local governments) or membership fees. Such sources of financing are dominant in religious unions, sports associations, TSO or public benefit organizations.

Why is it like that?

Because philanthropy is not widespread in Poland.

Therefore, as mentioned before - organizations perform the tasks of local governments or states, hence they use systems of subsidies, grants, competitions, etc.

And for many other reasons.

What is it like to work at an NGO?

Differently. Most often, social expectations are that it's free. And many organizations rely solely on volunteering. It is not always good and possible. And if you are already employed, it is more often under civil law contracts (36% in 2014) than employment contracts (15%).


For example, for the reasons mentioned by Łukasz Broniszewski (Polish National Federation of NGOs, Stabilo Foundation) in the Report: The Third Side of the Medal / The situation of people working in Polish NGOs :

Project activities and the implementation of project tasks are the reality of work in many non-governmental organizations. What does it entail? First of all, with the cooperation with the grant giver - most often from the public administration (local government, ministries), but also from private organizations or operators distributing the funds. Working "on projects" is associated with the very specificity of project implementation, logic, schedule, implementation time and necessary indicators. The project work mode is characterized by the temporary involvement of employees and volunteers and often a lack of continuity of activities. The project begins and ends .

What will be the consequences of changes in the Labor Code for non-governmental organizations?

Today we supposedly know what is supposed to be in it.

If we assume that the liquidation of the so-called It is a fact that many organizations will have to seriously consider hiring.

We do not expect changes in the approach of funders any time soon. If the organization has to hire employees only under employment contracts, it may turn out that the state or local government will have to "alone" deal with what it did not want to do.

The question returns - Do you think it will be cheaper?



CSO report: Activities of non-profit organizations in 2015: management and cooperation.

The report "The third side of the coin. The situation of people working in Polish non-governmental organizations "(Issued under the project" Rights of people working in non-governmental organizations. Research - Education - Support "implemented under the Citizens for Democracy program, financed by the EEA Funds)

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