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Lubartów, September 2018

Where was I, what I did, what I declared ...

Gdzie byłem, co robiłem, co deklarowałem
Gdzie byłe, co robiłem2.jpg

The end of the term of office is a time of various summaries. We encourage the residents of Lubartów to confront the election promises of councilors with their implementation. You can find election leaflets in the council members' profiles at Interpellations and inquiries of councilors can be found in the same place. 

As for us, we are currently preparing a new form for candidates for councilors and mayors. Before we ask the Election Committees to cooperate in completing the survey, we would like to remind you how the participants responded in 2014, when we participated in the You have a Voice Action, carrying out the "Vote consciously" task.

Meanwhile, during the "Drumming about the City Council" we asked the inhabitants.

What would you like to change in the city?

Because the inhabitants are MOST IMPORTANT to us.


We decided to "match" the residents 'demands to the councilors who spoke on these matters at the point of the City Council Session: Interpellations and councilors' inquiries. The full text of the speeches will be available at And traditionally - we do not mean only the presentations from 2018. You know why.

Of course, we invite you to familiarize yourself with all the issues raised by individual councilors. Here we present the effects of our monitoring. In the article on the website you will find links to the full content of the speeches.  


1. Order with a Jordanian garden

As this issue is most often associated with the problem of the "old nursery", we do not provide separate speeches here.

2. Stop at the hospital

This issue, in turn, is raised when discussing urban transport, especially recently. It was not the subject of separate questions from councilors.


3. Order and image of the city center

So the "old nursery" and the problems of the city center.

Marek Polichańczuk

(2017) “Is it possible that, because I can often see buildings of this type when traveling in Poland, they are covered. They are covered with special banners, which make these buildings invisible. (...) ".

Jerzy Tracz

(2015): "The inhabitants count very much that in this current seventh term we will find a way to eliminate the infamous showpiece of the city of Lubartów, which is the shanty after the former nursery and kindergarten. (...)"

Andrzej Zieliński

(2016): "What's with the nursery building? I would like to remind you once again, 6 years ago, in the 2010 election campaign, it was a flagship point of the party that took power that that government did nothing about the nursery and we will settle the problem within a few months. (...) ”

(2017) The first concerns the situation of this ruined nursery and the building after the LOK. What is the situation, are there any talks going on and what is the chance that these buildings will finally look somehow.

Jan Ściseł

(2015) The councilors raised the problem of the vacancy in the city center, in the nursery building. In response to these inquiries, the Mayor of Szumiec declared the creation of a team that would hold such a working meeting and try to find a solution to this long and ugly problem of our city.

(2015) In the previous session, I asked about the work of the team that was created to deal with the pressing problem in the city center regarding the nursery. The Mayor announced that this team was to meet in mid-May.

(2017) I would like to ask about the prospects for replacing this bad disadvantage in the city center. Have any measures been taken recently to sort out the matter of these two buildings?

Jacek Tomasiak

(2017) at the same time, if I am talking about a nursery, I would like to ask what is happening with the old nursery, as asked by the Chairman, Andrzej Zieliński.

Grażyna Meksła

(2016) My second question concerns the unfortunate nursery. At this point, the owner seems to be mocking us a bit. He hung these supposed advertisements. The ads are hanging, they look like cloths.  


4. Cleanliness

Grzegorz Jaworski

(2018) I would like to ask you to review maybe, here I will refer to the question of Grażyna Mexła's friend about these bins for waste, for animal excrements, the so-called dalmatians because they are in poor condition.

Kazimierz Majcher

(2017) I have noticed recently that the cleanliness of our city has deteriorated, i.e. yesterday I even walked around the city in the evening, the litter bins are full, there are bottles and papers next to the bins, not only next to the bins, but in various places.

Ewa Grabek

(2017) A puddle is still forming at the entrance to Polesie Street, in the Kopernika B estate. (…) Please tell me, I am also asking Mr. Mayor Szumiec, when will this well be cleaned?

Jakub Wróblewski

(2017) During the holiday period, a lot of people, former Lubartowiacy, who have left, come to Lubartów, visit Lubartów, we also have tourists and a few people I met, colleagues from the old days, asked me what happened in this city, that suddenly Lubartów turned from a clean town to a dirty town?

(2015) Well, next to the garbage cans in the Housing Cooperative, especially in my housing estate, for many days, and it happens very often, there is a mess, there are various types of building materials, construction waste, and various other things.

(2018) The second issue is also about cleaning the city, I don't know if yet, but a week ago in the city center there were such wilted balloons hanging from a tree. Here at the City Hall and here at ul. Lubelska and it is an insufficiently handled issue.

Grażyna Meksła

(2018) Since we care about the cleanliness of our city, I would like to note that there are no litter bins in the side streets.

Jan Ściseł

(2016) The second problem I will put in quotation marks is this is such a dirty problem, it concerns the garbage dump at the Cemetery, which lies just behind the cemetery wall, I think it is on the grounds of the Railway. Here, too, the residents of the estate reported to me that this pile of rubbish is growing all the time, something needs to be done about it, contact the cemetery manager so that the rubbish is not simply thrown into these "nobody's" areas 16226

(2016) And taking advantage of the fact that I am here at the podium, I would like to strongly emphasize the problem that President Zieliński raised here. It is about the area next to the railway tracks and the area behind the cemetery. I have already talked about it here. I move around that area very often.

(2017) Spring has burst in the last few days, the snow is gone for a long time, but there is garbage and this garbage is also on the railroad area. There were years when the city cleaned these areas to the satisfaction of its residents.

Piotr Kusyk

(2016) The second case concerns a landfill that is built along the access road to allotments located between two pits after a sand mine for Prefabet. For a long time, cars have been arriving there in the evening to get rid of waste.

(2016) I have a request actually to the Mayor to intervene, if possible, to the company that takes out the rubbish from ul. Lubelska so that she could change her schedule a bit and transported this garbage from, say, the main street in the city, not picking up from 7:00 to 10:00, but say after hours. 10:00 am, because then unfortunately the city is the most busy.

Maria Kozak

2018) It used to be known that two types of waste would be collected every two weeks. At the moment, according to the new schedule that has come, there has been an exportation four times during the last week. And I will say that the residents say that they cannot get it anymore.

Jacek Tomasiak

(2018) The second thing is, I wanted to find out about garbage and unsaved rubbish. Why is he asking this question? As I tried to draw attention to this at ZKGZL, unfortunately it was somehow ignored. I even proposed an amendment at the stage of adopting the cleaning regulations, and the frequency of waste disposal was also set there.

Jerzy Tracz

(2018) Imagine that we are sorting workers and we have this case of dog faeces. After all, these containers were only for dog excrement. As I can see that the number of rummaging is also incl. in this garbage can, because we have a lot of those homeless appearing, among others sometimes in this container - I witnessed it myself - it proves that we should take care, renew, educate, because many people are an example, but it also tells me - "nowhere".

(2018) Fourth, when the city streets, as well as other streets, including poviat ones, will be cleaned and cleaned of sand accumulated at the curbs. Including leaves, glasses and garbage.

(2017) Well, recently at the meeting of the Committee on Education, Culture, Sport and Recreation, which began at 4:30 PM, I signaled the subject of a very large litter of the Jewish cemetery. There were a very large number of bottles there. This is another square, open bar, where there was a lot of it, both rubbish and bottles. Dear friends, what was the reaction. Less than 16 hours as it was sorted out.

(2017): "Why are the streets in our city not systematically desanded and cleaned? The sand lying at the curbs of the road makes it difficult to ride a bicycle, and with so much vehicle traffic and gusts of wind, it causes a lot of dust in the air, which we all inhale, as well as penetrate into our apartments and other buildings. (...) " file / 22068

Andrzej Zieliński

(2016) Another issue, I already reported it a few months ago, a year ago, I would like to ask if there is any chance for an agreement with the Railway on the arrangement of the cemetery areas from the west side, from the side of the tracks.

Wojciech Osiecki

(2015) I have such a question from a flat from me in the estate, because I was delegated to ask this question, is it possible in any way, for example by mowing the grass, to develop this area in the Kopernik estate behind school No. 4?

(2017) The second thing, I have already asked the Mayor to mow lawns in the Kopernika estate behind the school. Third thing - I would ask for some supervision of putting up messages and possibly advertisements on power poles.

(2017) The first point concerns the plot, at the request of the inhabitants of the plots in the Kopernika estate, i.e. plot 146/1 146/2 and the continuation of these plots up to No. 146/8. These are the plots at ul. North between Aviators and Cosmonauts.


5. Security

Jacek Tomasiak 

(2017) And the next question is also a question that I also did not get an answer to at the previous session of the City Council, I tried to speak loudly and clearly, namely about city monitoring. Because signals have reached me that at the moment when there is no employee from the City Hall, who is there between 7:30 and 3:30 pm, our municipal Poviat Police Headquarters does not really have access to this monitoring.

(2017) Another thing, I wanted to ask about municipal monitoring. Is it true that city monitoring works during the hours when this employee of the Medical University is actually there, i.e. from 7:30 to 15:30?

(2017) I would also like to point out here that in the event of crossing the tracks, the inhabitants of Lubartów also addressed me with a dramatic appeal, here I will supplement the statement of councilor Majewska that there, however, the juice players are chastening these children and threatening that punishments will be imposed on their parents, if the children will appear there again.

Jacek Tchórz 

(2015) Everyone today about road safety, and so do I. The first one - a circular intersection, ul. Lubelska - Piaskowa - Kolejowa. (...) the connector of ul. Lubelska with Powstańców Warszawy (...). The intersection of ul. Powstańców Warszawy - Szaniawskiego - Aleje 100-lecia and Nowodworska.

Wojciech Osiecki

(2016) I noticed that two cameras are now installed on this new monitoring in the Market Square itself, i.e. the camera here at the corner of ul. Jana Pawła and further at Farna street, they hang at the same height as those Christmas lights.

(2017) People with disabilities practically do not use this sidewalk, because its curves and stumps, which have already appeared next to the linden trees, make it impossible for such people to use it. Parents with prams and children also have great problems to cover these sections there.

(2018) And here is my question, how do you want to solve it, the problem of parking at SP4? At the same time, I say, invite you at 8:00 am in the busiest time near the school to see what the danger is. Just watch when someone just drives over, invades a child.

Jakub Wróblewski

(2017) And finally, I would like to ask the Mayor about the functioning of the monitoring system. How does this center work and function? Is there a 24/7 service or only at what times?

(2015) Mr. Mayor, also in the draft budget, also in the civic budget, but in the draft budget for 2016 there is an amount for the construction of a monitoring system in the city, I wanted to ask where the Mayor plans to place this center, what are the possibilities, what solutions do you take into account and is it also possible to cooperate in this respect with policemen, with gentlemen, with female policewomen?

(2015) I wanted to ask what the Mayor's plans are for building this system and whether it was possible to reach an agreement with the Poviat Police Headquarters on the construction of a monitoring service center?

(2015) The next issue is monitoring. I remember that I have already asked about this monitoring for some time. Probably all councilors agree that this monitoring must be built to make it safer and I think that there will not be many voices against spending funds for this purpose. P

(2015) I would like to ask if the police may have recently asked the city, within the last year, six months, to extend the monitoring system, pointing to any costs.

Ewa Grabek

(2015) I appeared in an e-mail to you with such a question about monitoring in our city. I asked for materials on monitoring and I thought that the Mayor would invite you to the Committees so that we could discuss the subject.

(2018) The lighting here in the center is quite good, but in some places the transitions are very, very dark. And one should think about the lighting of these pedestrian crossings in this way.

Marzanna Majewska 

(2017) This crossing, which children and adults are also passing through, is a wild one, still dangerous. There are some paving stones thrown over there.

Piotr Kusyk

(2017) Mr.President of the High Council, Mr. Mayor. I would like to ask about the footbridge over the tracks. The deadline for the implementation of this investment together with the railroad was to be June 30, and the work has not yet started.

(2017) The footbridge was to be completed by June. I know that an annex was signed with the implementation until September, we have October, so I would like to know what the footbridge is about.

Kazimierz Majcher (2016) The third question was also raised in previous sessions by me, lighting at ul. Zygmunt the Old. At the last session, there were budget shifts of around 2 million. zloty. this lighting was to be found in them. I would like to know what the Mayor did in this case?

Grzegorz Siwek

(2018) I wanted to ask when the chapel at ul. Olchowa postponed? There were such plans, assurances. At the same time, I would like to ask if at least one side will not be possible to make a sidewalk?


6. Snow removal

Wojciech Osiecki

(2018) And I must admit that the residents also ask why only the thoroughfares were cleared of snow in the Kopernika estate, and all blind roads, and I will say this: there are most of them, this winter the plow never looked there. The snow fell for long days, weeks ...

(2018) Gentlemen Mayors I have the pleasure to invite you gentlemen at 8:00 am to school no. 4 and look at the children with their parents, with their parents, with the problem that we finally have to solve this year, especially that the budget includes the amount http: // mampravowiedziec. pl / file / 28312

Ewa Grabek

(2018) Here, the councilor Krówczyński asked me one question about snow removal and taking care of roads in our city, streets. I also wanted to report this problem because the company that won the tender is not doing well when it comes to snow removal.

Jakub Wróblewski

(2018) The next case concerns the organization of snow removal from streets in the city. We had two winters this year and twice, unfortunately, the municipal services, did the organization show that it is being done in the wrong way.

(2017) The next question is about clearing snow from city streets. Some streets, I will say it with full responsibility, city streets were not snowed once this winter. I wanted to ask why this is happening and how is it organized, and what is the Mayor going to do to improve this situation in the future?

Kazimierz Majcher

(2016) On 4 and 6 December, apart from the main Lubelska and Słowackiego streets, the city was not plowed of snow, even less it was not sprinkled. I wanted to ask whether the services responsible for this should sprinkle these side streets, such as Chopin, May 3, May 1, because people fell over, bruised, I don't know if there were any breaks.


7. Enlargement of the parking zone

Ewa Grabek

(2016) I would like to raise the issue of the expansion of Primary School No. 4 in the Kopernika estate. Residents are asking me about this problem. They talk to the school principal there and inform me that there is no planned parking lot next to this school.

(2016) The third issue I would like to raise is the parking lot at Primary School No. 4. Will it be built in 2017? As we know, the school was extended on the parking lot. At the moment there is nowhere to park the cars.

Grzegorz Siwek

(2018) I still wanted to ask about the possibility, is it this year or next, but it would be best if it is possible to complete the parking lot at SP3 at the pool level?

Jakub Wróblewski

(2018) I would like to ask about the course and stage - because we are doing it for the second year - on which we are at the construction of the parking lot at ul. Szaniawski and at the Primary School No. 4. Despite the experience from that year, I will ask the Mayor about it at every session I will be at.

(2017) The next question concerns the state of implementation of investments that were in the budget, i.e. the construction of the car park at ul. Szaniawski here in front of the cemetery.

(2015) In light of the dramatic shortage of parking spaces in the city center, I do not see any actions aimed at relieving this city center from car traffic. There are no bicycle paths built in the city center, no other, even public means of transport, are planned, therefore these places are increasingly lacking, because it is natural that people use their own cars to go shopping

(2015) I would like to ask if the Mayor, participating in the process of issuing building permits, is not possible to enforce or ask investors to take care of parking lots at the construction of these commercial facilities, because it is natural that people usually come there by car for shopping, especially for these larger purchases and perhaps it would be possible to enforce the construction of these parking lots.

(2015) A few years ago, the City Council was in a great hurry to buy this square, because this square was needed immediately, it was necessary for the parking lot at the cemetery.

Grażyna Meksła 

(2015) Mr. Chairman, Mr. Mayor, High Councilor, I would like to raise two disputes. The first one concerns Kindergarten No. 5, i.e. a kindergarten near Stokrotka. Namely, it is about the organization, I shall call it so pompously, organizations of pedestrian traffic for preschoolers. (...) At Mickiewicza Street, near the nursery, there is a small piece of green area where cars are parked anyway. I have a question if it could be possible to organize and enlarge the parking lot there

Wojciech Osiecki

(2017) The first parking lot at SP4. As we already know, the construction of a new car park is delayed for reasons that may depend on us, maybe independent, because PGE has a large share in it, which blocks the construction of the car park there with a cable.

(2017) And here, too, Mr.President mobilized me about the parking lot in the city center. There are more and more cars, and fewer parking lots. And here, Mr. Chairman gave a few points, although I would consider going further.

Jacek Tchórz

(2018) My second question that I have to ask because the neighbors are bothering me, what about our parking lot in the Ks estate. J. Popiełuszko? What are the plans, is there something already known, is there something being done on this topic? Thank you.

Grzegorz Gregorowicz

(2018) The next question is what about the car park as part of the civic budget in my estate at ul. Fr. Jerzy Popiełuszko? This question is related to the circumstance that appears here in the public message that the fact that the budget changes were not approved was the reason why this car park is not being built.  (2018) However, at the last session, I asked the Mayor what was happening with these projects, not only mine, and I recently received a written answer that the construction of the car park at ul. Fr. Jerzy Popiełuszko is suspended until the City Council makes another decision regarding the fate of the "Mieszkanie plus" program.

(2017) Thanking you for the construction of parking lots in the cooperative zone, i.e. from Liciński to Szkolna, where, together with the city authorities, we managed to make parking lots on both sides for which I have already thanked, now I would like to ask you to explore the possibility of making an analogous parking lot in the road lane on the side where these community buildings are.

(2016) Referring to the question from the previous session, I would like to ask the Mayor of Szumiec, I think whether his answer to my question regarding the parking lot at the District Police Headquarters already exhausts the way of settling the matter, or will there be a continuation?

(2016) Namely, I mean the car park on Cicha Street, running along with Lubelska Street. It is a parking lot adjacent to Cicha Street. In my opinion, this is a parking lot that is located on a road lane owned by the city.

(2015) Dear Mr. Chairman, Dear Members, basically my inquiries concern past issues, i.e. I wanted to ask about the fate of my previous inquiries, i.e. I wanted to ask when the construction of the car park or the makeshift car park in Havana will be started? When will the traffic organization on Szkolna and Popiełuszki streets be changed in accordance with the declaration of the Mayor of Szumiec?

Jacek Tomasiak

(2018) Another thing, I wanted to ask about the liquidation of the parking lot at ul. On May 1, I asked this question. I also know that the inhabitants intervened here. I wanted to ask if anything is changing with regard to the bicycle path, because the residents informed me that they had received an answer that the parking lot along ul. May 1 will not be implemented.

(2017) At the time when the possibility of building a car park in the Popiełuszki estate, designed by Mr. Jacek Bednarski, was removed, it was pointed out that there is no point in building a car park now from the civic budget and therefore it is removed that the same property has a completely different purpose and these car parks will be built just as part of this project, Mieszkanie Plus.

(2016) I asked the Mayor how the problem at the Library would be solved, it was about parking cars on the only sidewalk that connects the estate with ul. Lublin. Then assurances were made that the control would be increased, that the city would try to do so.

Andrzej Zieliński

(2018) Here, the councilor Osiecki spoke about the parking lot at SP4, but also and I would like to ask about the planned parking lot at ul. Szaniawski. When can the completion of the investment be expected?

Zbigniew Gałązka

(2017) The third case concerns parking lots at the estate of ks. Jerzy Popiełuszko. The new parking spaces that have been created have separated parking spaces with a brighter block and parking in these spaces is in accordance with the regulations, while the old asphalt parking spaces do not have designated parking spaces, often there are drivers occupying two parking spaces, which in this case the situation prevents other people from parking.


8. Improve the appearance of Piłsudski Square. Surface renovation

Was to be.

9. Change the traffic to ul. Postal (at least to ban trucks)

Jan Ściseł (2016) I believe that you need to return to the original configuration that was from the beginning on this street, and you should definitely consider restoring the two-way street. Civic. Then all traffic would not be directed to the center, but you could also leave the school on ul. Szaniawski. This is a petition from the residents, the residents are simply asking me to react on this matter, which I am doing here.


10. New surface at ul. Casimir the Great

Jacek Tomasiak

(2017) Let's move on to the Polish Kings. On ul. Last year, Królów Polskich was made of two paving stones. There is quite a large area on two streets, it looks nice but I wanted to ask why it only looks nice? There I was asked by the inhabitants to come to these streets and see what is happening with these roads at the moment.

Jakub Wróblewski

(2018) Then I wanted to ask about the fate of the applications that were received by the Committee on Budgets and I also think that other committees, the City Council, the Mayor - an application submitted by some residents at ul. Lipowa, concerning the construction of streets in this housing estate, between Lipowa Street and the estate of Polish kings.

11. Order after the market at ul. Industrial on Tuesday

​     # Elections2018

12. Mayor

​     # Elections2018


13. Clutter, shop owners don't clean

Jacek Tomasiak

(2017) So I have a question, how many are there, unfortunately I will tell you the smarts who are in Lubartów, and unfortunately why such an option was given in the regulations, even though it was indicated that it should not be so, that I emphasize the people who run their business in the city of Lubartów and indicate that therefore they do not pay for waste because they live in the place where this waste is produced, are exempt from such a fee and do not pay any fee, and they produce this waste and throw it either to private houses or to other rubbish bins?

(2016) At the same time, I wanted to ask if we are already using this information, we know that 2 thousand. of economic activity is in the territory of the Communal Association of these 5 communes, how many of these economic activities, entities running companies, have submitted declarations to the Communal Association? Is it 50%, is it 25% or is it less than 25%?

(2015) We have recently been informed by the Mayor of Szumiec that inspections have begun, that the Municipal Police is verifying these amounts of waste, and that they are checking how it is being carried out. Of course, it is about private companies.

Wojciech Osiecki

(2017) My next question, although I will probably not hear an answer to it today, but maybe how much rubbish was collected from companies throughout 2016 by the Association and how much so far in 2017? I'm talking about companies. My next question is why not all companies received the notification about the necessity to submit a declaration?


14. Completion of the construction of the Cultural Center

County task


15. Make streets by rails. There's a garbage dump there now

Jan Ściseł

(2016) It is such a walking area for the residents of the Szaniawskie estate and many residents of Lubartów. This is the place where they ride their bikes or just move around our city. (…) I confirm that there is a need to civilize this area. Thank you.

Andrzej Zieliński

(2016) Another issue, I already reported it a few months ago, a year ago, I would like to ask if there is any chance for an agreement with the Railway on the arrangement of the cemetery areas from the west side, from the side of the tracks.

(2015) A few years ago I asked the Mayor to ask the Railways, which is the owner, at the same time it seems to me that also with the manager of the cemetery, i.e. the parish, it would be possible to reach an agreement to organize this part, along the railway right outside the cemetery wall.


16. Lower the garbage collection fee

Maria Kozak

(2015) On the other hand, the second thing was asked by the state, two elderly people who simply pay for rubbish is a heavy burden for them. They asked me where they could go to, and if they could at all, reduce this fee?

Jacek Tomasiak

(2015) While the same company won the tender in the case of single-family houses in Lubartów, the fee was increased here in the case of single-family houses. I wanted to ask what is the shortage in this Union, what is the fee and why does the city of Lubartów cover any costs? What are the costs, what is the fee, what is it for?

(2017) The first is related to the question asked by the councilor Kazimierz Majcher, I also remember these announcements, I also remember these assurances that when the plant is launched, the fees for residents will change, I also wanted to ask when Are these reductions in fees planned by the Association for the residents of the city of Lubartów due to the fact that this plant has already been launched?

(2017) also these wastes, as mentioned by Councilor Wróblewski, may even become more expensive up to 75%. And if we ask about the ZZO, I would like to thank my colleague Wojtek Osiecki for this question about single-family houses, because I also wanted to ask about them, but I wanted to ask when the garbage will be globally due to the fact that it was handed over to the ZZO.

(2017) Residents would like to know what the costs of collecting this waste will be, especially residents of single-family houses, where the fee is very high, and this fee has not been reduced after the sorting plant was launched, it was reported that tenders are already taking place and they are already in this the moment they are settled, so I wanted to ask because it turned out that it is completely different with these tenders, when will these tenders be held?

(2017) These are important questions, because in a moment what you were escaping from, you did not want to say, the residents of Lubartów will find out how much the planned increase for waste is, Mr. Mayor. Does it not apply to the city of Lubartów?

Kazimierz Majcher

(2016) Will this deadline be met, because it simply involves costs, it seems to me less waste for residents? Because the transport will be shorter and I think that we will pay a little less for a ton of rubbish in our plant.

(2017) We discussed this topic earlier in the session and we said that building this ZZO in Wólka Rokicka will reduce the residents' costs for waste, for rubbish. I would like to know if there were any talks with the entrepreneur who takes out the rubbish?

(2017) Mr. Chairman, Mr. Mayor, Mr. Councilors, Ladies and Gentlemen, here many fellow councilors asked a question that I had prepared for the Mayor regarding, for example, waste, whether there were any negotiations regarding the prices that companies that collect waste, because we know that this transport is shorter, cheaper for the entrepreneur and that the money goes into the entrepreneur's pocket and does not land, there is no reflection in the prices of rubbish for residents to make this rubbish cheaper.

Wojciech Osiecki

(2017) When there will be a reduction in the prices of waste disposal in single-family houses, because we were convinced during the construction of the sorting plant that it would be such a profitable element of our waste management.

Jakub Wróblewski

(2017), some municipalities expect an increase in waste collection prices by as much as 74% related to it. I wanted to ask how it looks in Lubartów and in the Association? When will we have to introduce these changes, because it is different in different communes? How do you estimate the increase in costs for residents on this account?

(2015) project of the Position of the City Council of Lubartów on establishing the method and amount of fees for municipal waste management in the city - adopted by the City Council

(2015) Position  Lubartów City Council on determining the method and amount of fees for municipal waste management in the city - adopted by the City Council

( 2015) Draft resolution: on the withdrawal of the Lubartów City Commune from the Union of Communal Communes of the Lubartów Region 


17. Lower your water charges

Jacek Tomasiak

(2018) Another question I would like to ask is also the case when it comes to sewage and water because yesterday we were shocked at the Committee on Budgets with information about this increase. But I also wanted to say because this information is presented here: 36% sewage, 16% water, i.e. PLN 100. per year per capita with an average water consumption of PLN 400. for a family of 4.

Grzegorz Gregorowicz

(2018) My questions are for you, I will ask them today, have the supervisory boards of PGK and PEC approved or issued an opinion on the tariffs for water, sewage and heat? If so, if they approved or gave an opinion, I would like you to present the content of these opinions.

Jan Ściseł

(2018) And Mr. Mayor, in the context of what the President said and said that the company has the opportunity to look for savings, I would like to ask, because this is our municipal company, have you tried, or are you going to try to influence the shape of this tariffs to somehow limit these increases?


18. Do not punish for a 2-month delay in the fee for garbage collection

In the authorities of ZKGZL - Mayor Janusz Bodziacki and Vice Mayor Radosław Szumiec


19. Order with an old nursery (den, dirt, stench). - Point 3

Jacek Tomasiak

(2017) “at the same time, if I am talking about a nursery, I would like to ask what is happening with the old nursery, as asked by the Chairman, Andrzej Zieliński.

Andrzej Zieliński

(2017) Mr. Chairman, High Council, Mr. Mayor, I have three questions. The first concerns the situation of this ruined nursery and the building of the LOK. What is the situation, are there any talks going on and what is the chance that these buildings will finally look somehow.

Jan Ściseł

(2017) Another thing is when I go to the session, I always look at the two buildings in the center right now. The building after the kindergarten, the plot and the building once sold by the city authorities and the second building a few years ago sold five or four after the LOK.

Marek Polichańczuk

2017) The time of Christmas is approaching, the time of various types of festive decorations in the city, maybe this time will also be good to cover this building of this type or a similar type of installation.

Grażyna Meksła 

(2016) Maybe as a piece of advice, I don't know, let's unite, let's get this man to start doing something, and that there is simply some chance, I don't know to demolish this building. This is a really huge problem and I think it needs to be tackled in the end.

Jerzy Tracz

(2015) Several years ago, as residents, we collected signatures under a petition to the provincial inspector of monuments so that an agreement could be reached with the owners of the building so that they could adapt it for public use as planned. And what the effect was, you can see today.


20. That councilors fulfill their promises and meet voters

    # Elections2018


21. Open to the voices of young people

    # Elections2018

Jacek Tomasiak

(2018) Park and youth training. I also wanted to ask because here the coaches, especially from KS Orlik of the Lubartowski Sports Club, complain very strongly that they do not have individual training, that one of them can benefit from the courtesy of the trainers from MOSiR, where they are allowed in from time to time, so that half of the the pitches were made available to them by coaches from MOSiR.

Jerzy Tracz

(2017) So, what institutions will work intensively during this period to secure our residents' free time? Was a social survey or a survey conducted, what are the expectations of children, adolescents and adults for the use of summer free time this year?

(2018) Dear friend - Janie, councilor Jan Ściseł. A modest figure, I will have to on my behalf, as well as from the housing estate… Jasiu created a volleyball and basketball court. There for many, many years, together with his sons, they grew up and are already students, this is how he shaped the personality of his sons. Glory to you John. And mom too. You are also an example. And it was mowed in April.


22. Change the hours of public consultations to those appropriate for residents

​     Mayor

23. The output of power to people, mobile meetings

​     # Elections2018


24. The surface of the street and pavement on May 3rd at MOPS and MBPF1

Jacek Tomasiak

(2018), unfortunately, the Mayor did not take a positive view of the road renovation project in the Garbarskie estate, when I was voted by the Budget Committee and it was not included as a self-amendment in the city's project. We hear that this street is extremely needed today. Councilor Jaworski spoke about it, and probably councilor Wróblewski also pointed to this topic

Kazimierz Majcher

(2017) Another issue is the construction of a storm sewer in the 3 Maja estate as part of the revitalization of the City of Lubartów. As I found out recently, this storm sewer may be built after 2021.

(2018) Mr. Mayor, I hear disturbing news that the implementation of this task will not be performed this year. Please tell me if this is true or not, because it is an extremely important project for the residents of the 3 Maja estate and nearby blocks of flats?

(2018) Please tell me what was done in this task? At what stage is it? Has anything been touched upon in this matter? Because we already have almost…, it will be six months soon and I'd just like to know.

Grzegorz Jaworski

(2015) Now, in the last few years, another one has been built, but maybe I will say the first thing - a pool of water on the os. Tannerski. We all know him.

(2016) We also enter here from 6 ul. May 3 and we enter a place near one of the PSS store, we enter, there is the Municipal Public Library, later MOPS, we get to the kindergarten. And the plots outside the boundaries of the cooperative are also municipal plots, and there is a road line here all the time, where I noticed during this protest, because I was invited by the residents, I noticed that the petitioners of municipal centers were terribly upset.

(2018) And just as Mr. Kuba Wróblewski proposes to consider a section of less than 200 meters of road in the tannery estate, where the Municipal Social Welfare Center, Library and Kindergarten No. 1 is located, because there are no parking spaces there, and two, that the state is such that the applicants, or the commuting parents, I am not talking about the inhabitants, are in big trouble to get there and stop.

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