Do you remember fortune candies?

This is how we encouraged people to vote on the projects submitted to the first civic budget.
And so something will be chosen, and not necessarily what, according to you or you - should be implemented.
The Lubartów Civic budget is launched once again. Are you over 16? You have an idea? Find 25 people willing to support it with your signature and promote it!
Projects can be submitted from September 8 to October 9, this year there are 650,000 to be released. zlotys.
"(...) Our Tuesday information campaign showed that many people did not know about this" election "at all. Yes, our media did provide information, published lists of projects. We know, however, that not everyone reads the newspapers or looks for local news on the web. There was no commitment. On many sides, especially since it was - we hope - the first vote of many.
This is a great opportunity to promote the city and this is what we expect from the City Hall.
It is a great opportunity to activate the inhabitants and this is what we expect from the councilors.
This is a great opportunity to look for support for the implementation of the necessary investments and this is what we expect from the applicants. "
Balance of 2016?
23 complex projects.
Balance sheet 2017?
20 complex projects.
Balance sheet 2018?
12 projects.
Some of them are repeated, but it is impossible to say whether their authors are repeated, because this information is not available on the city's website. Are we dealing with "bottom-up" initiatives of ... councilors again?