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Lubartów, November 2019

No (efficiency). We seriously wanted to get out of the Communal Union, or just a little?

The City Council resolves to leave the Union. The union urges the Mayor to implement the resolution. The mayor replies to the Union that if they want, they can read at the Public Information Bulletin, which he was obliged to do.  Letters circulated, councilors debated, Lubartów went out in two sessions and did not come out, and that was the case

Uchwała Rady Miasta Lubartów (ZKGZL)

Let your imagination run wild, and what! Imagine that the City Council decides to lower your property tax rates. But the mayor does not give orders to employees and the residents receive payment decisions in the previous amount. Impossible! Why?

For six months after the resolution on the departure of the Lubartów City Commune from the Union of Communal Communes of the Lubartów Region, nothing actually happened. Nothing, i.e. the resolution of the City Council, has not been implemented.

Zgromadzenie ZKGZL

Indeed, there is no statutory time limit for implementing a resolution, but it is known that some of them require more actions, and thus - time and plan. We have two bodies in our local government structure. The legislative body, i.e. the City Council, and the executive body, i.e. the Mayor. The Council passed a resolution to leave the Union, what should happen next? Next, the mayor should decide how and when to implement the resolution. What does it mean: how? In this situation - notify the Union, adopt Regulations, arrange a tender for waste disposal, etc. A lot of work, so you would have to start it right away. 

By the way - the Council not only adopts resolutions, but also controls the activities of the Mayor. This is how the Audit Committee works, but also individual councilors can ask questions and submit interpellations. 

On such a query, the councilor Krówczyński received the answer that the resolution came into force on the day of its adoption, the Mayor ordered a consultation of the Regulations of maintaining order and cleanliness, the costs of the system's operation and the rates are unknown. The costs of operating the system in the City of Lubartów will be known after the necessary tender procedures have been carried out, while the rates for waste disposal have not yet been estimated due to the ongoing consultations on the waste management system . And it was May, that is two months after the adoption of the resolution. And no letter informing the Union that we left it has not reached it. What should happen first. And the rates were not known, because no tender procedures had been announced. 
Time passed and we reached September 26, when the Council decided that the resolution on leaving the Union should be repealed. September is not a coincidence, because it is the last month when we were able to successfully leave the Union from the new year. 

Uchwała Rady Miasta Lubartów - ZKGZL

So when, within six months, was the Mayor going to inform the Association? And when to announce a tender? The initiators of the resolution on remaining in the Association refer to the change in the regulations, and the resolution itself was brought to the session on September 26. 

Earlier, on September 2, 2019, the Board of the Communal Association of Municipalities of the Lubartów Region met and adopted a resolution to cancel the tender, in which Lubartów did not participate. Another project already included Lubartów, precisely because the resolution of the City Council was not implemented. 

The representatives of the Union decided to prepare and send a letter to the Mayor of the City of Lubartów regarding the implementation of the resolution of the City Council of Lubartów regarding the withdrawal of the City of Lubartów from the Union of Municipal Communes of the Lubartów Region (minutes from the meeting of the Board of ZKGZL).
No wonder, because the Association's Statute says: Each Participant may withdraw from the Association with a 3-month notice period falling at the end of the calendar year . So where is the termination?

Public information - This is both a letter from the Board and the Mayor's reply. We applied for both. 
And here's a note - we present the full text of the letter of September 6, which the Board of the Union addressed to the Mayor.

Dear Mr. Mayor,
In connection with the Resolution No. VI / 28/2019 adopted by the Lubartów City Council on March 26, 2019 on the withdrawal of the City of Lubartów from the Union of Municipalities of the Lubartów Region, we again ask you to start its implementation and deliver the indicated resolution within 7 days of receipt of this letter (editorial emphasis) to the Office of the Communal Union of Municipalities of the Lubartów Region.
The Management Board of the Association states that the long-lasting passivity of the Mayor of the City of Lubartów with regard to its implementation, in the event of the city withdrawing from the intention to leave the Association, may contribute to a serious disturbance in the functioning of the waste management system in the City of Lubartów within the Municipal Association Municipalities of the Lubartów region, and what will be associated with it, the unpredictable scale of the increase in fees.
At present, the Association's Office is carrying out activities related to the preparation of the waste collection system for the years 2020-2021. Pursuant to the Public Procurement Law Act, the announcement of a tender for the collection of waste from the inhabitants of the City of Lubartów takes place in the form of a contract exceeding the equivalent of EUR 221,000 net, which results in certain consequences, prolonging the tender procedures. In addition, it is necessary to announce a tender procedure for the service of fraction management, among others debris and ash.
An equally important issue from the point of view of the inhabitants of Lubartów is the organization of the Selective Waste Collection Point (PSZOK) for the City of Lubartów.
Its maintenance by the Association also requires a tender procedure.
The analysis of the amount of waste going to PSZOK and the number of people using it shows that it is located at ul. Nowodworska in Lubartów PSZOK has a heavy load and is an important supplement to the system for the residents of the City of Lubartów.
Its maintenance by the Association also requires a tender procedure.
The alternative of the Association is to launch the PSZOK in Nowodworze to a greater extent, which also requires prior detailed arrangements and actions.
Another issue is to agree on the method and dates of replacing the municipal waste containers owned by the Union. The deadline for replacing the containers in a situation where the collection of waste will be provided by a company other than the one currently providing the service in the City of Lubartów must be synchronized with the end of the year.
It should also be borne in mind that property owners must be provided with waste collection schedules for 2020 before the end of this year, which will also be possible after selecting the recipient in the city.
For the sake of the high standard and well-being of the inhabitants of Lubartów, the Management Board of the Association expects the Mayor to immediately take a position on the implementation of the Resolution of the City Council of Lubartów No. VI / 28/2019 of March 26, 2019 on the withdrawal of the City of Lubartów from the Union of Communes of the Lubartów Region .
The activity of the Communal Association of Municipalities of the Lubartów Region is primarily a concerted cooperation of all participating municipalities, which is carried out on a daily basis through the efficient implementation of the assumed action schedules, resulting directly from the provisions of law, and relating to municipal waste management.
As the mayor managing the largest commune of our Union, you are aware beyond any doubt that the problem of waste management and the related nationwide increase in prices is a socially sensitive issue that evokes a lot of emotions.
Recently, these emotions were carefully fueled by some representatives of the city of Lubartów, which clearly hampered the relations between the City of Lubartów and other municipalities.
As the management board of the Association, we call on you to rise above ad hoc political goals and to make an immediate declaration on the further cooperation of the City of Lubartów with the Union of Communes of the Lubartów Region.
  Chairman of the Board Paweł Woźniak
Deputy Chairman of the Board Dariusz Trąbka


At this point, you can hear a chuckle, not to say - a chuckle. Because it is the representatives of the Board of the Association who demand actions related to the implementation of the resolution of the City Council from the Mayor of the city. So that we would not be left without PSZOK, containers and waste recipient. And as we know, on September 6, that is on the date of this letter, the tender for the collection of waste by the city of Lubartów was not announced. And this, as we read, is a renewed call.  

What position did the Mayor of Lubartów take in relation to this summons?
In response to the letter of September 11, 2019 regarding the provision of Resolution No. VI / 28/2019 of the Lubartów City Council of March 26, 2019 regarding the withdrawal of the City of Lubartów from the Union of Communal Municipalities of the Lubartów Region, I would like to inform you that the resolution in question is available in the Public Information Bulletin on the official website of the City of Lubartów at the link: (link address)
Pursuant to Art. 10 sec. 1 of the Act of 6 September 2011 on access to public information (Journal of Laws 2019, item 1429), the application procedure for providing public information applies only to public information that has not been made available in the Public Information Bulletin.

Apart from the fact that the answer is dated September 27, and the disclosure of public information on the request takes place without undue delay, but not later than within 14 days from the date of submitting the request , it was after the resolution on remaining in the Association was adopted. Which, as we claim, we did not leave at all, since the termination did not reach him. Neither were any settlements of the matters discussed in the letter of the Management Board of the Association. 
What sounded during the September session:
... we can make that by using the potential of the Association, the sorting plant and the landfill, we will obtain additional funds that will allow us to reduce fees for our residents, residents of our commune ...
... Like all of us, I have neighbors, on the left, on the right, you know, you can get along with some of the neighbors, with some a little less ...
... The plant is functioning normally, nothing is happening, the garbage is being processed, so all these ... I understand that they were often used in the election campaign, but the election campaign is over ...

Which of the councilors said the above issues, you can easily find in the minutes from the session of September 26. Today we do not know what the prices of waste collection in the city would be, because no tender has been announced. 
On the occasion of "leaving" the Union, we published the prices of waste collection in communes of the Lubartów Poviat, which do not belong to it. We refer to the website to the material: Partings and Returns - Communal Union of the Lubartów Region Communes.
We repeated the question .

But on this occasion, others come back to us - why do we need councilors?

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