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February 12, 2016
And after ... voting
Slightly over 4% of eligible voters took part in voting for projects submitted to the civic budget. Surprised?
We are not.
This more or less coincides with the results of the survey we have been doing so far, concerning the knowledge of councilors from individual constituencies. The turnout in local government elections is higher, but perhaps the "spell of memories" is working and some people vote for a specific election committee and not for their surname. The percentage of people contacting their councilor is even lower.
In the case of the civic budget, its promotion in the city was huge (joke). Organization similar to the celebration of the 25th anniversary of local government. At that time, councilors from the previous terms of the City Council, employees of the magistrate and invited guests were invited to celebrate. Civilians could celebrate at an evening concert. Here our perception of self-government is diverging. For us, the local government is made up of residents whose delegates are to represent their interests. And the emphasis in this sentence is on the residents, not the delegates. Neither the executive body. The emphasis on power has been evident for years. Fewer and fewer people are interested in local, or generally - public matters. There is an opportunity to change that. For example, thanks to civic budgets. In 2015, approximately 25% of the eligible voters voted in Lublin.
Our information campaign on Tuesday showed that many people did not know about this "election" at all. Yes, our media did provide information, published lists of projects. We know, however, that not everyone reads the newspapers or looks for local news on the web. There was no commitment. On many sides, especially since it was - we hope - the first vote of many.
This is a great opportunity to promote the city and this is what we expect from the City Hall.
It is a great opportunity to activate the inhabitants and this is what we expect from the councilors.
This is a great opportunity to look for support for the implementation of the necessary investments and this is what we expect from the applicants.
February 11, 2016
Civic budget. Voting continues
   First votes cast. An hour has now passed since the voting on the projects began. The weather is not conducive to turnout, so far the polling station has been visited by around 30 people. From the data provided by the Commission, we have 18 790 persons entitled to vote.
February 9, 2016
Two days before the vote

  From the very beginning, we have been supporters of introducing civic budgets as a form of social participation. 
   We supported the idea and participated in the process of creating the law giving this possibility to the inhabitants of Lubartów. You can celebrate in different ways. We celebrate sadly in our city. What did we expect? Use this event as an opportunity to promote the city. With the help of animators and other specialists in "field" activities, we were able to set a model example for future initiatives. 
Where did the idea for fortune candies come from?
   The message consisted in making people aware that others would make a choice, and that the absent would receive a not entirely wanted gift or a voucher for activity - financed from a shared pocket - would be given to a neighbor. 
How did today's "marketing campaign" come about?
   A few days ago we asked on the portal Lubartów 24 project applicants to contact us to organize a joint action. Unfortunately, the appeal met with little interest. 
He responded to our request
 Patryk Kuś, the originator of two projects submitted for implementation under the BO. Those interested could talk to the author of the projects and hear arguments in favor of selecting his applications.

   We would like to thank the Polish cooperative grocery chain Gama for their sweet contribution to our campaign. 
Greetings to the Councilor Grzegorz Poznański :)

February 6, 2016

Lubart's participatory sauté budget


On February 11 (Thursday), in the Lubartów City Hall (room 10) from 8:00 to 20:00, voting for projects submitted under the civic budget will be held.


List of projects:

1.      Construction of a playground on plot no. 83/17 at ul. Łokietek, PLN 200,000

2.      Construction of a video monitoring system, stage I PLN 360,000

3.      L'Art Festival PLN 60,000

4.      Modernization of the playground at ul. Chmielna 62,000 PLN

5.      Lighting of streets: Stefan Batory, Zygmunt II August 100,000 PLN

6.      Promotion of the city of Lubartów by native artists PLN 59,000

7.      Reconstruction of the fountain at ul. Market I PLN 150,000

8.      Reconstruction of ul. Władysław Jagiełło 400,000 zlotys

9.      Lubartów 45,000 PLN

10. development path PLN 53,450

11. Hardening the surface of the side street to ul. W. Śliwina at the level of the former SP1 branch PLN 25,000

12. Establishing a small playground in the Kopernika estate PLN 80,000 purchase and installation of play equipment. When purchasing a plot of land, the cost: PLN 160,000

13. Barbecue shelter on the Wieprz River 65,000 PLN

14. Execution of exits and access to the property at ul. North, PLN 150,000



Vol 1

  We will not once again dwell on the benefits that we believe are associated with the introduction of BO in the city. In short, it is a chance for greater identification of residents with their place of residence, which results in increased responsibility for shared property, or generally a change in thinking about urban property as nobody's. It is also an opportunity to integrate residents not only around projects that relate to their area of residence, but to broaden their interest in urban issues globally.

   We are bound by the model of representative democracy, which does not exclude the separation of an area for direct actions. After all, there are no other legislative initiatives, and in the Preamble to the European Charter of Local Self-Government, which "ended" 30 years last year, it was stated that the right of citizens to participate in managing public affairs is one of the democratic principles common to all member states Council of Europe.

   The councilor does not have to follow the voters' instructions in any way, so a delegation of not only 25 but also 150 people is not able to persuade him to submit an application to the city budget. In such a case, there remains a disgusting conclusion that the councilor will be verified every four years.

   Therefore, allocating a part of funds to the BO is an option for direct co-decision on municipal funds. Also by councilors who can be applicants, about which - I admit - I have mixed feelings. However, we also heard that a single councilor can do little if he is not in a coalition, and therefore let "more" be allowed in a different way.

  As we repeat, the essence of this budget is precisely that the residents decide which of the submitted projects are to be implemented regardless of who contributes these projects. So this is an introduction to a broad discussion on the development of the city, because of course the City Council has a certain vision and probably all voters are counting on it (even if you don't see it), but residents can also have their own.



Vol 2

Criticism is and always will be.

    Criticism representative democracy, so people have nothing to do with it. River theme. There has been a lot about it on our website. The city lasts a little longer than the term of the councilor with whom you can agree or disagree. The promotion of such a view means that the councilors themselves, who want to activate residents in the event of harmful - in their opinion - projects, have nobody to activate, because no one will come anywhere, except for the polling station. It is more difficult to govern conscious citizens, but it is better. In a nutshell, from the website of the “Masz Głos” [“Your Choice] Action, , also about references in the local government act.

    Criticism now there is not enough money for other (important) investments. It would be good to see a place where there is enough for everyone. In my opinion, such a place is called Utopia. BO is not only a voting but also a platform to discuss what needs to be done first.

   Criticism now someone will treat us to something we don't want. One way - via John Paul II for voting. Second - submit your project yourself. They can be simultaneous. Participation often starts with one dissatisfied resident. This is a process. How else is human and social capital created?

    Criticism has no legal powers. As stated (fragment) by Mr. Andrzej Porawski, Director of the Office Association of Polish Cities "The Act - at most - should allow city / commune / poviat authorities to allocate a" civic "part of the budget. And that's only because some regulators today have a problem with it. Meanwhile, every thinking person (I assume that in the Regional Audit Chamber or at the voivode, sometimes they think ...) should accept this form of initiative of citizens, because in the end citizens constitute a self-government community, which is clearly indicated in the law.

     Some supervisory authorities treat the participation of citizens in the creation of the budget as a form of… consultations - so be it, although this has nothing to do with treating residents as ENTITIES of a self-governing community. Well, but since the Lower Silesian voivode repealed resolutions of municipal councils granting citizens the right to adopt a legislative initiative (i.e., in fact, to submit draft resolutions to the council's deliberations), it may need to be written down somehow ... After all, remember that in various places the civic budget procedure has already been successfully introduced, which proves that in the current legal situation, despite the resistance of overzealous supervisors, the civic budget began to work. Self-governance is not about empty guarantees

   If we were to decide on a statutory provision, it should therefore concern the participation of citizens in designing the budget, because the budget will ultimately be adopted by the decision-making body at the request of the executive body (this principle is appropriate). This participation can already be regulated today - and not only (as some supervisors want) in the resolution on the principles of conducting consultations, but above all in the resolution on the procedure for working on the budget, and if the executive body would like to include residents earlier, then in an appropriate order the head of the commune head or in a resolution of the poviat board. And it should always be in the form of "may" and not "must". Because self-government does not consist in empty guarantees, but in creating the possibility of free, voluntary participation. "


Vol 3

As for the resolution itself ... As we say - we learn.

We asked for the minutes of the meeting of the Team for reviewing projects submitted under the Civic Budget for 2016, but the doubts remained.

We are aware that sometimes something "comes out in the wash".

There is no reason to be offended, just to pull up your sleeves and correct what is imprecise.

   The provision of tasks carried out within one financial year requires discussion. However, we must not forget that BO is part of the city's budget, which is adopted for a specific year. Perhaps it should only be made clear that implementation is understood as the time needed for the actual execution of the investment, apart from tender procedures and the preparation of relevant documentation. By the way, the introduction of clear criteria for assessing the feasibility of this implementation. (Inquiry to several entrepreneurs carrying out similar projects?) This is a solution for consideration.

   The next issue is the question of land ownership. On this occasion, it is worth considering whether it is necessary for schools, kindergartens and nurseries to be generally excluded from design. Regarding ownership - you can imagine a situation where the city makes some kind of investment and the owner next day fencing the area off and that's it. This, as I understand it, guided the councilor Jakub Wróblewski when rejecting the projects negatively assessed by the Team in the next vote. Therefore, at the stage of submitting the project, the ownership of the land could be regulated so that the applicant could present an obligation signed by the land owner to: conclude a sale agreement, sign a public-private partnership, transfer into permanent management free of charge to the extent necessary to implement the project. It is a matter of resolving legal doubts, and therefore a field for the lawyers.

   The case of the project promoters is that excluding councilors from this group would be a form of discrimination.

The remark of the councilor Grzegorz Gregorowicz that the funds allocated for the implementation of the civic budget should be decided by the City Council is right. This will be a logical consequence of the applicable legal order.

  Therefore, it is necessary to correct the provision that the Mayor of the City decides to implement the projects referred to in paragraph 1 in the draft budget for a given calendar year. Rather, it should be a commitment as an executive body.

   As for the procedure itself, as the opinion-giving body is a defining body, the final decision on the list of projects approved for voting under BO should belong to the Committee on Budget and Economic Initiatives. It would also be worth discussing whether, when and how much it is possible for applicants to modify projects.

January 14, 2016
the last straight
Before us, we are going to vote on projects submitted as part of the civic budget.
    We know for sure that 14 applications have passed to the next stage, and two will be re-verified by the Committee on Budgets at the request of the Mayor (for Dziennik Wschodni). We do not know what decisions the committee will take on the disputed proposals.
    Looking to the future, even to the procedure of project selection by residents, we would like the highest standards to be maintained, as in any democratic election. This applies to the equal access of applicants to public media, in our case - to the municipal weekly Lubartowiak - financed from public funds.
    It is known that each of the applicants wants their idea to be implemented within the civic budget and can individually take care of the greatest possible scope of the information and promotion campaign.
   We, however, stand up and appeal - to our local media - to devote attention to all projects, and then to allocate them equal time and place.
Budżet Obywatelski Lubartów

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