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Wideofilmowanie sesji Rady Miasta Lubartów

We provide correspondence on our requests to indicate the ordinance on video filming of the sessions. Important? Very important, because access to video materials is guaranteed by the Statute of the City of Lubartów.

Wideofilmowanie sesji Rady Miasta Lubartów
Wideofilmowanie sesji Rady Miasta Lubartów
Wideofilmowanie sesji Rady Miasta Lubartów

July 14, 2016

Video filming of sessions of the City Council of Lubartów

July 6, 2016

Without playing on emotions

   Editor  Marcin Kusyk  wrote an article about the Mayor's attack in return for entries on his private profile on Facebook. The author of the article writes about what happened at the session. And good. Now we can relate to these attacks.

Mayor  Janusz Bodziacki  He said:
“I am sorry that you are basing your award on a lie (here is a laudation quote). This is false information, the video from the session was introduced on December 13, 2013 as a compensation for false information. ”We would like to ask whose false information is it?


We inform:
   It is possible that he introduced and could "remove" at any time, because until today we have not received an answer on the basis of which document it is done.

Letter on this matter -  



   The guarantee of the inability to "lead out" videography, as an integral part of the minutes of the session, is provided by the amendment to the Statute of the City of Lubartów, in which the Mayor did not participate.
"§ 56 The members of the Committee did not propose changes to § 56 of the Statute, but due to the fact that changes to this paragraph were proposed by the town's residents (Ms Anna Gryta and Ms Elżbieta Wąs), who in the letter of April 29, 2014 proposed extending the paragraph in question and adopting it as follows: "voting at the session and at the meetings of the Council's committees takes place in an open name, unless the law provides otherwise", the Committee responded to the above-mentioned proposal. "

Statute before changes: 
§ 104
1. Citizens are provided with the following types of documents:
1) session protocols,
2) minutes of meetings of the Council's committees, including the Audit Committee,
3) mayor's orders,
4) conclusions and opinions of the Council's committees,
5) register of interpellations and conclusions of councilors,
6) register of the resolutions of the Council.

Statute as amended:
§ 104
Citizens are provided with the following types of documents:
l) session protocols and their audio or audiovisual recording,
2) minutes of meetings of the Council committees, including the Audit Committee and their audio record, or
3) mayor's orders,
4) conclusions and opinions of the Council's committees,
5) register of interpellations and conclusions of councilors,


   To sum up: We have an unequal position in access to the media and the podium, which is currently used for political struggle. For now, we can "compensate for false information" at this point. We still believe that the public should know the backstage of the Lublin Business Club Association competition, because participation in it involves expenses from the public budget. 
   We were interested in how an employee of the Lubartów City Hall finished the sentence:
Winner: The Municipality of the City of Lubartów predisposes to the title of Winner of the Program for the Promotion of Business Excellence Municipalities, because ...…

Why? Because we have a right to know. Law.

Bez grania na emocjach
nagrody Lubartów

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