Lubartów, October 2018
Half-truths, quarter-truths and glass beads

Scene I
During the session of the City Council, which took place on October 4, the Mayor of the City, Janusz Bodziacki, spoke about the visit of Prime Minister Mateusz Morawiecki to Lubartów.
He informed in his report: "The organizer of this meeting, as it was agreed, was the Mayor of the City and he coordinated all the events, the whole scenario, because that is the duty ."
(video from the Session at least 13:23)
Candidate for the City Mayor on behalf of the Civic Coalition, the current Councilor of the Council of Ministers Jakub Wróblewski asked: " At this meeting, PiS's candidates for the City Council, for the District Council were presented - I saw the broadcast and this transmission is recorded - (exchange of views with the Mayor) and even on television led by a PiS member, who is a councilor, I read that a meeting with the Prime Minister of Morawiecki, PiS in Lubartów inaugurated the election campaign. So in this connection, I would like to ask how you feel about involving the public funds of the city you manage in a political campaign. I would feel bad. Honestly, it is quite an uncomfortable situation and I am ashamed of having to intervene. If this is said at a meeting with the Prime Minister and only candidates from one electoral list are presented (because it was during one event, the same people were present). I believe that is not fair and is simply eligible for an electoral complaint . " (video from the Session at least 15:27)
Link to the video report from the Session of the City Council of Lubartów
One could stop there by closing the discussion about who had the right to what meeting or not, and so on.
But that's not all.
Because in the local newspaper - Lubartów Community (not to be confused with the Election Committee of the same name), we read that "the activists of the Lubartów PiS were rubbing their eyes with amazement when Mateusz Morawiecki, who came to their election convention, wanted to greet with bread ... Krzysztof Paśnik from the competing Joint Committee Lubartów ".
To read the entire text, please refer to the "Lubartów Community"
We hear opinions that supporting is one of the most beautiful stages in a musical career. What about politics?
Using musical terminology, we can use a comparison that in Lubartów local PiS activists headed by Mayor Janusz Bodziacki supported the performance of Prime Minister Morawiecki. Ba! In the words of another Candidate, they - all of us - financed the performance of the star of the election campaign.
In the official invitation we read that there will be a meeting with the Prime Minister and not a word of mention that it is a meeting as part of the Law and Justice election campaign. It cannot be accepted that while waiting for the star of the evening, the PiS candidates were beautifully dressed and in a compact formation to make the residents' time until the Prime Minister's arrival more pleasant by presenting their own candidacies. Why? Because during his speech, the Prime Minister encouraged to vote for local PiS activists and candidates for the self-government. One can say: "and then the matter was solved."
What do the election committees say? Will there be any protest or are we left with expressing disgust?
Scene II
But what is it all about?
All in all, the residents do not watch the session of the City Council in some overwhelming majority.
Hence, probably few people heard that the organizer of the event was - as he himself stated - the Mayor of the City. In turn, PiS activists claim that it was a PiS election convention. Have they not been informed or how? Hard to say.
How it was? "Do not let the left hand know what the right hand is doing"
Unfortunately, the same is true of all kinds of term reporting, statements, information and so on. If in another newspaper, not published indirectly by the local government at all, you read, Dear voters, about investments already made, or those in long-term plans, there is probably little chance that you will read there about the possible need to take out loans for this in the future, or the amount commitments already made.
What are we condemning ourselves to? For hearing loss and visual impairment.
Listening with just one ear, as you can see, forces us to listen to half-truths, quarter truths, or to accept that we only deserve glass beads.
There are elections every four years, and now there will be elections every five years. Let us acknowledge that if dear voters do not make an effort to find the truth in the messages of politicians, politicians do not have to make any diligence in order for this message to be complete or simply - true.
They respect us as much as we respect ourselves.
Politicians want to convince voters. It is so obvious that it is a shame to write.