Maciej Polak is a candidate for a councilor from the Joint Lubartów Electoral Committee of Voters. How can residents associate this surname? From a law firm, the "Czas na praw" program in Channel S, or participation in various public debates on local matters.
Why am I the best candidate? What distinguishes me?
I will not say "the best" about myself, I will not even say "good". Only voters can issue such a review.
What distinguishes me? Every day I talk to people, solve problems, make decisions and I am not afraid to express my views. I think for myself, but I appreciate the opinion of experts. I am listening, even if I do not agree. I am saying to convince, not to offend. I may have a different view, but I respect yours.
2. What is my professional position?
I am an attorney. One can add "young" - because this is how people in their thirties are defined in this profession.
3. I understand exactly what public funds are. And that's why we have to take care of them. And your voters I will explain it as follows:
I don't like the phrase "public funds". These are our - mine, Lady, Lord - "collective resources".
Together, we collect them in order to carry out tasks that no one will do on their own. The implementation of these tasks should result in specific benefits for the local community.
It is in our interest that these funds are spent rationally.
To put it simply, the budget of the local community is no different from our home finances: it is limited, and some expenses cannot be abandoned. We allocate others to the needs of which we have many - but we consider some to be more important than others. I propose a simple test: do you want to use your own money to pay for the neighbour's garbage collection?
4. I have been interested in local government for a long time. I spoke on important social issues.
On a daily basis, a wide spectrum of views is presented by the city councilors, including - happily - also those whom I trusted myself. However, there are situations in which it is impossible not to have your own opinion in which to express them.
I remember old discussions about the garbage sorting plant at ul. Lipowa and Gazowa. I remember my question to an expert. Simple in its message, it boiled down to how many such establishments work correctly, according to procedures? Less than half. Other: what will happen if the plant is established and the individual complaint will imply an obligation to suspend its operation? No answer ... The passage of time has shown that we - the Inhabitants - were right then. Unfortunately, today these problems become relevant again, but it will still be time to write about them.
I remember the prosthesis of the debate that took place around the eastern ring road of Lubartów. For some time I was not interested in this issue at all, until the mechanism of exercising power caught my attention. The information ferment, which was imperceptible at first glance, prompted me to ask some uncomfortable questions. I could later with with conviction to blame the authority - and no one has even suggested that I was missing it true...
I also spoke about the plan to liquidate "kindergartens" in the Municipal Kindergarten No. 4, paying attention to non-legal activities.
Recently, I have noticed the problem of conflicts between residents and potential tenants of flats under the "Mieszkanie +" program. At the moment of filling in the questionnaire, the problem related to it remains valid.
5. I can explain what local law is and what I will do if I am elected.
It is best to start this issue with an indication of what I will definitely not be dealing with.
I will not build a power plant in Wieprz, I will not "set" tenders for specific entrepreneurs. These are not the tasks of the City Council. I do not promise to improve the quality of health care - although a broad discussion about the hospital in Lubartów seems necessary and rational, in the interest of all of us.
The tasks of local authorities are divided into 2 categories: commissioned and own tasks.
There is not much to say about commissioned tasks - regardless of the arrangement, you will always receive an ID card or copies of marital status records.
Matters with the scope of own tasks. What spatial development plan will we adopt, what will the municipal budget be? Our functioning in this urban tissue depends on the answers to these questions: will there be enough funds to clean the city, will we build a new road, will the streets be cleared of snow, will the city open its space for new investors, for the construction of new housing estates, or will it allocate funds for road repairs? ? I see the sense and essence of local government activity in my pursuit of constantly obtaining reasonable answers to these questions. It must be activities for the benefit of the community and with the participation of its members, and not activities aimed at achieving the explicit or hidden goals of a narrow group, as I judge by myself of those situations in which I spoke out in public ...
What would you like to change in Lubartów?
I would like to use the potential of this city. Although in the form of a joke it is said that "in Lubartów the best thing is that you can avoid it", the residents appreciate Lubartów. This is evidenced by the facts: the number of people is increasing, newly built flats are sold at the stage of construction, single-family houses are being built. I want to support these processes. Undeveloped areas need new roads and infrastructure, and the entire city needs efficient management: cleaning, snow removal, street repairs - small, ongoing activities that affect the quality of life.
I see the need for city authorities to actively participate in programs that are not only local in nature. If there is a chance to co-finance thermal modernization and replacement of old furnaces, it should be informed, encouraged, and possibly assisted in submitting appropriate applications.
I would also like us to engage in a serious discussion about borders of Lubartów. Isn't it time to include some of the neighboring communes in Lubartów?