Lubartów, September 2020
Complaint against a local government employee
We publish the content of the complaint that we have lodged against one of the employees of the City Hall of Lubartów - the Head Artur Kuśmierzak's Department of Promotion, Culture, Sport and Social Communication.
Residents may also associate him with the election lists of the current Mayor's committee, from which he ran for a councilor.
We have already dealt with attempts to depreciate our actions, downplaying achievements and attacks from the rostrum during the sessions of the City Council. In many cases, this has not met with any reaction on our part, because participation in politics, including local politics, or the reluctance of basically every authority to social control, makes us be prepared for various actions.
This time we do not leave the matter unanswered, because the matter concerns a person who is an employee of the office. Which is the person who which de facto serves as an auxiliary to the self-government community of which the inhabitants of Lubartów are members. And due to her function - responsible for social communication, promotion and cooperation with non-governmental organizations. How many more "collaborates" in this way?
The tasks of the Department of Promotion, Culture, Sport and Social Communication, headed by Head Artur Kuśmierzak, include:
1. With regard to the promotion of the City, social communication and international cooperation:
undertaking activities to support and disseminate the idea of self-government among the city's inhabitants;
preparation and publication of information and promotion materials about the City;
taking care of the current, proper and reliable flow of information on the activities of the local government between the Office and the city's residents and cooperation in this respect with the city's cells and organizational units;
planning and coordination of activities related to the implementation of the City's promotion and ongoing cooperation with the Lubartów Cultural Center in order to jointly implement these tasks;
taking initiatives and participating in projects aimed at building the image of the City through participation in fairs, presentations and other promotional events;
cooperation with government and self-government administration bodies, associations and organizations, as well as social and cultural institutions in order to undertake joint promotional activities;
implementation of tasks in the field of creating new promotional products and conducting the distribution of promotional materials and gadgets;
cooperation in the editing of the City's websites as well as the development and publication of information and promotion materials for residents;
development and implementation of international cooperation programs, including:
a) organizing stays of foreign delegations and organizing trips of delegations of City authorities to partner cities;
b) translation of foreign correspondence (i.e. letters, invitations, acknowledgments and thematic studies) being the substantive scope of the Bureau;
c) maintaining and developing contacts with twin towns and other entities from abroad.cooperation with organizations and associations of which the City is a member or with which it undertakes joint initiatives;
undertaking activities related to the acquisition of extra-budgetary financial resources by the City for the implementation of non-investment projects in the field of international cooperation and cooperation in this respect with the Department of Strategy, Development and External Funds;
implementation of tasks in the field of social communication, including those related to conducting public consultations and press conferences of the Mayor of the City;
updating the content of websites run by the City in cooperation with the IT Office;
cooperation and coordination of the City's tasks carried out as part of the local initiative;
participating in the implementation of tasks related to the conduct of public consultations on the Civic Budget and the elections to the Council of Seniors and cooperation in this regard with the Administration and Organizational Department;
cooperation with organizational units of the Office and organizational units of the City in the implementation of all forms of promotion.
2. In terms of culture and sport:
coordinating cultural tasks carried out by municipal cultural institutions;
creating and initiating cultural ventures;
developing projects and plans for the development of education and culture in the city;
cooperation with institutions, associations and individual creators in the field of cultural activities;
keeping a register of local government cultural institutions;
coordinating tasks related to the organization of patriotic celebrations in the city, including state celebrations and anniversaries;
developing a calendar of cultural and sports events in the city in cooperation with local government cultural institutions, the Municipal Sports and Recreation Center and organizations operating in this field;
coordination of work related to making entries in the Book of Remembrance and Obligation;
preparation of the competition procedure for the position of the director of local government cultural institutions and the director of the Municipal Sports and Recreation Center;
managing personnel matters for the directors of cultural institutions and the Municipal Sports and Recreation Center;
organizing cooperation in the field of promoting physical culture and sport in cooperation with the Municipal Sports and Recreation Center and providing assistance to sports organizations and clubs;
coordinating the activities of the Municipal Sports and Recreation Center and supervising the correct use of the sports base;
handling cases related to the awarding of prizes and scholarships of the Mayor of the City;
designing tasks in the field of culture, physical culture and sport for the program of cooperation with non-governmental organizations;
3. With regard to the cooperation of the City with non-governmental organizations:
organizing and coordinating the cooperation of the City with non-governmental organizations and other entities conducting public benefit activities;
cooperation with organizational units of the Office and organizational units of the city in the field of cooperation with non-governmental organizations, in particular in the field of commissioning the City's own tasks and granting subsidies for their implementation;
annual development and implementation of the City's Cooperation Program with non-governmental organizations and entities specified in Art. 3 sec. 3 of the Act on Public Benefit and Volunteer Work;
preparing and conducting open tenders for the implementation of public tasks;
preparation of draft contracts for the implementation of commissioned public tasks;
analysis of reports submitted by non-governmental organizations on the implementation of public tasks;
performing tasks in the field of controlling the correct use of the public funds allocated to the implementation of the City's tasks;
maintaining and updating a database of non-governmental organizations operating in the City, including those carrying out public tasks from the City budget;
organizing meetings regarding the cooperation of the City with non-governmental organizations and entities specified in the Act on Public Benefit and Volunteer Work;
preparation of a draft report on the implementation of the annual program of cooperation between the City and non-governmental organizations;
supervising the execution of commissioned tasks of the City, taking into account the correct implementation of contracts concluded with non-governmental organizations, including the performance of activities related to the approval of reports;
organizing cooperation with non-governmental organizations of a non-financial nature;
promoting the activities of non-governmental organizations, volunteers, civic activity and social dialogue in the City;
handling cases in the field of expressing consent to the use of city symbols by external entities;
carrying out tasks related to the Mayor's participation in patronage and honorary committees;
cooperation with institutions and non-governmental organizations focused on the development of the City;
monitoring public tasks entrusted for implementation to entities and non-governmental organizations referred to in the Act on Public Benefit and Volunteer Work.
Yes, the Governor carries out his tasks. This is our reaction.