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Lubartów, October 2020

Income, investments, subsidies from the EU

The magazine of the local government, "Wspólnota", once again publishes its rankings.

Ranking of local government units' revenues per capita in 2019 (affluence)

The authors note that the revenues from targeted subsidies have been ignored. Especially in the period of intensive use of EU funds, subsidies have a temporary but strong impact on the amount of income. The impact of a large investment subsidy can raise the local government very high in the ranking. However, this is a temporary (incidental) promotion and not related to the permanent increase in the wealth of the budget. Therefore, it seems that taking into account only one's own income and received subsidies better reflects the slogan of our ranking ("affluence") . Income was also adjusted for the so-called janosikowe and the effects of reducing rates, discounts and  layoffs in  local taxes.

At first glance, the situation is fine. For the second - not necessarily. The increase in income is influenced by entrusting the operation of social programs (e.g. 500+). There is also a decline in the operating surplus in most local government units (difference  current income and expenditure) and the growing number of local governments with an operating deficit. Labor costs are also rising and - as we have already written - the costs of performing educational tasks, which are growing faster than the amount of the educational subsidy, so local governments have to cover the difference from their own resources.

In 2019, the Lubartów poviat ranks 230 out of 314 with an income of PLN 754.56 . The highest ranking was the Człuchów County - PLN 1,550.76, the lowest - Łomża - PLN 445.55.

Among poviat towns, Lubartów took 153 place out of 267 with the amount of PLN 3,168.99. The first place is taken by Polkowice - PLN 7,072.59. The last (267) of Kazimierz Wielki - 2,585.73 zlotys.

Lubartów commune with a place of 1488 - 2737.13 zlotys. The highest classified among the rural communes of Kleszczów PLN 37,679.45, the lowest on the 1,537 position of Sara Brus - PLN 2,361.66. 

Ranking zamożności - Powiat Lubartowski
Ranking zamożności - miasto Lubartów
Ranking zamożności - gmina Lubartów

Leaders of local government investments

The entire capital expenditure incurred in the last three years (in this case 2017-2019) is taken into account.

As the authors write: In this way, we want to avoid large, temporary fluctuations in the index which is the basis of the ranking. Investment expenditures, especially in smaller entities, are characterized by a significant cyclical nature. In individual years, they can be very high, which is related to the implementation of an important investment, and then periodically dropping to a much lower level .

This, unfortunately, also means that we cannot compare the year to the year. What can actually be assumed is a reduction in these expenses in 2020. This will undoubtedly be affected by the pandemic.

As for the structure of expenses, little has changed. Transport in the first place, which in  the scale of property expenditure at all levels of local government was consumed in  2019 as much as 45 percent all means. Municipal economy is in second place - 13 percent, a  counting from  the expenses of Fr.  a very similar character that we can find in  other places in the budget classification - even more than 17 percent. If we were to add to this the investments of municipal companies, e.g. in  waterworks and  sewage system and in  waste management, even more would come out. Investments in  education (approx. 8.5% of all property expenses).

Noteworthy is the increase in expenses related to  protection of air quality and  climate protection and targeted subsidies from national sources for the construction of local roads.

The list of counties includes 314 units. The Leszno poviat occupying the first place in the ranking records the average investment expenditure per capita in 2017–2019 (in PLN) - 658.81. The Górowski Poviat, taking the last place - PLN 33.40. Lubartów poviat - PLN 249.10 in 79th place.

The ranking of poviat cities includes 267 units. Similarly to the poviats: Polkowice, classified in 1st place - PLN 2,363.08, Sejny - PLN 181.69. Lubartów on the spot 128 - PLN 687.17 . Higher than before, when he was ranked 179th.

Rural communes are ranked in 1,537 units. Expenses in the richest commune of Kleszczów - PLN 14,659.54. The worst in Łaniewo - PLN 61.41. Lubartów commune in 72nd place - PLN 1,666.90 .

Ranking inwestycji - Powiat Lubartowski
Ranking inwestycji - miasto Lubartów
Ranking inwestycji - gmina Lubartów

Expenditure from EU funds

As for the methodology: the value of all EU subsidies obtained by local governments in  2014–2019, without distinguishing between investment grants and  connected with  current expenses. The result is given in  per capita. IN  in the case of cities with poviat rights, information on  subsidies obtained directly by municipal companies (this information comes from  questionnaires sent out by the "Community" when preparing the ranking of investment expenditure ).

As the authors write: Among voivodeship cities, regional capitals z  Of Eastern Poland occupy the first four positions in the ranking. The leaders of the rankings in  categories: cities with poviat rights and poviat cities. Another example of this phenomenon is the Podlaskie voivodeship, which is the first among voivodeship self-governments, and 4 out of the first 5 poviats in eastern Poland in  ranking .

Here, too, we do not have a breakdown by year.

The Lubartów poviat took 140th place among 314 with the expenditure of PLN 277.77 per capita in the years 2014 - 2019.

The first place is occupied by the Przasnysz poviat - PLN 1,893.30, the last - Sochaczewski with expenses of PLN 14.74.

County cities: Lubartów takes 30th place with the amount of PLN 1,448.53 (out of 267 seats). The first in the ranking was Biłgoraj - PLN 2,840.14, the last Koło - PLN 42.18.

Lubartów commune - place 232 with the amount of PLN 1,903.07 (out of 1,538 places). The first in the ranking Ożarowice - PLN 7017.95, the last one - Mieścisko - PLN 0.  

Ranking środki UE - Powiat Lubartowski
Ranking środki UE - miasto Lubartów
Ranking środki UE - gmina Lubartów

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