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Lubartów, September 2020

New power - old problem

New power - constant problem, new power - old nursery and so on ...

At the turn of June and July, a group of residents of Lubartów supported Oliwia Kuśmierzak's petition to the County Building Supervision Inspectorate in Lubartów. The petition concerned a problem with the old nursery. Original spelling.


The petition was distributed via the website: It was supported by 324 internet users and on July 3 it was addressed to the addressee. We provide information on how to handle the petition.

Odpowiedź na petycję w sprawie rozbiórki starego żłobka

What's next for the old nursery? During the campaign informing about the possibility of signing, the voice on Facebook was taken by the former mayor of Lubartów, Jerzy Zwoliński. We refer our readers to search for the movie and read the discussion under the post.

Jerzy Zwoliński na facebooku

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